Open Dummies Everywhere

Beau Chamberlin

deaf • muggle teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Redwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Beau Chamberlin thought that he could try to get a little ahead of his spells, since it would take him longer than others to get the pronunciation correctly. The Ravenclaw looked around to see that there were dummies everywhere in the room, to practice on. Beau didn't know if he wanted to use it on those things, nor people obviously. Beau placed his bag down and sat down on the stone floor. Beau took out his wand and waved it around. He smiled to himself, and thought over what spell. Perhaps lumos. Beau only had that work half the time. Beau closed his eyes and focused on the spell. He had to remember how to say the word, correctly. How it felt, what part of the word that needed more strength. Beau finally spoke, "Lumos!" He opened his eyes to see that his wand had a tiny light on it. Not nearly as strong as he wanted it to be. Right, now Nox. That one was easy. "Nox." The light went out with ease. He opened his book and saw that there was a spell he could work on. The Bluebell flame spell. That one looked like fun, but it looked really advanced for a first year. It was still in his book though. Beau smiled to himself, and worked on the words while his wand was on the book.
@Leia Hume
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Leia wasn’t much of an explorer, but in a new school, she thought it would be a good idea to know where things were. It was why she had been specifically going around the dungeon areas, it was a part of the school that she would need to know well, given that it was where she’d spend a lot of her time. The slytherin walked into what she was sure was the duelling room, and was actually quite surprised by the fact there was someone in the room. A boy definitely her age who appeared to be practicing magic. Though he wasn’t practicing any with any of the odd looking dummies that were clearly for the duelling part of what this room was used for. She watched for a moment just standing by the door, wondering in part why the boy hadn’t reacted to her at all, the door had not been quiet. She watched him and then noted that he was doing the simple spells. It was a good thing Leia had her wand with her and actually really wanted to get better at casting magic, so she walked over to him until she stood right in front of him, and cleared her throat, ”Can we practice together?” she said, speaking quickly and abruptly, she felt a little nervous about asking, what if he wanted to alone, but she wanted to learn more magic, more spells and better spells meant she was doing better.
Beau felt the vibrations under his bottom when someone approached him. At least this time, he looked up to see a girl, and he narrowed his eyes to read what she was saying. Practicing together? He would love the extra help! Beau put his wand down so that he could speak, with his hands moving at the same time. "I could always use the extra help! Pronouncing words can be a little hard for me." Beau really hoped that she would not mind that little bit about him. This was why he could not wait until he could master nonverbal magic. He would never speak a spell again. "My name is Beau Chamberlin, and I am a Ravenclaw." The Ravenclaw introduced himself. "But, if you tell me your name, can you spell it so that I can understand?"
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Leia watched the boy, eager to know if he’d let her join his practice or not. She cocked her head a little as he replied, speaking both with his voice and with his hands. Saying that he had problems with pronouncing certain things. Leia was a bit confused by both the statement and the fact he’d used his hands while speaking, there had been a pattern to it, it wasn’t like she’d seen others do, people who spoke with their hands normally, no, this wasn’t like that at all. ”I can help you with the pronunciation, I’m pretty good at it,” she told him but there was the slightest hesitation in her voice, clearly she was trying to figure something out. The boy introduced himself as Beau, Beau the ravenclaw. He then, upon asking for her name to spell it out for him, so he would get it. Leia frowned deeply, and she didn’t say anything for a moment, before bending down and sitting upon her knees. ”It’s Leia, L-E-I-A,” she said, spelling it out slowly so that he would be sure to get it, ”Like from Star Wars,” she added, but she’d found that not all magical people knew what it was. ”Are you deaf or something?” she then asked, rather bluntly, it was the only thing she could think of, the odd gestures, spelling out her name for him, the difficulty with spells probably was because having no ability to hear them, she was guessing.
