Open Draconic Knowledge

Fleur van Houten

🐉Aotearoa Dragonologist | 2051 Grad 🐱
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Whippy Reed Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11/2032 (30)
((Open after Maiya))

It was always a bit strange, starting the semester in late winter. Even after five whole years at Hogwarts, Fleur wasn't really used to the seasons. But today was a pretty nice day, and she had decided to spend it outside. Though she didn't really feel like flying or running around for once. Fleur had taken her favorite dragon book with her, and settled down under a tree to read it. She had read it many times already, and could tell most of the facts to anyone who would listen, but it was still nice to look at it. Comforting, almost. She was happy all her siblings were with her at Hogwarts now, but it also caused her a bit of worry. Now she had to look out for all of them, and even just looking out for Lars had been hard. She had noticed him growing quieter and quieter last year, but asking him if anything was wrong hadn't resulted in any answer. Maybe she could ask Iris to help her, she was usually good at getting Lars to open up. Fleur sighed and turned the page of her book, looking with a smile at the illustration of the Swedish Shortsnout, her favorite. It was nice to know that in only two years she could start pursuing her dream of working with these beautiful creatures.
Al though Jenna didn't consider herself a creature, she would sit on the school floor every day when she was greeted with excitement today, because today she had found a new book about developers in the library and decided to delete them if any of them were ready, as well as read a favorite book. . Today, the girl smiled as she had gradually reached her goals, but had been occupied by someone else as unexpected and imaginary. Jenna sighed to herself, but it didn't bother if she didn't accept her. The dark-haired boy took his steps forward and smiled at the girl. She chose the book with the dragon symbol in her hands. Hey, can i join with you? She asked with a smile and looked to the stranger girl.
Fleur was imagining herself working with dragons, wearing cool clothes and getting to ride on them, even though she knew that wasn't really what it would be like. It was nice to daydream, though. But when a girl approached her, Fleur looked up. "Sure." She said to the younger girl. "You're reading a book about dragons too?" She grinned. "Join the club." She said, patting the grass next to her. She guessed she wasn't the only person who decided to read outside today. "Are you a first year?" She asked her. She looked pretty young.
Thanky! The girl sighed in relief when the other girl didn't chase her away! Only she herself was a bit reminiscent of Iris's sister, with orange hair! Iris was great, although the two rarely met during school, but that didn't change their friendship at all. Yes! After graduation, I want to work with dragons and travel around a lot to learn a lot about them. Were the dragons not coming from Romania? She asked to the older girl and was smiling to here and she hopping soon know little more about dragon study. The girl sat down next to the older girl and smiled. What your name? She asked the girl, but she was look like something familiar. Yes! Hufflepuff girl smiled to girl and opened her book about dragon.
Fleur laughed a little as the girl said she wanted to work with dragons after graduation. "Hey, me too!" Fleur said with enthusiasm. "Have wanted to since I was even younger than you are now. It's cool to meet someone else with that dream." She immediately liked the younger girl. "Some dragons come from Romania, but they exist all over the world. This one," she gestured to the dragon on the page, "is originally from Sweden. It's my favorite, it breathes blue fire." She said, always happy to talk about dragons. "I'm Fleur, what's your name?"
This is the best that can happen to each other! When you meet someone who has the same dream as you, a beautiful beginning of friendship can come. Jenna listening to Fleur and be happy to meet here, becouse she can later when she will be older, can find here and work together. Would you take me a job about dragon and work together? Jenna asked to Fleur and hoped she says yes. Becouse that would be realy nice to get a new job and you there know others. Wow! That amaizing dragon, with blue fire! She never meet dragon before, but some day she realy wanted see dragon with a blue fire. Nice to meet you! My name is Jenna! Are you Iris sister? She is my best friend. Jenna asked about Iris because she saw so much similarity between the two girls. It would be nothing if she had made a mistake. At least she was trying to guess.
Fleur laughed softly as the girl asked if they could work together. "Who knows, maybe we'll end up finding jobs in the same place. But hopefully, me a few years earlier. I'm graduating next year." She explained. She could understand how it could probably feel like a long time until graduation for a first year. She had felt the same way when she was as young as this girl. She was happy she could explain some dragon facts to someone who was so interested. "I know, right? They're beautiful too." She said softly as she looked at the picture in a book. The girl's name sounded familiar to her, and Fleur didn't have to wonder why for long. She grinned as the girl asked about Iris. "Oh, yes! I am." She said with a nod. "I thought your name sounded familiar, I think she mentioned you before. It's nice to meet you, Jenna. I'm glad my sister has a friend with such cool interests."
