Dial nine for Ferb

Ferb Galliga

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Scott (Ferby)
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Dial nine for Ferb


Exhausted from his day out, Ferb came home to his apartment and flopped on his bed. At 9:30am he had met Epiphany in an elevator and promised her that he'd speak to her again soon, at 11:45am he got picked up by his brother and they drove to the docks to go on a family boat ride, at :cry:50pm he was picked up by the Police as a possible car thief but luckily wasn't arrested, at 5:30pm he had dinner with his mother at a local restaurant to catch up on things and because his mother had drunk some Wine at the meal she wasn't able to drive home so they both ended up walking. It was a long day.

It was now 9:32pm according to his cellphone and he decided that after a day like that he should get to sleep soon. He picked up his cellphone, clicked on contacts and called his mother just to check up that she got home in one piece. The phone rang for a moment before being answered. "Hi Mom, just making sure that you got home okay".

After a 2 minute conversation about her long walk home, Ferb began getting undressed for bed until he found a card in his left pocket. He chuckled as he realised it was from Epiphany. At first he hesitated to call her but he'd most likely see her tomorrow and he couldn't call her at 8am so it would be best to do it now.

Dialing the number she provided to him, he waited for someone on the other end to pick up. For a split second he considered if she'd given him a fake number but that'd be pointless considering they both live in the same building. He continued to wait until she picked up...
Epiphany was on her bed playing with one of her daggers, purple with a silver butterfly on the handle. The glitch was seriously pushing against the back of her skull now but she was working hard to push back. She hoped that it wouldn't be too long before she found another piece worthy for collection. She looked up at a shelf she had magiced up into the back of her closet and smiled to herself. With that started to toss the dagger in the air and catch the handle when it came down. One didn't associate with Luthor Silverback and come away not knowing how to play with sharp objects. A muggle physics book was spread beside her along with some alchamic formulas which she looked over for fun but still she was getting bored and with that came the glitch in the back of her head.

The day had gone by as expected, she had found a place called Westfeild mall which had some of her favorite brands with shop set up there along side with some other stores that she wanted to shop at once the owl came back with her stipend. She did have enough to eat at the bottom level which was yummier than she had expected it being a muggle place and not a wizarding place. After she explored the rest of the square the mall was at and found that there was so much more shopping that she could do. That and she found the Gate. She had heard about China Town having a gate between here and the Wizarding World but had never expected to bump into it her first day. She made a mental note to go and take a look to see if she couldn't find some more clues as to where her sister was.

As the young woman snatched the dagger out of the air by the point with two of her fingers her phone rang. She picked it up and placed it against her ear. "Epi-pha-ny speaking!" She sang into it hoping it would annoy Eden into hanging up if it was her. If it was someone else than they would think it was her normal cheery hello.
Having heard the phone pick up, Ferb sat himself upright. "Hi it's Ferb, we met in the elevator this morning". She sounded happy enough so this may be a pleasant conversation.
Epiphany's giggle floated through the phone as Epiphany fell back against her bed. "Oh hey cutie I was wondering when you'd catch up with me." She said lightheartedly. Epiphany had no urge to collect Ferb and he seemed not to want to flirt with her so she would keep her passed to a minimum that and it would be nice to have a friend in the city.
Pressing his phone to his ear with his shoulder, Ferb continued to get undressed for bed. It was nice to speak to her again. He naturally assumed that she was a muggle and had no way of proving otherwise. Most wizards prefer not to use electricity because of magic but Ferb was different because he had grown up with it. So even he couldn't be recognised as a wizard. "Well I just found your number in my pocket from this morning and thought why not?", Ferb chuckled confidently. "How was the sight seeing around the city? Fun?".
Japan was making more advances in magical communication because things where not as restricted there. Epiphany could pass as muggle because of it if they didn't look to closely at her phone and realize that it was little more than a mirror with spells on it. "Well happy to see I'm that memorable." She joked back as she rolled over on her stomach, balancing the dagger on it's point on her pillow. "Oh yes. I found a mall that I want to go back too and I have absolutly fallen in love with union square. I bumped into China Town too and found the cutest little tea shop." She answered enthusiastically.
Ferb chuckled. "They have this little in Union Square called Emporio Rulli. It's italian and they do really delicious hot cross buns. We should get some lunch sometime". Ferb took a glance at the time and then back at his phone. He then noticed that his laptop was still open on the other side of the room. Walking over there, he took a glance at the screen to see a Google search from earlier. He closed the lid and turned his attention back to the conversation at hand.
Epiphany smiled to herself. It was'n that often she had a sort of date of sorts even if she could be quite the little seductress when she wanted to be that was usually reserved for other matters. "On what day would you like to meet up for this absolutely scrumptious sounding lunch you're talking about?" She asked trying to recap the amount of Union Square she had explored and not remembering the restaurant he had mentioned.
She didn't even sound surprised that Ferb had cunningly asked her out for a date. Was this girl used to it or was she too stuck-up to care. Well she accepted so Ferb disregarded the issue.

