Dudes, srsly. No srsly. Daisy needs plots.

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Daisy Harrison

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut, 14 ¼", Star Dust.
Helloo everyone! This is Daisy. She was an old character of mine from last year, but I abandoned her because she wasn't very interesting the first time around. However, I recently got inspired to bring her back again, but with a total revamp. That means, whatever you might have read about this character, any RPs including her or her old character development/biography, PLEASE DISREGARD THEM. When I say total revamp, I mean I'm completely rewritten her, and any old information doesn't apply whatsoever. So yeah. :D With that formality out of the way, let's got on with it..

Here's her personality, copy/pasted from her new character development for you to have a read over..

Daisy is a dreamer. She has a huge imagination, and can think up the most impossible of things. She's a visionary and an idealist that thinks outside of the box, and can see things that other people don't. Not literally, but she has a good eye. Daisy can see the beautiful in the ugly, and knows how to capture that visually. You see, she's an aspiring photographer, and is rarely seen without a camera strung around her neck. She takes photos of everything and everyone, and also loves to paint. She doesn't think of herself as an artist, but would love to one day say that she is. Because her mind is often elsewhere, and she's definitely not the smartest girl around, Daisy can be very irresponsible. Family is something that is extremely important to her, so she is very loyal and protective of them. They bring out her motherly, responsible side. It's really only when it comes to looking after herself that she seems to lack common sense, almost self-destructively. Daisy is quite mischievous, and will often break the rules just for a laugh. However, she means well, and would never want to get those around her into trouble or harm's way. Occasionally she has, but has always been either very apologetic or oblivious to this. She's always up for a fun time, and doesn't take life too seriously. Daisy smiles and laughs a lot, with a laugh that is very infectious.
She can be quite headstrong and blunt, but not usually to the point of rudeness. For example, if she thinks someone is stuck up, she'll tell them. Usually in a joking tone, so as not to offend them too badly. When it comes to things she's passionate about, Daisy will have a strong, stubborn opinion. This isn't because of a big ego, but more so because she just has so many ideas, and wants to put them all into action. When dedicated she's a perfectionist, but if she doesn't care for the cause, it will be difficult to motivate her. Daisy has a subtle wit, so subtle that most people don't get her jokes, instead calling her a bimbo or odd. At the end of the day she just wants those around her to be happy, so she sometimes puts up with dumb blonde comments instead of bothering to stand up for herself. Her camera acts as somewhat of a shield, and Daisy feels safer with it between her and those that try to hurt or bring her down. She's never really had a best friend, and subconsciously puts up a wall or barrier between people. Because not many people really get to know her too well, she remains somewhat of a mystery. Daisy is quite sensitive, so she distracts herself from sad thoughts by doing stupid things. That explains the irresponsibilty to some degree. For the most part, Daisy is happy and confident in her own skin, so only when she really thinks about and dissects things does she let them sadden her.
While she does believe in caring for family and friends, she is convinced that there is no such thing as romantic love. Daisy doesn't recall ever having had a crush on anyone, and has never had a boyfriend. She can be quite flirtly, which isn't intentional, and just a part of her personality. So while she does like having fun, and boys have asked her out plenty of times, Daisy has always either rejected them or accepted casually. Daisy used to be fairly religious, and would always say her prayers and thank the Lord for the good things in her life. However, after the death of her mother, she lost her faith quite a bit, wondering why God would take such a kind, loving woman. She still says grace at the dinnertable and goes to church with her family, but does so halfheartedly.
You can read the rest here, if you'd like more information. Or PM me, post there, whatever. :D
So.. yep. That's daisy. Here's what she needs:

Fraaaans. Daisy should have quite a few of these. Back home they're (Daisy and her Muggle friends) all one big family, and always hang out in a big group. Because of this lack of one-on-one..ness, Daisy's not particularly close with any of them, and has never had a best friend. She also tends to put up a wall between herself and others so as not to show her vunerablity, so that pushes people away if they try to get to know her more deeply. At Hogwarts I'd like things to be a little different. I'd really like Daisy to have at least one or two people that was similar to her, and would be patient and persistant enough to keep trying to be her friend while she slowly lets her guard down. After she begins to trust and learn about this person/these people, then they'd be really close. Daisy is extremely loyal and protective of her friends, but doesn't know how to look after herself. She's quite irresponsible and rebellious at times, so she needs a friend that look out for her as she will for them. Also, Daisy needs lots of acquaintances and casual friends like I mentioned before. So yeah, lots of friends please. :lol:

