DEs needed

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I'd like any DE's interested to respond.
Karyna is a new DE herself and she's very pleasant.. But there's a whole plot slowly forming which could involve a stay in azkaban for someone and the death of Karyna.
Anyway, still thinking about that so I haven't asked admins yet.
But any DE's who are interested in befriending Karyna, trusting her and then having her expose them to the Ministy please respond.
I don't expect to even get one reply but it could make for an interesting plot.
PM me for more details on my idea.
I need someone before I can really ask the admin about this.
Perfect. That's that sorted then :p
We'll have to go into further arrangements later.
For now, I shall begin the process of sorting this plot.

I'll contact you with more detail.
Thank you.

Oh wait...i read this wrong...

Jacqueline is covered with the ministry because Raziel has her down as a double agent soo i dont know how that would work out...I read it as you wanted a DE to reveal Karyna as a DE oops...
*headdesk* Lol. Ok.
Well, I've been thinking some things through so I will send you the plot to explain.
And bare in mind that Karyna does not know Jacqueline is a double agent so when you read the plot you'll understand.. Although, I will make a few changes.
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