Well today is Tuesday. Tomorrow was forecasted for sunny weather so that might be good but... then again... he considered maybe taking her out on a day where it was sunny but rained later on. That way she'd get wet and he would be there to hand her his coat. Genius! Now all he needed was to know when it was going to rain. "I'll get back to you on that, I need to figure out when I'm available".

Ferb then realised he didn't know much about the girl. He didn't even know her age. She could be 22, slightly spoilt and out of his league. Ferb had always been one of the popular kids in school but that there were more popular people than him. "So I don't make a fool of myself, how old are you?". It may of been an inappropriate question but he hoped that she didn't mind.
Epiphany had a high opinion of herself. She always did even before she had been changed but now it had been blown higher. One of the reasons Luthor couldn't stand her was because he could never get her to see him as her master instead of her equal but she couldn't help it, she had known him for way too long. Even if she didn't have this point of narcissism in her she would have accepted because for what she had seen and talked to Ferb she thought him nice and good looking.

"Well you look over your busy schedule and I will just be here looking over my lessons until you do." She joked though she really did have lessons to look over. Eden was laying everything on heaver seeing as Epiphany had already outstripped everything that she had been taught at school. Or maybe she had handed her education off to Sunako and that's why her lessons seemed to proved a little bit of a challenge now. Ether way she did like the excuse to skip out on one day and fight off the boredom that she usually felt.

Epiphany giggled at the next question. She assumed that he was slightly worried that he had asked out an old hag in a young girl's skin or something of that nature. She had seen that plenty of times where witches would spend thousands on potions to keep them looking young only to have them look sillier. "I'm sixteen so no clubs for a few years I'm afraid." She answered even though she doubted that he was old enough to want to take her to one though he did seem charming enough to get them through the door. "How old are you?" She asked. Not that she really cared. She could take care of herself in most situations. Epiphany kept turning the dagger on her pillow, making a small hole while watching the light of her table lamp twinkle off the blade.
Sixteen. What a magical number. Ferb thought of it as a passageway to show the world how independent he was and he had proven it: he lived here. So it's lucky that he had managed to find someone his own age and that he enjoyed talking to? Did he like this girl? Only time will tell.

"Conveniently sixteen as well. Ain't that lucky? I had a hunch that you weren't that older than me and now I find out we're the same age. Things keep getting better and better", Ferb laughed. "Speaking of which, what type of lessons?". He was curious to see if they had anything in common. Ferb adored Quidditch but obviously couldn't someone who he assumed was a muggle if they liked it.
Epiphany was impressed that he was indeed sixteen. She had gotten that he has was you but not her age. Epiphany grinned to herself this conversation was getting more interesting by the moment. Not interesting enough to make the glitch go away for now but enough that it wasn't pushing at the back of her head as much as it had been at the start.

"I know right. It's not often you met someone else that in nearly the same situation you are." She said brightly. She was happy to make a new friend even if it was a bit like getting a new goldfish to her. "Chemistry, Linear Algebra, Quantum mechanics. English lit, a bit of C++ because my tutor is just evil." She said a note of irritation in her voice. What she had mentioned translated into Alchemy, spell creation, advanced Athmancy and Charms. Though she wasn't exactly lying because she did look at the subjects she had mentioned but for fun rather than for study.
Oooh she's a smart one. Ferb considered that maybe Epiphany was not his type. He normally prefered the women that were interested in having fun and playing around but this girl seemed a bit different than what he usually hung out with. But, on the other hand, he also thought that maybe different was good. He was confused.

"Sounds hard. If you don't mind me asking though, why do you study with a tutor and not at a school or even college?". Ferb was currently absent from school and the Ministry were on his case about it. He had attended a wizardry school in Canada a month or so ago but dropped out because his family were having issues back home but now that they were sorted the Ministry were keen to get Ferb back into education. Whilst they advised that he re-attend his previous school, he had another in mind which may feed his personality more.
Epiphany gave a small laugh. "I was registered MENSA at the age of 12 so normal schools can't take me or even keep up with me. I could take a few collage courses for the fun of it but I can't access my collage fund until I'm eighteen sadly and I'd rather use my allowance at Madison Avenue or taking in a concert." She said. It was obvious that while she was smart Epiphany's life did not revolve around studying and books. In fact because she picked up everything she touched so quickly she could have an air of knowing everything without really trying for it at all but really she deplored having to sit down and have someone try and teach her.

