Down with Hogwarts

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Jessame Rose Trewelly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Ok, I haven't run any of this by the admins yet - I don't exactly know if I should first or whatever - HNZ is my first RP site and although I think I have the idea, I'm still new, so any tips are appreciated.

ANYWAY... Jessame Rose is very upset about the whole magic thing and considers herself a bit of an imposter - a Muggle in a Witch's Robes, if you will. When she first found out about magic, she was (subconsciously) incredibly hopeful of finding her real parents (she has a foster family who she loves, but underneath she really wants to know). When she discovered there was such a thing as muggle-borns, she got really angry. She doesn't know why herself, but (and this is me speaking OOC) it's because that meant the chance of finding her real parents in the magical world was now significantly reduced.

This internal angst she has directed at the magical world in general and Hogwarts in particular. She hates being 'different' or standing out from the crowd, and she thinks being a witch makes her a freak, which naturally, she is not happy about. Now, she is finding out everything she can - educating herself so she can bring it all crashing down. She thinks if she can find out enough about it all, she can destroy it from the inside out. This is where I need your help.

JR will be sorted with the rest of the new kids soon. So far I only have two people lined up to be part of her life, and I need many more.
-Trinity Cornwell is her own age and also resents magic, so they will be in on it together.
-Autumn Gwin is older and going to be a mentor type, probably trying to bring her around to see the good side of magic.

I don't know what house she'll be in, although it's unlikely to be Gryffindor. She's very shy, very smart and very determined.

Bear in mind Jess knows NOTHING at the moment. She has no idea some people hate muggle-borns, or about Death-Eaters or what being magic actually involves for her.

She already feels different because she is Maori - so if anyone else with a bit of color on their skin wants to be friends she'll probably identify more easily with you!

She won't make friends easily, but I do want other people to be involved in this plot - whether it's trying to stop her or help her. Please reply here or PM, I don't mind.

On another note, if anyone wants to RP her real family, I'd be pretty stoked. I don't want to have any control over it, so it's up to you to choose whatever you want: magic or muggle, 'good' or 'bad'. You have to come up with your own reasons for abondoning her as a toddler in Christchurch. This can happen soon or over a couple of years or whatever. I'm completely open. I want to see how Jess reacts in different situations.
Oh yeah, enemies also welcome - although she's not likely to pick on you, but if you wanna pick on her, go ahead, please fuel the hate!
You were right about posting here, I don't think this sort of thing needs admin approval :)

Anyway, Arianna could be another mentor type. She's growing up over the holidays, and is going to turn into somebody who could probably offer good advice :)

I also have an unsorted, Caityn Scott, who is also very shy, and smart. Though I can see her in Ravenclaw.

Let me know if any of this sounds good :)
I can offer up Lucinda Buckley, first year Ravenclaw. She was exactly the same when she started at Hogwarts, hated it, hated magic, wished she could be back home because she had her whole future planned out in the muggle world. She's slowly starting to see the bright side of the magical world but she's still a bit resentful. She and Jess might get along pretty well? Although Lucy's Australian. ;) And very obviously so, she's got a pretty striking accent. :lol:
I think if they talked Jess would bring back Lucy's resentment of the magical world. But then she'd talk to Landon and be happy about the magical world and then she'd become quite confused.
Wow, rambling. Anyway, yeah. :lol:
That, and Lucy's still pretty naive. She's trying to be more wary but she'd probably help out Jess quite a bit without even realising it.
:o *points to Wiremu* He's not alone anymore! Wiremu is (as far as I am aware) the only other Maori person at HNZ. He's really protective (of everyone he likes, not just his family), so he would probably adopt you as his little sister. That is, if you're up for it? Being a muggle-born himself, Wiremu could help you learn magic from a different point of view. The only downside, is that he will probably scare away any boys in the future, because I'm serious about that protectiveness =lol= So yeah, if Jessame wants/needs a mate that she can relate to, whilst still learn new things from, then Wiremu's the guy for the job :D

Arianna: Jess definitely needs good advice - but I don't want that to happen just yet. I want her to have some negative experiences first. But then she'll need you even more! :)

Caitlyn: No matter what house, it'll be good for Jess to talk to other smart kids. She grew up in a very small town where most families were farmers, whose kids were never expected to be anything more, and the teachers never expected the kids to be anything more, so her appetite for knowledge has been neglected for the most part. Jess will probably feel like she can be more herself around someone shy, too. :)

Lucinda: sounds great. Jess will be very confused a lot of the time too, as she will feel strangely like she belongs somewhere for the first time in her life, but 'knows' that Hogwarts is evil and she should be fighting it. Bring on more confusion and naivete! :lol:

Wiremu: PERFECT! Jess always wanted brothers and sisters, and she'll be so happy to see another Maori kid! I can totally deal with protective big brother. (Could lead to some exciting plots later on, too, if Jess ever grows out of her 'boys are dumb and weird and kissing is gross' phase!) :lol: ps. I'm beached AS bro!

