Dueling Match #5

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Current Points: 70

Killy was waiting. He was almost out of tricks and he didn't even know how far Rosie could still go. He had always been taught to be offensive, but right now defense seemed to be the best offense for him, "Protego!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 65

Current Points: 60</COLOR>

Rosie was frustrated now. He wasn't even dueling, he was just protected himself like a scared little girl! <COLOR color="mediumblue">"If I wanted to fight a little girl I would have challenged one of the younger years." Rosie crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow. "Are you all done or are we actually going to duel?" Rosie was generally a sweet person, but she felt like he wasn't even really into the duel and if it was one thing Rosie was, it was competitive.
Action(s) Taken: N/A
Point Changes: 0
Points Remaining: 60

Current Points: 65

Killy grinned, well getting his opponent frustrated and riled up could also prove to be fun. He raised an eyebrow as well and looked over to Rosie amused. "Done doing what? I thought we've been duelling ages ago," he said whilst twirling his wand nonchalantly though keeping his focus on the Ravenclaw. Who knows? She might suddenly cast a spell.
Action(s) Taken: N/A
Point Changes: 0
Points Remaining: 65

Current Points: 60</COLOR>

<COLOR color="mediumblue">"Really? Because this feels more like target practice because you're not even doing anything!" Rosie was about to quit the duel and walk off because this boy was getting on her nerves. She would rather walk away with dignity than waste her energy on this. In fact, Rosie could bet her entire life on him using nothing but protego once more and then doing nothing else. "Stupefy!"
Action(s) Taken: Shot spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 55

Current Points: 65

Killy just chuckled at Rosie's words. Target practice? Really? Was that the best she could do? "Well, either I suck at being the target or you suck at being the shooter because you're not even hitting your mark," the former assassin smirked and was quite thankful that his attention was focused on her, otherwise he might have gotten hit by that spell she threw. "Protego," he cast with ease and continued to watch over his opponent.
Action(s) Taken: Defensive Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 60


Current Points: 55</COLOR>

No wonder she had never really taken the chance to interact with this boy, aside from the fact that he was never around in classes, he was kind of annoying. Rosie tried to see the best in everyone, but she just couldn't do it with this one. <COLOR color="mediumblue">"Yeah because you're doing nothing but hiding behind defensive spells." Rosie threw back as she rubbed her fingers against the end of her wand. Were all duels supposed to be this boring? "Confrigo!" Rosie aimed more towards the boys feet and legs hoping to startle him, because even with him being as annoying as he was, she woudn't bring herself to actually attempt to blow up another student. He'd probably just protego that too, since that was all he was good at doing.
Action(s) Taken: Shot spell
Point Changes: - 5
Points Remaining: 50

Current Points: 60

Killy was just grinning and smiling at the Ravenclaw in front of him. "Okay, let's do this. I'll shoot Expelliarmus only if you promise not to dodge or cast defensive spells," he said with a quiet shrug as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Then it'll be fun for you and me. You made me cast an offensive spell and I win the duel. Win-win situation," he said with a chuckle before the Ravenclaw had out of nowhere cast that blasting spell. Merlin, how he hated that spell! With a firmness in his voice and a vice-like grip on his wand he had cast protego once more and manage to protect himself from the blast though he was pushed back at inch or two from his original place.
Action(s) Taken: Defensive spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 55

Current Points: 50</COLOR>

Rosie rolled her chocolate brown eyes. <COLOR color="mediumblue">"I've got a better idea. Professor Styx, I quit! This point cannot duel! He's doing nothing but casting protective spells so I'm really doing nothing but spell practice here! I just quit." Rosie was done. This duel wasn't fun because she really wasn't doing anything but shooting spells. It was like Defense Against the Dark Arts when they practiced hitting the dummies with spells. It was just like that. Rosie was competitive, but she knew she had a billion things she'd rather waste her time on than this guy. Rolling her eyes once more she exited the dueling arena.
Action(s) Taken: N/A
Point Changes: 0
Points Remaining: 50

Needless to say, Professor Styx was surprised when his star pupil decided to quit. The one that she was facing against was surprising. He didn't have the shining grades, so all these didn't seem possible. Oh well. He went up to the stage and announced, "Since Rosie Reilly forfeits the match, Killua Freecss wins."
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