Discovering Depths

Blake Blackwell

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OOC First Name
Rigid Aspen Wood Wand 14" with Basilisk Skin
A long Narrow apartment was just to Blake's liking, simple and stylish which accentuated his way of life to how that he had wealth but discrete enough not to make him pick up the wrong type of people. The Half-blood lived alone with his Dalmation named Sigil but it suited him just fine. Sigil sat by the large window at the end of his apartment which overlooked the city, he seemed content lying there, Blake chuckled, Sigil was fantastic with Visitors he wouldn't move unless they called him, but Blake hadn't brought anyone back to his apartment in a long time, he didn't have the time to be chasing women right now not until he discovered himself he wouldn't have a need to discover another woman. Blake sat down at the table with sheets of paper spread across it creating a new layer, he wanted to find out who his mother was and trace back his family tree, he only ever had his father but he lost him a long time ago and he felt that now as he was almost reaching 30 that he should find his family. Blake had a long piece of paper in front of him with his Fathers side everyone had a red line through their name, his Grandparents were dead and all their relations, they were all only children just like Blake was and his father was too.

Blake had another piece of paper in front of him with women's name on it, one of them was his mothers but he didn't know who. The Wizard had contacted a Witch who had skills in Necromancy to assist him, he couldn't figure out which one was his mother so he wanted to try bring back his father to tell him. He leaned back on the chair and looked at the clock, he had made the appointment for 7pm which meant he would be having a late dinner, it occurred to him that he should have made dinner for the woman who was going out of her way to assist him. Blake stood up and walked towards the Kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water and took a sip from it he placed it on the bench and picked up the note he wrote the woman's name down Eustacia Alicastell
Eustacia skimmed over the contents of the slip of parchment in her hand for the fourth time, a letter from a rather young wizard who requested her help, something that required her particular expertise. Though the note didn't explain anything about the man's situation, an address and name was given.

The elderly witch compared the details to the building she stood outside of, a large apartment block within a magical community. It was much more comforting than the last apartment she'd visited, a muggle infested area where a family friend and Scitorari member had stayed. Funnily enough, she'd also asked for assistance. Eustacia folded the letter a final time and alighted it with her wand tip, letting it burn to mere ash. It was no longer needed and it was probably best to avoid others prying eyes. With the paper scattered in the breeze, the dark witch finally continued on into the building.

Inside, Eustacia took the elevator from the bottom floor to a halfway point, the block being eight stories high with one or two apartments per floor. After a short time within the sizeable metal box, playing its cliche tune, a ping cut through the music and the doors slid apart. Eustacia stepped onto the wooden floor and glided past the staircase banister toward the only door on the floor. Apartment 4. Such a perfect number. The thought passed through her mind briefly as she brought her hand up to the door face and knocked.
The knock on the front door brought Blake out of his state of wonder, he moved through his apartment and placed the paper with Eustacia's name on the table. Sigil was standing now, looking at his owner with curiosity, visitors were rare and uncommon in Blake's House. A small smile on his lips quickly assured Sigil it was okay before making his way to the front door. Opening the solid wood front door he gave a small smile towards the woman before him, she looked like what he expected, Aged but still holding character. Blake stood back, his jacket protecting him from the cool chill which snaked its way past the woman into his room. 'You must be Eustacia Alicastell?' he asked politely not wanting to offend the woman in front of him, he did not see how it could be anyone else, he hadn't invited any other woman to his apartment that night.

Blake pushed the door against the wall into its secure lock which held it open, moving one arm to show that he welcomed her into the apartment he smiled slightly 'Please come in' he said, if it was some random woman he could handle her easily, but he showed faith either way. Once the woman was in the apartment and far away from the door he unhooked it and shut it behind him, securing the lock with a metallic click. 'Would you like something to drink?' he asked the woman politely 'I would have prepared dinner but i have been caught up with my little project the time slipped away, would you like anything?' he added, not wanting to start off with a bad impression.
The door opened after a short pause to reveal a young, attractive blond, who Eustacia took to be the floor's tenant, Blake Blackwell, though he failed to introduce himself. The Necromancer momentarily glanced across the hallway and into the lounge-room behind the wizard, relatively well-kept and expensive for an apartment, but only found a peculiar looking dog, like a reverse dalmatian and possibly enchanted, as its other occupant. The woman's attention quickly returned to the man in front of her, as he asked for confirmation on who she was."Yes, I am Ms Alicastell. You must be Mr Blackwell. I must say, I'm surprised by how easy it was for you to get into contact with me. You must be rather well acquainted with the right people. "

At Blake's gesture, Eustacia stepped inside the warm hallway and shrugged off her furred coat, folding it over one arm as she made her way towards the end room. The click of the door's lock echoed behind her and she smiled faintly. It brought back flashes of memories, many other wizards and witches barring her way out behind her. Though this situation was different to those and she let them pass while she dropped her coat on the couch arm. The witch turned back to her host as he offered refreshments, apparently not getting around to cooking an actual meal. She too had neglected to eat, due to her little appointment, though she didn't feel particularly hungry. "A water or wine, if you will. If you're going to prepare food then I'll have whatever you want. I'm not sure how long this will take."
Nodding in response to his name he half mentally slapped himself for not introducing himself to the woman 'Please, Call me Blake'. Blake looked down the Hallway at Sigil who was sat on his hind legs and watched the woman curiously. 'You could say that' he said in reference to his acquaintances Blake knew people but he wouldn't call them acquaintances, just contacts who had no connection what so ever, he relied on them for information about his Mother and Father that was it.
Eustacia had made her way to the end of the room with Sigil and the dog got up and waited to see if Eustacia wanted to play or see him. Blake ducked into the Kitchen and pulled out a bottle of Goblin made wine from the chiller plus two glasses from the over head cupboard and sat them down on the bench, pulled out a Platter from the cupboard he quickly opened the cheese box in his fridge and placed a selection of Cheese and some water crackers on the platter, He would have to invite Eustacia down to a restaurant later to apologize for being a bad host, but hopefully the selections would appease her for the time being. Blake pulled his wand out of his pocket and waved it at the plate which set its own course towards the lounge and settled gently on the table, Blake followed it with the wine and two glasses and set them down around the platter on the spare bit of table that was available before sitting on the couch, not to close to Eustacia to seem awkward but mutual agreement distance.

