
Heather Vetrova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Heather felt great for being able to get out of the school, she dislike being near those students, she had to agree with her older sister who said that school was awkward and was far from fun. Actually, Heather was thinking about being homeschooled so that she could stay away from people that she dislike. But of course her father could always reject her wish if he think that it was unsuitable for her and she couldn't complain. And again, Caroline might like the school and Andrew, the father of Heather's might want Heather to be with her twin sister. Honestly, she didn't even care if she had to be away from Caroline since they've been fighting a lot or at least Heather had been starting the fire and even though Caroline tried to calm her down, Heather wont calm down. Simply because she was too arrogant to listen to her twin sister.

The city of London was pretty quiet, just the way Heather liked it. She walk toward a boutique as someone opened the glass door for her. The young girl took the white coat that was hung and was labeled as new arrival. She faced the lady who was standing not too far from her and signaled her that she wanted the dress without even saying a word. Something else caught her eye, it was the black boots. It was similar to the one that she was wearing but cheaper. Heather shook her head and walk toward the counter, paying it and left the boutique right instance, heading to the cafe, ordering a hot tea and exit the cafe. She walk toward the bench and sat on it, her eyes behind her sunglasses were watching at people passing by as she felt the cold winter breeze traveling through London.
London was one amongst the place where the twins were allowed to go during short school breaks. Even though it always had its rich air in about everything which was exactly why their father, Andrew liked them to be here but today Caroline was not liking it very much. This time it was nothing to do with her father's choices but it was because of the winter. Caroline disliked everything cold and wet because she usually felt more cold than other people and started shivering all the time during winter season. However she was in London because she could not miss the opportunity of getting out of school and luckily she was well protected with her clothes.

After going to check in one of the sweet shops if they had her favorite candy she went to the cafe and got herself a hot chocolate and wondering why she did not spot her twin she walked back out. It was decided between them that they would meet inside the cafe where it was warm but Caroline spotted her sister on a bench outside in the cold air looking at people passing on the road. "Heather" Caroline called as she walked towards her twin.

These days their dislike level had decreased greatly, or at least Caroline thought so because they tried to be nice to each other but whether sitting out in the cold was Heather's idea of annoying Caroline, she did not know."Can we please sit inside? Its freezing out here" she told her twin as she spotted the bag in Heather's hand that hinted some new shopping. "What did you get?"she asked curiously.
Actually, watching people passing by was quite entertaining for Heather, some were yelling at their children and some were too busy even glancing at their kids. A small smirked appear as she watched them passing. Yes, each one of them. But then she was disturbed by someone talking. Heather knew whom it was, the voice was familiar, too familiar to be forgotten. "What are you doing here?" She looked at Caroline who just came. Heather was actually quite surprised seeing her twin sister outside in such a cold weather. She knew that Caroline dislike being anywhere cold and this day was one of the worst day. Heather enjoyed such a weather, it was as cold as her heart.

Just as Heather thought, Caroline would want them to be inside, somewhere warm but Heather was enjoying it too much and she wasn't going to do what Heather wanted.
"No" She said calmly before sipping on her drink once more. "I like it here" She said flatly and then looked at the crowd once more. Caroline got to choose in the manor just because she was the youngest, she got everything, attention, and this was Heather's turn to choose. She got to do whatever she wanted and no one could stop her, not even Caroline. "I got myself a new coat, I don't want to be caught wearing something that I wore last year" Well of course, she got money so she got to wear something new.
Caroline was annoyed by Heather questioning her presence in London. Of course she was going to be here, the winter wasn't going to stop her and she thought her twin knew that yet she had been left to come here on her own but thanks to some of their mutual friends she had figured out Heather's whereabouts. "I wasn't going to stay back at school, was I?"she asked her sister. She frowned because like she expected her twin refused to go inside the cafe so Caroline sat outside on the bench with her.

Taking out a jar which had bluebells flame inside she put the flame on her right side. Caroline was good at this spell and she carried them with her because she constantly needed them to keep herself warm. "Cool" she said as Heather informed her about getting herself a new coat. Caroline had plenty of new clothes and today she was not in mood of shopping clothes. "So do you have any plans for today?"she asked Heather.
With her legs crossed, Heather glared back at her sister who was sitting beside her, taking out a bluebells flame in a jar to keep herself warm. Well what else could she expected? Caroline dislike anywhere cold so she would do anything to keep herself warm. But Heather was used to anything, warm, cold, anything. "I know, but somehow I wanted you to stay back in school because you probably got yourself a detention or because you don't feel like going home" If Caroline wasn't home then Heather might be able to get the attention all to herself, or her father wouldn't even care at all. She never knew.

Heather looked back to the jar and then back to Caroline "Who gave you that?" Of course the answer would be father, or at least that was what she thought. Caroline was probably sick with Heather's attitude but no one could do anything about it.
"Beside staying away from you and father?" She paused as she sipped on her hot tea "Nothing" She said flatly before looking away from Caroline. "But now that you're here" Actually, Heather could get along with Caroline as long as they were away from their father. "Anyway, did you know that I have a middle name? Similar to your first name?" Not everyone knew that Heather had a middle name, not even her older siblings. Just her parents and her. "Coraline" She muttered.

OOCOut of Character:
Dont leave heeerrrr :cry:
Surprisingly, Aaron had agreed to go on a small trip with his older brothers, Dean and Drake.
The two had some stuff planned for the family. Isabella was being a pain in the but because
she couldn't stop attracting guys towards her. It made the three brother's look bad, so they
would just go off and do things on their own. So much for being a small family vacation, though
Aaron really was starting to enjoy the trip in London. Granted that it was really cold, he still
was enjoying it. Being around his brothers, even in the worst of conditions, Aaron had to act
very tough, otherwise, he would get picked on all the time by his older brothers. Even when
he did not like it, he still had to suck it up so that he would keep his image straight. There were
a few times in the past where he had gotten picked on, but those events were short, and were
not really remembered much, which was a good thing for Aaron. Being only fourteen years old,
almost fifteen, he was starting to get his own personality, developing it with his own touch,
not with the touch of his brothers, or his sister, and especially not his father. It was a good
thing that his father did not come to this trip, otherwise, there would have been arguments
between everyone almost all the time. Having said that, Aaron was walking through a park,
alone. The hotel that they were staying at was not too far away, so he started to wander off
for a bit, just to get some alone time. While walking, he noticed two girl's sitting down on a
bench, not too far away from him. 'Perfect. Thought Aaron to himself. Right now, he
thought it would be best for him to have some fun with a few girl's while being alone. Seeing
as he was a veela after all, he could use the charm to lure them in. It wasn't hard for Aaron
to attract girls at all, most of the time, he wouldn't even bother with using the charm, they
would just be attracted to him, without even using it. With a smile on his face, he made his
way to the girl. When he reached up to them, he said, "Do you Mind if I join you?"

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the late reply. Almost forgot about this plot. xD

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