Beau smiled as he read that she could help with his pronunciation. This Slytherin was definitely nice, since she was offering him help to begin with. He smiled to her, as a thank you. She sat down on her knees, and she spelled out her name. L..E..I..A. Leia. It was like his cousin, Leila, but without the L. He would have to remember to keep his tongue down on the second part. Then, she mentioned that it was Star Wars. He cocked his head to the side, since he did not know what that was. Then she asked if he was deaf or something, which made him chuckle. He decided to mess around, "Nope! I'm blind as a bat." Beau smiled, laughter showing in his eyes. After a moment, he decided to clear it up. "Yes, I am deaf. My dad, the Divination professor for older students, is also deaf. Like him, I kind of need the extra help with homework without essays."
Leia felt herself blush lightly as he joked, how was she supposed to know. She didn’t know him, and she’d never met a deaf person before, so how was she to know. She looked a little apologetically but did not actually apologise to him. Instead she just listened as he told her that his father, a professor, was also deaf, and that he needed extra help on his homework. She couldn’t help but think it would be good for her to be his friend, and to help him. His father was a professor he’d see her helping him, and Styx would surely hear about it too. She did however, wonder why the school didn’t have more provisions in place to help him. ”Have the school not given you extra help, or given you someone to help you?” she knew at her last school, that someone who was blind got additional help whenever they needed it. ”I can help you with the stuff if you want,” she offered, not bothering to wait for him to say whether or not he had any other help from the school. She wasn’t sure she’d be the best at it, but she couldn’t really be faulted for trying. She couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to figure out if you were saying it correctly if you couldn’t actually hear any of it. ”I always got really good marks in english, so I’d be useful to you,” she knew that they wouldn’t have all of their classes together not until third, but she’d read what she needed to to help.
Beau thought about why the school did not give him extra help. It was likely because of his pride. Beau felt like he did not need it, for the most part. It would just take him a little while longer to pronounce spells than other people. Anything nonverbal, it should be easy for him. But verbal spells took a little longer. But, she offered before he could really answer the question. Beau shook his head, "My dad didn't need help. The only thing I would need help with would be comparing notes, since I can't always write notes while reading lips. That's pretty much it! Also, with pronouncing spells sometimes." Beau shrugged his shoulders, and rested his hands on his lap. "Anyway, I do have some friends in other houses, but the one I didn't have one in, was Slytherin. I guess that means you!" Beau smiled, excitedly. She mentioned how she got good marks in English. Beau nodded, replying with a silly grin, "I got pretty good grades in Reading too. I went to an elementary school for the deaf in the United States while my dad taught here, and my mom lived there. They are divorced, which I realize that you might not care about my life story..." Beau placed his hands down and glanced at his wand for a moment, before looking back at Leia.
Leia frowned at him, just because his dad hadn’t needed help didn’t mean it was bad to ask for help, especially if it should already be provided. The slytherin just pushed that frustration at the school away and focused instead on what Beau said he needed, what help he would be requiring in any of the classes. She thought it was a little rude of the ravenclaws to be so unwilling to provide it, but if he needed it, and she was sure it would help her, then she was more than willing to do it. ”Okay, just sit with me in class!” she told him with a little smile. She would need to take good notes now, not just for herself but also for him. She could do that. She listened as he told her more about himself than she had figured he probably would. Giving her the information that his parents weren’t together anymore. She felt a little awkward about it, since she didn’t really have any words that could provide him any comfort. There wasn’t much she could say to him that would be much of a comfort. ”I care,” was all she said, even if she didn’t particularly care that much. She didn’t really know him so that was definitely the problem there. ”we can just practice some magic and learn about each other? It’s important if I’m to help you that we trust each other?” she wasn’t sure what she was saying made much sense, but she said it anyway. ”I have two siblings, a brother and a sister, I also kind of have an honorary sister, it’s this girl that my brother spends time with, not his girlfriend, but she’s family too,” Leia told him about herself to somewhat even out all the information that he had said to her.