'If it suits you, I would love to take you down to the restaurant around the corner, Run but a little Wizard who never found a spot in the main wizarding locations but decided to set up shop here, he does some good meals and i don't have the proper ingredients to provide tonight' he said with a smile. Placing his hands on the top of the wine he uncorked the bottle and waited for the wine to settle 'If it does take a bit longer than expected tonight i will go down to the shop and get us some food to take away' he added making sure that the woman felt like she was being Taken care of.

Pouring the wine he handed one glass to Eustacia and picked up the other himself 'Ms Alicastell, I may as well tell you why i have contacted you' he said as he took a sip of his wine and put the glass down on the side table of the couch before leaning forward and picking up two sheets of paper that was with the other clutter on the table. Handing one to Eustacia he began to describe his purpose 'This is my Father' Blake said pointing at the picture 'He died and he never got to tell me who my Mother was, and since I'm starting to get into my life, i wanted to find out who my mother is and ask her why she left us' Blake picked up another piece of paper and handed it to Eustacia 'This one contains the names of possible Mothers, I talked to my dads friends who said these were the woman they knew my dad was with'</COLOR>
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Blake leaned forward again and sliced some cheddar, placing it on a cracker before leaning back and enjoying it, his diet didn't allow cheese, so when he was allowed it he was going to enjoy all of it. Blake waited for the woman to take in all the information before he continued 'I would like to know if you could please Contact my Dead Father to get him to tell me who my mother was' he added.
Eustacia disregarded the canine and took a seat towards the edge of the sofa, legs crossed at the thighs. While Blake prepared a small meal, the witch took the time to survey his home. It wasn't as spacious as she was used to, but still comfortable and secure. The furniture wasn't so bad either, for its male owner. The woman unconsciously trailed her fingertips across the plush couch while she waited.

It wasn't long before a platter of cheese and biscuits came floating out of the kitchen, onto the coffee table in front of Eustacia. "How very french." She mused, taking a biscuit for herself as Blackwell re-entered with the wine glasses. She took the glass he offered to her with a polite 'thank you' and set down her food, instead sipping from the drink while Blake rambled on about some wizard cook who owned a restaurant. The details were unnecessary. I didn't ask for a life story. She thought, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. "I suppose we could go to this restaurant. I have no alternate plans." She admitted. The woman set down the glass and turned to better face the wizard. It was then that he brought up why he'd asked for her.

The wizard talked on about his intentions and Eustacia took the picture of his father, hoping to perhaps recognise him. Unfortunately, she had no knowledge of who he was and simply replaced the picture. She replaced it with the list of female names, scrolling over them one by one. The first two she didn't recognise either, nor the last few, however one name stood out, Loraine Chamberlain. Where did she know that name from? A few faces ran through her mind and one finally clicked. Could that be Kida's mother? Of all the people... she wondered. Still, she didn't understand what the situation had to do with her expertise.

Then Blake asked her to contact his dead father. Eustacia's face fell. The deceased couldn't be contacted at will, unless they themselves chose to remain in the world of the living. Only the fabled Stone of Resurrection could do that. She'd come all the way for nothing. "I-." The woman started, but the name ran through her head again and in a heartbeat, an idea came to her. "Yes, I'll be able to do that. Do you have anything with you that your father owned, or at least touched? It will be easier to call on him with an anchor." She bullsh*tted, a smile touching the corners of her mouth. Chances were that she would be correct in the end regardless.
Blake watched the woman as she scanned the objects placed before her, he wasn't going to rush her he expected these things to take some time, she put the picture of his father down and he took a sip of his wine. Eustacia finally agreed and admitted that it was possible for her to find his father, he fought back the urge to jump in the air with a whoop of happiness. He Stood up and nodded towards her 'I have his old jacket he wore and his wand, i'll bring them both' he said before walking towards the stairs that led up to the bedroom. He climbed three steps before opening one of them out to reveal a hidden draw, all the steps were designed like this. Picking up a wooden box which was held together with cast iron in an artistic design he shut the drawer behind him and walked back down the stairs placing the box in the centre of the table and unlatched the lid 'This wont Damage my Fathers things will it?' he asked keeping on hand placed firmly on the lid just in case, he would find something less valuable if the items would be destroyed.

Blake opened the lid of the box and inside was a jacket folded very small and a wand resting on top, a rather large wand at 16inches made from elm, Blake knew that the core was thestral hair but his father often told him it was unicorn hair, he didn't want Blake to think anything evil of the wand because as a child he was rather curious Blakes father would assume that Blake would go find someone and watch them dying just so he could learn about thestrals. He was thankful for his fathers care but sometimes wondered if he went a bit too far.
Blake waited patiently watching Eustacia he picked up his wine glass and took another sip.

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