Old School Week Do I Dare?

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Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped dropout
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (17)
Gregory's track record for school events was not exactly positive, but he wanted to go to the ball. He wanted to just go and maybe not spend all his time being miserable. It wasn't like his exams had gone well. The Hufflepuff was dressed in his suit and just stood near the entrance of the hall. He was watching as others were able to have fun with ease, and he remained close enough for a quick escape out the hall if things didn't go his way.
Tempest was very excited to show off the pretty dress her mother had bought her at the ball. It was long and shiny, and the Slytherin knew that it would make people very jealous. As she tried to enter the Great Hall, there was another student in her way. "Move, four eyes," she spat, pushing past him.
Gregory immediately moved out of the way. "Sorry," he said quietly but immediately. He had been in the way, so he took a step to move more out of the way, trying to ignore how even that had made him want to cry and leave, but not even five minutes had passed.
Tempest was surprised someone had actually apologized for being in the way and turned to look at the boy. “Don’t apologize. Just be mean back. Unless you want people to walk all over you.” And it seemed the glasses weren’t helping him with that cause.
Gregroy had hoped to be left alone but the girl turned back to him and encouraged him to be mean back. "But that'll just annoy you more," he said, not wanting to admit that people did already walk all over him and he doubted being mean back to Cassius would result in anything but a black eye.
Tempest crossed her arms and wondered if she should waste more time on this boy. But it seemed like a learning most. “It’ll annoy me more if you accept being a doormat. Go on, say something mean,” she egged on.
Gregory shook his head, that had to be a trap, he could say something mean and she'd get annoyed. He just kept his mouth firmly shut.
Tempest raised her eyebrow into a nod, looking at him like he was clueless. Until realizing he was. “Whatever, you’re a waste of my time,” she said, turning away to continue walking into the hall.
The girl finally seemed to be leaving, and Gregory felt like he could breath again. Did he have a target on his back?
Snow watched as the situation across from her descolated, but she couldn't stand by and let Greg look that sad! No way! She approached. "Hey, everything okay?" She asked, tossing back her ponytail over her back.
Gregory felt himself relax at the sight and the voice of one of his only friends. "Yeah," he said though he was frowning and didn't look particularly happy. "How are you?" he said in an attempt to take the attention off him.
Snow tried to give a friendly smile to him. “Better If I could turn that frown upside down. Why don’t we get some punch?”
Gregory nodded nervously, glancing about the room. "Sure," he agreed.
Snow walked over to the punch. Grabbing one for him and one for her she said, “So no partner for the dance?” She asked, though it seemed obvious.
Gregory shook his head. "No," he replied a little flatly. The words useless and pathetic in Cassius' voice floated in his mind. "You?" assuming Snow would.
Snow shook her head. “Nah, not many people want to Dance with you if your face always looks grumpy” she joked, giving him a small smile. “Want to stick with me and we can just say we went together?” She asked kindly, trying hard to make him smile.
Gregory gave a little tight smile. "You don't have to, I can just go," he said. He sort of wanted to leave anyway.
Snow. "You know I don't have to do anything, i want to. We're friends right?" She said. "But if you really want to go do you want me to walk with you to your dorm so we can chat still?"
Gregory didn't understand why Snow was so nice to him. Remained so nice to him. "No, we can stay," he said, trying to smile at her. "What do you want to do?"
Snow smiled. “I don’t know. Hang out. Mingle. Drink punch… I can’t skate so I’ll stay away from that.” She thought for a second. “I uhm owled my mom about the computer. She’s cool if you help me set it up just… so you know.” She said almost a little awkwardly.
Gregory nodded, ignoring most of what she said, wanting her to decide what they did. "Okay, I'll speak to my dad, and we can probably come round at some point," he said.
Snow smiled wide. “Sounds awesome.” Pauses for a minute. “Want to… like find a spot to sit?” She offered. Though a part of her wanted to dance. It would be weird to dance with Gregory. Though she didn’t know why.
Gregory nodded a little. He wondered if she wanted to dance. "You can go dance if you want," he offered, though clearly not intending to go himself.
Snow thought for a minute. The heck with it. “Do you want to dance with me?” She offered.
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