Great! Beau had a Slytherin friend to help him out during his classes with the Slytherin House. He could hardly believe that he had a person for each house, at the very least, but Beau would never complain about how lucky he was. “Great! I think we have Astronomy this semester together, but I don’t know about next semester...” Beau faded off, while pondering it. Well, it didn’t matter since he would sit next to Leia anyway during that one. He read her lips about. Her family, somewhat envious of how she had siblings, and even one that was like family. “That is pretty cool! Though, I saw you mention Star Wars before. What is that?” Beau actually had no clue, even though he was partly raised in the muggle world. He never got into the movies or shows.
Leia shook her head, ”doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll have a seat saved next to me,” the girl told him, since to her, it really didn’t matter, she would just ensure that her notes were pretty good, that he would be able to follow them and at least in some of her classes, she couldn’t be accused of trying too hard, because she was helping someone else. That was pretty huge, that was a good thing to be doing. She smiled a little as he asked about what Star Wars was, and she let out a little laugh, ”it’s a series of muggle films, you know moving pictures and that, my parents are obsessed with them, so me and my siblings are named after characters from it. There’s me, Leia, my sister Padme and my brother Vader. Vader hates his name, but he’s named after the big bad character so that’s probably why.” Leia told Beau, though even in saying what their names were probably wouldn’t help him know what they were any more than before. She spoke a little on the faster side, especially as she just said more and more, forgetting easily that Beau maybe wouldn’t keep up all that well with her. ”They’re really dumb films,” she added.
Beau appreciated Leia a lot now. She would be an excellent friend! He would have to do something for her. "I need to do something for you too! Otherwise, I don't want to take advantage of you, you know?" Beau did not want to do that at all. But if Leia was already good on helping him, then maybe he can help her with some stuff, if needed. Beau did not know what she would need help with though. He did not know what he was good at though. Leia explained what the muggle films are for, and how they were named. And her older brother was named after the villain. That was terrible! "I will take your word for it. It is pretty cool that your parents were passionate about it, so much to name you guys after people. If my dad did that, I would probably be named Crystal Ball or Tarot." Beau chuckled a little bit, since that was a throwback to his dad and his love for Divination.
Leia shrugged, ”You can just be my friend, that wouldn’t be taking advantage of me, if we’re friends then I get something too,” she told him, she didn’t need anything, she wasn’t sure what the boy would provide but he was someone she could be friends with, ”Unless you have some way of helping me impress professor Styx, i’ll happily just be friends,” which she would be fine with, she would happily just be his friend, happily just enjoy his company as friends and help him out whenever he needed to. She figured that he’d never seen them, and therefore had no basis for what she was saying. But he seemed to think it wasn’t the worst, she had also thought that, knowing her siblings didn’t but she’d got the least obvious name so of course she felt the least bad about the use of it. She smiled when he said what his father would’ve called him had he been as obsessed with things as her parents were. ”Tarot would be a funny name,” she said with a shrug, and a little smile, ”Shall we do some practicing then Tarot?” she half giggled as she called him that, she wouldn’t do it if he asked her to stop but it was a little funny nickname for him to her.
Beau felt a bit more reassured by her words. He really did not want to do that to anyone, even though he was the one that was a little more dependent on help than others. It wasn't fair to him, but if they insisted, then Beau would just have to believe them. Beau chuckled as she requested if he had any way to impress Professor Styx. "I think just leaving the school would impress him," Beau signed and spoke. "Even my dad had him as a professor. And he is still as grumpy as ever." Beau really did not know what could impress him. If anything could anyway. Beau smiled and chuckled when she said that Tarot would be a funny name, and then asked if they should do some practicing, after calling him that. "Of course, and you are the only one allowed to call me Tarot, okay?" Beau didn't have a funny name for her, but figured that would be okay. He stood up and offered his hand to help her on her feet. "So, let's get some practice in!" Beau got out his wand and got it ready, to practice with his newfound Slytherin friend.


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