"That and my parents thought who better to teach a genius than another genius and I have to admit their right. She really does have a way of keeping me on my toes." She said throwing only the slightest bit of flattery towards either Eden or Sunako which ever one of them prepared her lessons. Epiphany did like to study on her own because she could deal with her own work and then do whatever she wanted. Now iwht this new level of freedom, as long as she sent in her lessons completed she could go anywhere she wanted. "I do miss the girl's basketball team. I was quite good at the game and it was the only thing fun about ordinary schools. What about you what do you do for schooling?" She asked.

Basketball was the closet thing to quidditch that she could think of. While she would rather hang herself than do something so muggle she couldn't very well say that she liked and used to play Quidditch to someone that most likely had no clue want Quidditch was.
"Wow!", Ferb praised. So she was very smart. Ferb didn't know what to make of it. On one hand it was a good thing because she was getting where she was meant to and she could make for an interesting friend but on the other hand Ferb considered that he may not be able to connect with her. He guessed that he would have to find out soon.

"I dropped out of highschool because of family issues but I'm keen to get back in now that it's all sorted but I don't want to go to the one I went to because of bad history so I'm looking at other ones. I ain't dumb, I was getting Bs & Cs but I'm just behind". It wasn't technically a lie but he did miss out a few details.

Ferb sat face up on his bed with his bedside lamp on full brightness whilst talking to Epiphany. He was battling sleep so he could continue talking to her. He wanted to get to know her better and the best he could. Sudden darkness as the light bulb in the lamp had went. Sighing, Ferb said "One minute, my light's just gone". He put down the phone for a moment and reached for his wand on his nightstand.

Giving it a flick, Ferb cast "Lumos!". Not realising he may of said that too loud, he held the wand in one hand and the phone in the other and continued the conversation. "Okay sorry I'm back"
Epiphany grinned to the cilling now because she had turned on the back. The decorative pillow she had dug to hole into was on the floor and she was cuddling into her covers. Epiphany wasn't planning on sleeping but she was getting cold and knew the better than to put a heating charm up whilst on the phone with whom she thought was a muggle. She listened to him as he told her a bit about his school life and sighed. Family life was trouble for everyone it seemed.

"Grades can only tell you so much. I was held back a year in elementary because people that I wasn't getting the material then the school psychologist gave me a test and found that I wasn't handy capped it was the other way around. Still if you feel like it's time for a change then yes by all means do." She said her lies easy though she had traumatized a Healer in St. Mungo's when Eden had taken her to get evaluated so the story wasn't totally twisted around.

Epiphany head the spell being uttered after Ferb's light went out and pressed her head back against her pillows laughing. "Here I am trying to cover up the fact that I'm a spell caster the best I can and you come out of the blue and cast a lumos right over the phone. You would be in trouble young man if there wen't a home schooled witch in the same building." She said still giggling a bit at the situation. This was turning out to be more and more interesting by the minute.
Ferb's mind went into shock. He had just revealed his identity to a muggle. Oh god the Ministry would be so p*ssed with him and may even send him to Azkaban. Ferb panicked. Did he really say it loud enough? What did she make it out to be? What's the punishment for exposing wizardry? Was she really a spe-... Wait... She's a spell caster?

Ferb groaned. That was a close one. He got lucky that she wasn't a muggle or the Ministry would on his butt right now. He realised the situation and began laughing. "Well... that was interesting. You're really a witch? I wouldn't of suspected it for a moment". Ferb could see himself becoming best friends with Epiphany or even more. He genuinely found her attractive but wasn't stupid enough to judge a person by looks alone. That's why he started a conversation with the witch in the elevator. He was now keen to learn more.
"That was the point cutie though I don't think any real high society muggle men would believe that a girl like me would really be into basketball now thinking about it. I should have said badmington or whatever it's called." She said looking at her nails for any imperfections. She really couldn't care less about muggle sports but traveling in search of her sister had made her better at covering her tracks while talking to people she wouldn't really want to talk to. She hid in the muggle world in hopes that her sister wouldn't See her coming.

