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Tyler Lee

Gringotts Worker | Calculating | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2036 (26)
Open after Steph posts with Bada

Tyler was pleased to be here, pleased to have a date. He liked Bada, at least... he liked the idea of her on his arm tonight. She was the perfect date for an event like this, and Tyler was already looking around to see if he could spot any Accio members hanging around that could take their picture once they were together. For the past few years, Tyler had written off the dances as girly nonsense, but now that he was older he could see the value of them. He remembered with painful clarity how much Sierra had hurt him last year, and how much Blake had looked the fool after Alice had thrown a drink on him. It had made him see that these events were what people talked about, what people remembered. So he felt like he had to make as good an impression as possible while there. He waited near the entrance for Bada to arrive, hoping she would be here soon so no one would think he didn't have a date.
Bada hadn't ever gone to anything with anyone before. She had seen people at previous dances and talked with them but no one had ever asked her to attend. This year was different as Tyler Lee had asked her. She wondered if he really did like her as it might seem. He did seek her out after one of her classes that they didn't share and asked, which made her think he might fancy her, at least she hoped he might. She hadn't ever had a crush on anyone before and she wasn't too sure if she did have a crush on Tyler. It did make her smile more than she usually would in the corridors when she thought about going to the Yule Ball with him. As she got ready she thought about how she might be able to ask him how he felt about her. He seemed nervous when he asked as if he was afraid she might say no. But she said yes, of course and as she headed down the stairs to the Great Hall she wondered how the night would go. Getting to the entrance was easy finding Tyler in the crowd proved more difficult than she thought it'd be but soon enough she found him standing nearby waiting. Smiling she walked up to her date. "Hello, oppa, here you are!" Bada greeted Tyler in Korean.
Tyler smiled at the sight of Bada as she approached. She was looking really pretty, and he appreciated it. He liked the way her dress caught the light, he figured it would make more people take notice of them. "Hey, you look beautiful." He told her, truthfully. He ignored that she greeted him in Korean, though he smiled slightly. He understood why she did it, but at school all Tyler wanted was to fit in. Speaking another language was not the way to do that. He offered her his arm. "Let's go inside. Do you want to dance?" He asked her, glancing at her curiously. He knew Bada was kind of shy, so he wasn't sure if she would want to. He didn't know how to dance very well, but figured the swaying in place most older students seemed to do at these things wasn't too difficult. "Or would you rather get drinks first?" He added, giving her another option.
Bada smiled as she was complimented by her date and looked down at her dress. It was a very pretty dress and she was glad she had brought it with her, she found it annoying that she'd either have to buy a dress during the weekend they were allowed out of school or bring one at the beginning of the year to have a dress the fitted properly. She wished there was some sort of break she could go home during the semester for a dress but it was the way it was and she couldn't really change that. "You look very handsome yourself," she replied returning the compliment. He did look really good, she wasn't fully certain if she was that attracted to him, he had a very beautiful face but she could also see how he looked similar to her father when he was young. The young girl certainly wasn't interested in dating someone like her father, no matter how much she worked to impress the man. "I think dancing would be fine," she said not really certain how people danced, hoping it was mostly jumping up and down and similar motions for the faster paced songs. "I'm glad the semester is over, a break will be nice. Will you be heading home for the break?" She asked trying to bring something more than just replies to their conversation.
The compliment Bada gave him in return made Tyler smile and stand a bit taller. It wasn't every day that he was called handsome, but he had seen that the suit fit him a lot better than it had last year. It made him feel grown up. He wasn't entirely sure how happy he was when Bada chose dancing to start with, but nodded anyway. "Sure, dancing would be nice." He said quickly. It was his job to make her feel special, at least for now. He started leading her to the dance floor, nodding along to the music. "Yeah, I will." He said, turning to her as they found a spot on the dance floor. Thankfully, there was a faster song on right now, so Tyler just copied the way he saw most other boys dancing, moving to the music without actually touching Bada. But he knew that when a slower song would play, their dancing would change too. "What about you?" He asked her. Though he couldn't help but think this was a rather boring conversation to have on a date.
Bada smiled, feeling good about herself in the moment. She wasn't the most confident person or maybe the most extroverted. But the fact Tyler had thought of her for his date did make her feel happy. She was always very impressed by how charming Tyler was in conversation and their interactions. She looked around and spotted Elliot, her co-prefect, dancing with Alice. She thought they looked like a nice pair, though she wasn't sure if they were dating. Last she had known they weren't dating anyone, but she barely spent her time trying to keep up with the ever changing whims of her classmates. "I will, of course living here in New Zealand it will be a long journey," she said not realizing her mistake in phrasing. She bobbed along to the music wondering if this was meant to feel more fun rather than how awkward it did feel. "Good music," she said a light smile on her face.
Tyler followed Bada's gaze and spotted that annoying kid Elliot dancing with Blake's ex girlfriend. Even though he and Blake were no longer friends, he felt a strange urge to glare at them. Who did she think she was? Settling for someone like that after Blake? But he reminded himself he didn't even like Blake anymore, and pushed any thought of him aside. He focused his attention on Bada, resisting the urge to look around more and see who else had come here together. He'd doubtlessly hear the gossip about it soon, and for now it would be best to seem very interested in his date. But her words confused him. "You live in New Zealand?" He asked, hesitant. "Then it wouldn't be a long journey, right? As we... are in New Zealand." He wasn't sure what she meant, and hoped he wasn't just misunderstanding something simple. He was honestly not sure where Bada lived, if it was in New Zealand or in Korea. He'd never bothered to ask. He smiled and nodded in agreement as she complimented the music, but just at that moment, the music was switched to a slower song. Tyler stopped moving and then held out a hand to her. "Want another dance?" He asked, trying to seem more confident than he felt.
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