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Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Whelp Maddiie didn't go to the ball and had told Alex he could go. If anyone wants to join her I made a topic at the cliff called "Ditched". Was hopping a professor would do, but a older student can join as well! Just sort of bored here :r
Alex took Leah to the ball. Did you want to do an RP together that centers around it. Perhaps Maddiie is annoyed at Leah or whatever? What do you think?
Why would Maddiie be annoyed at Leah lulz! But if you want sure I don't mind a brawl :r
Leah would be ticked if her boyfriend brought someone else to the ball. lol
Anyhoo, did you want to RP in the ditched topic, or would you like me to start another topic? I have one in the fifth floor.
Fifth floor?? Is that after the ball?? Ditched,, I want someone to talk to Maddiie like a serious talk so if you want to make one after the ball than its fine with me =]
Okay, let's wait until after the ball then. :)
No I'm saying you can post one now! Its just have to take place after the Yule ball is the fifth corridor one before the Yule ball??
I made it before the ball, but we can always make it be afterward.
Alright just edit it and I will join :)
Ditched still open :frantics: for anyone else
hey maddiie, can i join in like a sisterly-friend types to comfort u?
Yes step sister :hug: lol you can! Pm if you want to know what happen but please do join =)
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