"I wouldn't have guessed that you're a wizard either by the way you talking. You must have been brought up at least partly in the muggle world." She said complementing him. Epiphany would have observed him and eventually figured out that he was a wizard because most couldn't act totally muggle if they where payed. Epiphany considered herself better than that. She was excited though that she didn't have to hide a part of herself from someone that she could see herself getting closer to over the time they shared a building and even after wards.
Ferb thought about it a little. He had mostly been brought up as a muggle despite his family history. His father was very impressed with how muggles had brought up society and often wondered if wizards were at a disadvantage because of muggle's technology. So he raised Ferb & his siblings up as mostly muggle and partially wizard. When Ferb started school he really got a kick out of the wizard way of life. Sure he knew what he was doing but his family never got as in-depth with the wizard world as most magical families did.

"Yeah it's a skill really. But thinking about it, basketball probably wasn't the best sport to choose", he chuckled. "This should make our date tomorrow a bit more interesting". He regretted saying that instantly. He just admitted it was a date and, by result, admitted that he was interested in her. Ferb had lost face.

"I don't think I can't sleep tonight after this situation", he chuckled nervously.
There was one question that was burning in her skull now but she thought it better to ask when they knew each other better. She wasn't a pureblood herself but had been raised with the ideals for most of her life not to mention that she knew two of the new Sectori organisation nether which liked her very much but she still knew them and it wasn't like she planned to depend on them for very long. "So you admit it's a date then? I'm honored." She said the grin on her face clear on her voice. She was so happy right now, most would think that because she was sixteen and had just gotten a handsome wizard to ask her out. those that knew the other side of her would be hiding from that grin.

"Don't laugh at me it was the closet thing I could think of to Quidditch which is what I used to play when I went to Hogwarts New Zealand. I do really like the sport. I was a Beater." She said remembering her time with the game. She may have looked skinny but she had a rather good swing. She hoped that the change of subject would bring Ferb's confidence back, she could tell that he was rather dejected from having admitted that they where indeed going on a date. Yes she had to admit it was a little dorky but she found that a little more charming and it made things easier for her.

"We've got all night and I don't pay minutes." She said hugging her pillow. Epiphany knew that it was a sort of ritual with good friends to talk late into the night or at least one of then fell asleep. Though Epiphany was not ordinary by any means she was willing to give it a try.
"Oh a beater? Somehow I can't imagine you flying on a broom with a bat in your hand but that may be because you look too cute to beat anything up". So it had resorted to this. Ferb was aware that the two of them were now flirting with each other and he wasn't too sure what to make of it so he embraced it.

By the sounds of it Epiphany presented herself to Ferb has a loving person who was genuinely interested in talking to him and he enjoyed it. He hadn't connected with someone this way for a while and it was a relief for him.
Epiphany giggled sweetly. "Well believe it cutie and I have an excellent swing so you'd better be good to me." She said playfully. She would never really use the beaters bat on him. Not if her glitch had anything to say about it. Her glitch was at rest for now though and there had been no blood involved which was a rare event.

She really wanted to get to know Ferb. He was being kind to her and she was really used to that. Not unless someone wanted something from her. That thought came to her and Epiphany remembered why she had to be careful. Still speaking with Ferb was a nice change and she was now curious on how the date the next day would go.
Ferb laughed at the obvious joke. He wasn't violent despite loving muggle sports & Quidditch. Those sports took the anger out of him and got him to concentrate. "So tell me about this school you used to go to. I'm looking for one to attend soon". New Zealand sounded interested. He knew they spoke English so there wouldn't be a communication issue and it would be an entire new experience for him. He wanted to learn more.
Epiphany grinned to herself when she heard him laugh. Quidditch for her had also been a sort of zen experience. That and the chaos on the field was a sort of comfort. Hogwarts New Zealand? Well of course you of Hogwarts in Europe right? Well There's a New Zealand branch, it's not as old as Scottland branch but everything is pretty much the same, your basic classes and interesting people to get to know." She said her voice going sort of dreamy as she remembered her 'friends'. She wondered what most of her 'Toys' where up to now or even if they went to the same school. Part of her wanted to go back just see if they where but knew that she might not be welcome back.
Hogwarts in Europe? He had never heard of it but decided not to interrupt her. "I'm actually from a wizarding school in Canada but this school in New Zealand sounds good from what you've told me it sounds good".

A problem he thought of is that if he decided to attend this new school he wouldn't be able to see Epiphany until he graduated. Of course he would be able to fly over to America and spend the term breaks with her but not much more than that. He supposed it was lucky enough that she was a witch so they could stay in contact via Owl so that wasn't so bad. He smiled at the thought.

"What about the surrounding area? Is it a popular wizard place or is it hidden in the hills away from any life?"

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