Oh, congratulate you! It would be a shame to stop seeing you for a while when we have the same dreams. The dark-haired woman didn't lie, this time she told the truth to the other girl. Not everyone could have the same dream, but she hoped the two girls would meet later and be able to work together. My favorit dragon is Romanian Longhorn. He is so perfect to me! The girl blushed in front of the other girlfriend as she looked at her book. Of course, she liked all the dragons that were blue our another collor. Nice to meet you to. I'm glad to hear that! Hufflepuff girl smiled to Fleur and looked again the book and started to reading.
Fleur smiled kindly at the younger girl. "I'm sure there's more students that want to work with dragons, or other magical creatures." She said to her. "And it's nice to have friends with different dreams too." She added, considering it for a moment. "Oh, I know that one. It's green, right?" Fleur flipped through her book until she found a picture of the Romanian Longhorn. "What makes you like this one so much?" She asked, curious about her reason. She smiled. "It's nice to meet one of my sister's friends. I was a bit worried about her. Is she doing alright? And you? How's the first year so far?"
''I hope time will be fast going and then i wish will be going to Romania work!'' Jenna was about this so much to sure and she hoped to her biggest dream make come true. ''Yes!'' She said with a smile and then she looked again the book with amazing green dragon. Jenna didn't say anathing right now but she listened next what Fleur she says to here. Jenna always was a good listening to other people. ''That a realy good question. But I don't really know if my answer will be good enough. I like what the dragon looks like, dangerous and dangerous, to be honest, it seems more powerful than anyone else, but that's just my thoughts.'' Hufflepuff girl finished talk and again looked to Hogwarts garden and the trees. ''That would be sisters do! My brother woried about me all the time. We rarely meet, but I think she's happy in her house Ravenclaw and making new friends and i think sometimes she forgot me, that i think stuped think. She says to Fleur and was a little bit sad and she hoped Fleur don't be angry with her.
Fleur smiled at the girl. "You want to go to Romania? I'm not sure where I want to work yet. I kind of want to travel and see all the different places they raise dragons in the world. I heard they have them at the new Wildlife sanctuary in New Zealand too." She told the girl with a grin. She had read up on that place a lot, as it sounded really awesome. That would be a good place to work in the future, but the appeal of travel was there too. Fleur listened to the girl's answer and nodded encouragingly. "There's no wrong answer about why you like something. I think that is a great answer." She told her. Jenna's concerns about Iris made Fleur think for a moment, she looked over at the castle. "I think the two of you can be great friends even in different houses. She spoke a lot about you during break, and was excited to meet up with you for ice cream before Hogwarts. I don't think she has forgotten about you at all." She turned to Jenna and smiled. "I have friends in different houses too, and even though we don't live in the same place at the castle, we still see each other all the time."
''Yes, i love my home in New Yourk city, but i want so much go something another place and work there. Thar is my dream. I never be there in New Zeland, but sounds realy interesting place. There are to dragons? That something change it, but i don't know. I think you'll definitely understand over time where you want to go. She says to Fleur with smile, but she wanted go to Romania, but New Zeland sounds to interesting and amaizing place and she think brother would be ok, lether go to some new place. ''Thanky, Fleur!'' She smiled to Fleur and hoped Fleur meet again some day. '' I think you are right, thanky Fleur and you words it means a lot to me. Jenna now feal a little beter and now she was smiling and hoping soon gave to hear a big hug for nice words to hear. ''Thanky, Fleur! Can i give you a hug for the nice and right words to say me?'' Jenna smiled to her.
Fleur had noticed the girl had a different accent than most other students at the school, but hadn't known she was from New York City. "That's pretty cool, that you're from New York. Doubt there's dragons there." Fleur said with a small smile. "But yeah, there's dragons in New Zealand too." She nodded at the girl's words. It probably did take time to figure out where you wanted to go. She was glad she had managed to reassure Jenna about Iris, and nodded at her question. "Of course." She said with a laugh, opening her arms for a hug. She didn't mind at all.
New Yourk, was her home and she was so happy born there and lived with her father, brother and nice dog named Bella. She was so much miss Bella and she was sad about this, becouse Hogwarts can't taken dogs with shcool. ''I wish that dragons would be in New Yourk, then i don't need go to Rumania, but i think that you can't get everything on a silver tray!'' Jenna says to Fleur a little smart thing and she was happy be with Fleur. She was realy smart and funny girl with cool interesets. ''That cool, that not far from New yourk, right?'' Jenna asked to the Fleur and looked the dragon book again and she realy wanted to read.

''Thanky, Fleur! Your sister is very lucky with you.'' She smiled and then she hug Fleur. That feal was realy good and she was happy to. A moment later, the girl released Fleur from the embrace.

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