I'm certain that Daisy will have people that dislike her. Even though she is confident and warm towards most people, she can also be rather blunt. So if you piss her off, she was most certainly say "mate, you are pissing me off". Daisy'll mean it to be taken as joke, but I can see how some people might be insulted by her forthrightness. So yeah, I don't have any specific plots thought out for enemies, but Daisy might have one or two. She'll probably just ignore them if they're rude, or casually tell them to STFU. :lol:

Okay, so even though Daisy is a dreamer for the most part, she believes that love as we know it (romantically between two people like in the movies) is just a myth. She's never had a crush, and even though she has a flirty personality, she's never had a boyfriend. Daisy has always rejected any boy that has asked her out, and rather harshly too (by saying something like "nope. Love is a lie. Kbai" instead of letting them down easy xD ). I think it would be really cute if she made friends with a guy that was a total hopeless romantic, who tried to show her that even though love may not be like the movies, it can still exist and be a wonderful thing. The two of them might not even develop crushes on each other! They could just be close friends if you like, but I suppose if the two characters had enough chemistry then we could plot something interesting between them. So yeah, they could either be friends only, or maybe while the guy tries to convince Daisy that love exists she actually falls for him, but she continues to be stubborn and pretend that she's uninterested in it all. Either direction could be fun to RP, methinks. ^_^

I don't have any other ideas off the top of my head, but let me know if you think of anything else! Anything at all!

:D I believe that is all.
I can offer Vanessa Parker as a friend for Daisy Harrison. Vanessa loves to write and sing. She also likes to take pictures of nature because she thinks everything in nature is beautiful. She's nice to everyone and thinks that people can change.

Not a very good description, sorry. I'm not really good at them.
I can offer up Ariah Zhefarovich to be a friend for Daisy.
She's fairly persistent and could pretty much be friends with anyone. ♥
I can also offer a friend, Riley Sparkles.
She's someone that's also a bit crazy, and different. Riley is quite like Daisy, she is also stubborn, but she loves trying new things.
Riley is hoping for Gryffindor.

I think I could offer up Fredrick Parker as a love interest :) He will be transferring into 4th year when its sorting time. I think it would be funny to have them together as Daisy is so different from him. He was very clueless with love and dating as he has aspergers and doesn't do well socially. But lately he has discovered this thing called "love" and is a hopeless romantic and would do anything if a girl would just like him for once. I have been really keen to RP him. Let me know what you think and if you want more info ^_^
Hey there! I think Vanessa would probably be a casual friend. Maybe they can bond over their love of nature? :lol:

Yay! I'm sure Ariah and Daisy will be friends. What are Ariah's interests and stuff? Oh wait, I'll go read her character development or biography or something.. xD

Hiya! I think Daisy would like the fact that Riley's different, and not a bore. Is Riley going to be a first year? Because if she is, maybe they could have like a mentor/mentee or big sister/little sister relationship. Unless she's transferring into an older year, then I guess they could be normal friends. ^_^

Zomg, JJ! :woot: I love skins.. :wub:
Anyway, I think he sounds like a cool love interest! Yeah, they do sound fairly different, but I think Daisy will like him regardless. When he's transferred to Hogwarts we should totally RP. Do you know what house he's going to be in? Not that it matters, Daisy doesn't discriminate, I'm just curious. And do they have any common interests?
I couldn't resist using JJ as a PB :wub: ! I think they would most likely bond over being opposite! I'm pretty sure he'll be a Ravenclaw because of his intelligence but you never know with the sorting hat!
Well they do say opposites attract. xD Kind of like JJ and Lara? Even though Daisy isn't really like Lara at all. :p So maybe they can meet because Daisy needs help with a subject or something? She finds magic a little challenging at times.
Yeah! Sounds good! I think they'll be very cute :)
Would you mind starting it? :D Anywhere's fine, thank yoou.
Lol! That will be confusing and cool. Maybe Daisy will think they're related? :p
Daisy, a mentor/mentee thing would be great! Riley's transferring into second year. But this would be great :)
Oh, awesome! I think that'll be quite nice to have a female mentee, because Daisy only lives with two brothers and a dad. :lol:

I've replied. ^_^
Haha cool! Do you want to start a topic? I'm not sure what on :p
Do you want to wait until the new school year? Or else you could start one in Brightstone and I'll reply when the holidays begin. ^_^

Anyone eeelse? :D
Yeah, sounds good!
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