Closed Divided

Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (18)
Hamish was still worn out. An entire semester hadn't gotten him used to the constant trekking of the stairs. The lack of sleep probably didn't help. He came down to the Great Hall. Spotting Seamus was always easy. Somehow, Hamish just always knew where to look. He took a seat by his brother, sighing heavily and pulling his plate together. "God, I can't wait to go home for the break," he complained, biting back a yawn. He hated feeling so tired all the time.
Seamus was sitting at the slytherin table, he was feeling a little better, the amounts that he slept in the same place as Hamish had really made things better for him. Seamus had always needed less sleep. He had a plate in front of him and frowned at what his brother said, "Go home? Why would we go home?" he asked with a confused tone. He had figured that they would be staying at school. It was better, they had more space, they didn't have to deal with their parents.
Hamish paused, looking to his brother with a furrowed brow. "So we can sleep in our own beds?" He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "So I don't have to climb ten miles of stairs anytime I want to do anything?" He pushed his glasses up on his nose. "I mean, sure, mom and dad will be home sometimes, but I'll feel better when I can actually get a solid nights sleep and cook our meals again," he shook his head, looking to his twin with confusion clear in his eyes. "Why would you want to stay?"
Seamus frowned at him, "The only reason to not stay is your bed..?" he knew it was more about the own room, the lack of stairs but being at school was way better. "It's better here, we can hang out in peace, there's so much outdoor space, we don't have to think about meals and if we want to make something we can go to the kitchens, we won't have classes so we can hang out more around the school, explore, nap in the student lounge, and from what I hear the professor don't care as much either," he countered. He didn't see the point in making that journey when they had everything here.
Hamish frowned at Seamus' reasoning. "That's easy for you to say, you don't have to climb to the moon when you want to do anything," he countered. He did see a bit of Seamus point, though he couldn't help but sigh again. "I mean... okay, yeah, the castle is great I guess," he poked at his eggs. "But we were doing good at home. I thought you liked my cooking," he pouted a bit at that. He had thought he was getting good, too. "Our room, a bit of control back. We're going to be here for most of the year anyway. Wouldn't it be nice to be back in our room again, actually sleeping at night?" He asked.
Seamus nodded, argeeing that between the two journeys he had it much easier. He went down and Hamish had to go up. He frowned slightly at Hamish's words. "You can cook here, I prefer your cooking over the school's but it's not reason enough to stay," he countered switching to rapid gaelic as he didn't want others to start overhearing their conversation. He gave a shrug at the last part, "I've never needed that much sleep....our room isn't even our room here, we weren't there long at all. It's not Edinburgh," he countered but gave a little sigh, "If you really want to go home, fine, we'll go but I don't think it's worth it."
Hamish was quiet a moment, considering everything his brother said. Eventually he let out a slow sigh, and shook his head. "No, you're right." He turned and gave Seamus a small smile. "I'll make you a deal. We'll stay here over break. But only if we find somewhere and make it ours." He told his brother. "We could build a fort in like the brotherhood room or something," He offered.
Seamus nodded in agreement, a little plesed that he'd managed to persaude him. "And look if it sucks, then next year we'll go home instead," It went without saying that they'd be heading home between years but they opt in or out on going home in subsequent years based on this year. He was sure it would be way more fun to stay at school than to go home and he was sure that Hamish would think the same. "Definitely brotherhood,"
Hamish took a sip of his drink. "Alright, I'll start thinking of how to best build a fort. Something really soft. I'll need a lot of blankets. Maybe some lights." He murmured, thinking over what they would need. He turned and started eating, losing himself in thought.

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