Thanks heaps dudes!
Well, My character Anita [Same age] is Half Peurto Rican. She also grew up not knowing some of her family, her fathers side. Seeing as she was a product of adultery. But has since discovered her father, who was muggle.

Make of it what you will, anythings fine with me ^_^
Caitlyn: Sure, thanks! Jess lives in the South Island, so it kinda has to be in Obsidian Harbour or near where she lives, on the Banks Peninsula in Canterbury. I don't know where Caitlyn is - maybe she could be visiting Christchurch, so something in the muggle world, or I can find an excuse for JR to be in Obsidian Harbour.

Anita: Sounds like they could be good friends.

:lol: thanks guys
So do you want to RP somewhere? Anita lives in Puerto Rice but makes trips to Brightstone and Obsidian often.

Though be warned, Anita may in later RP's wrn JR that [In the quest to find her parents.] sometimes it's better to not know.
( I am also JR, can't be bothered changing accounts)
Sweet, as above, let's make it Obsidian Harbour. Can you set it up? I have to go write reports and go for a run. Ack. Thanks!
I can think of a person or two that can teach her just how some wizards think about muggle borns I can volunteer Ai for the job if you like. :D
Ai: Thanks, I definitely need that. Let's leave it until JR starts Hogwarts - if she meets that kind of thing before she gets there she'll refuse to go! :lol:
I posted in the ice cream parlor JR ^_^
Awesome. Ai will be sort of an introduction since Hoshi will be running a sort of campaign for power at the school the next year under the influence of the ring her father presents her with.
Kyle, my 1st year Hufflepuff, went through a lot of the same sort of thing when he found out he was a wizard, though he was more scared of magic than angry about it :) He could be a good friend for JR, because he completely gets the whole thing of being thrust into this world you know nothing about. I've also got Maria, who's currently an unsorted, though I'm going to be aiming for Gryffindor with her. She's very headstrong and quite vain, and not particularly good at being nice to people, mainly because not many people have ever been nice to her. She also tends to think she's better than people she knows more than, ie muggleborns, though it doesn't really reach to a 'Draco Malfoy' level of distaste XD She could be an enemy for JR, or JR could teach her a thing or two about how to treat people with respect :)

P.S: Hi Emma :p
Sweetycakes, all suggestions sound good.

I think Maria and Jess would butt heads quite nicely, possibly with a lesson in there for Maria, if Jess ever grows up a little.

It would be great to have another guy to look up to. Jess totally needs some perspective.

((Hey Rowan. I was gutted I couldn't be at GS this year; I heard great things about it, and I was thinking of all of you during production week.))
^_^ Maria and JR would definitely have a very interesting rivalry XD

And hehe... Kyle's definitely not the best guy for perspective, but he can at least offer help from someone who's been through it all before. On the other hand, he's so timid JR could easily manipulate him into hating magic too, though he's also so sweet and kindhearted he naturally thinks the best of everything and everyone, so that could be quite interesting too ^^

((Ahhh man it was really fun XD did you at least get to come see it? I think Kauri and Rata have decided I have a good sense of rhythm or something, because I wound up rapping again -_- except this time I was in flippers and a wetsuit :lol: oh, the things we do for Gang Show!))
Okay, yayness! I have lots of people to RP with now.

I just want to remind everyone that I'm also looking for family. JR was found wandering along the banks of the river Avon in Christchurch NEW ZEALAND (not England, don't blame me for the early settlers' lack of imagination in naming things) as a toddler (i.e. in 2012ish). She's obviously of Maori heritage, so that must factor in. She was raised as a muggle (blood status unknown) by her very caring foster parents who she loves to pieces, but has always subconsciously wanted to know who her biological family is. Jess has no idea where she's from or who her real family are.

((Rowan, sadly I couldn't see it, I'm still in Korea, but I did hear great things and I can't wait to see the video. Rapping in a wetsuit and flippers? That's a bit tame for GS isn't it? :p ))
Rarrr, I have an adult character who I have done n o t h i n g with, she could be JR's biological mother :O Hehe she was going to be blonde and kinda slutty but meh I really forgot what my original premise was for her x)

ALSO, like I said on Facebook, Maria is also pissed at Hogwarts, though for entirely different reasons. I could totally see an antagonistic alliance :O

((Argh lame... it was really fun, though the dvd is going to be appalling because one of the props jammed on filming night, and some people stuffed up with that prop, so what's supposed to be the most epic moment in the show with rising music and beautifulness becomes an utter fail x_x But yeah, it was worse than my rap last time -_- Definitely need to figure out a way to get out of that one next show :lol: ))
Rowan, sweet, do what you want with it, or PM me if you want to run ideas by. As I've said before I'm keen just to see how Jess deals with it whatever happens - I don't need to know what's gonna happen before hand.

Joyce, could you tell me a little more about Clover?
Clover is a selfish brat, she's an only child. She always wants the spot light for herself only. Clover doesn't think if she hurt someone.
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