Different Identity

Stephanie Duboit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Steph stood outside Borely Mansion waiting for Liv. They had agreed to meet up so Steph could start using her knew name-Scarlet. She hated her name and never wanted it so took the opertunity to change it when she started at Hogwarts. It was Hayley to start with but Liv manage to think of a name beginning with S so she still fitted in with her small group of friends.

(Didn't know whether to have it open or closed)

Lily couldn't believe she'd even agreed to this a little. She muttered to herself about the lengths she had to go to. But if this was what it took for Lily to sway this girl, then this was what she'd do. Lily had of course been up for quite a long time, and so had done a spot of shopping before heading to meet Scarlet. Lily spotted the girl from a far. She straighten her dress, and took a breath.

"Scarlet!" Lily exclaimed, falsely excited, but no one would tell she was being false. Lily smiled and began to run over to the girl. Her heels making quick and sharp noise against the ground. She hugged her friend.

"You ready?" Lily asked pulling from the hug and running a hand through her long brown hair.

[How about it be open, so that if people want, they can join and be the people they introduce themselves to?]
Steph grinned as she heard her name called. She loved the way it sounded. "Hey, Liv." She hugged her friend and smiled as she asked if she was ready. "As ready as ever." She replied as she looked into a nearby shop window making sure her hair still looked fine. "Where shall we go first??"

(Yeah Ok. :D )

Lily smiled at her friend. She could tell that the girl liked her knew name. Lily looked around them, turning round in a circle. She wasn't too sure. Lily didn't really know this place. She knew it a little. She took Scarlet's arm and started walking her towards the main street. The best place to start was the main street. They could maybe go into some of the stores.

"Where ever you want to go. Just pick a place and we'll see who we can find." Lily said.
Steph looked around the shops until she spotted one thatcaugh her eye. "How about we start in Honeyduke's. Then we have food for when we walk around." If there was something Steph loved anywhere near as much as her hair it was food. Her mum always used to cook loads so Steph ended up being a chubby child. She had managed to cut it down so she now had a great figure but she still loved food.

Lily nodded with a smile. That would be fine, she knew foe a fact she would never buy anything for Lily didn't want to do anything to her figure. How would she be able to fit in the best clothes if she was fat. Though she smiled. Pretending all was alright with what she was having to do.

"Good idea," Lily said, "After you,"
Steph walked to the sweet shop and picked up a few different types of sweets before paying. "You not buying anything??"
Steph walked out of the shop with her sweets in one hand. She looked around waiting for the first person to try her new name on.

Lily watched as Scarlet walked into the store, Lily followed but she didn't buy anything. She shook her head when Scarlet asked. Of course Lily was a little controlling on what she ate. But years of dance and being a dancer had taught her to keep in shape or else. Lily looked around, them. After following Scarlet back out the store.

"I'm not hungry." Lily said in response. She spotted someone just walking no to far from them. She took a step towards Scar, and nodded towards them.

"How about that person, they look stupid enough to actually listen to two first years." Lily said.
Steph smiled as she saw who Liv was talking about. "Yeah, sure. Why not??" She walked over in the direction of the person wondering how it would turn out. After all, this was the first time she was going to use her new name on someone.

(Shall I bring in one of my other people or do you have someone in mind??)

Lily walked over to the person, a little quicker than Scarlet. She stopped and turned to Scarlet. Of course, she did think that this girl would be able to, but lily knew she had to somehow show that she had a form of confidence in her. Lily smiled at Scarlet.

"You're speaking first Scar, don't back down now." Lily said smiling brightly. it wasn't a real smile but it was as good as. She continued with Scar, walking towards the person. Lily cleared her throat waiting for the person to notice them.

[Yeah, I was thinking of bringing Imogen, but we can use one of your people first]
Steph grinned when she got closer to the person but inside she was thinking OMG!!. She wasn't used to being kind to strangers. She usually left them to speak first so Steph could see what they said and work out what they were like from it.
Steph listened to what Liv said and agreed with it. "Hey." She said to the girl. She recognised her as she knew Leslie but she didn't know anything about her.
Taylor turned round when she heard the sound of someone's voice. She didn't recognise either of the girls stood before her but she assumed they were first years. "Hi." She was very kind to everyone so she was happy to make friends with the girls.

Lily smiled at Scarlet, before to the girl they were now in front of. She'd never seen this girl before, but from what she could tell, this girl wasn't a Slytherin, or even close to being one. Lily felt a little superior to the other girls as she was a Slytherin, and they were not. She smiled at the new girl, falsely.

"Hi, I'm Livia Delaney." Lily said with a subtle hint of I'm-better-than-you in her voice.

[Sorry about the delay]
Steph grinned at Liv then turned back to the girl in front of her. "I'm Scarlet Rouge." She wondered whether this girl was a Gryffindor or not. If she was then Steph was going to have to keep her distance. Gryffindors were disgusting freaks who were meant to be courageous but never actually were.
Taylor smiled down at both the girls. "It's nice to meet the two of you." She could hear the tone in both the girls' voices and thought they were both very likely to be Slytherins. "I'm Taylor Marks" She said simply to the girls. Then she realised. "Rouge?? Are you related to Shaylah Rouge??" Taylor had been attacked by Shaylah only a couple of weeks before.
Steph remmbered the conversation she had had with Shaylah when Shay had told her about when she had beat up Taylor. Apparently she was a Gryffindor second year who was friends with Leslie. "Yeah. She's my sister." She was having fun lying to one of Leslie's friends. This could get interesting. She thought to herself with a smile on her face.

lily could tell from the small amounts of conversation that Shaylah had most likely gotten into a fight with this girl. She had to congratulate her. Lily having not been a friend of Shaylah's for long was still getting used to what Shaylah was like. Lily now had a choice, she knew she could either pretend to be Shaylah's friend when she already actually was. Or stay out of it altogether. She didn't have much time for thought.

"And I'm both of there best friends, so you better watch what you say girl." Lily said with a hint of threat in her voice.
Steph smirked at Taylor, knowing that what Liv was saying was completely untrue. Lily didn't like Shay and Shay didn't like Lily so there was no way they were best friends. "Mess with one of us, you mess with all of us." She grinned. Shay had always been there to back her up in a fight. It was one of the things that Steph loved most about her.
Taylor frowned at the girls. They had seemed nice at first but apparently it was a bad idea to mention anything bad about one of their friends. That's one thing Taylor had noticed about Slytherins; though they didn' make many friends, the friends they did make they were very loyal to. "Alright, I didn't mean anything. I was just pointing out the fact that she attacked me for no reason."

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