Open Dedicated Exploration

Professor Adorah Zumwalt

Astronomy 1-4 💫 | Freelance Writer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Vine Wand, 12 3/4", Dragon Heartstring Core
26 (03/2037)
Adorah was becoming more stressed by the minutes with final exams coming up so soon. She was only taking a few classes, but all of these classes required you to study particularly hard. She decided to take a break from all the studying for once and enjoy the fresh air. She had yet to visit the lake, and while water wasn't her favorite element, she enjoyed the beauty of it. Walking down from the grounds of the castle, she made her towards the lake and began to walk along the edge of the water. It was clear near the edge, and she looked up towards the mountains, a fish jumped out from the lake. She picked up a stick off the ground and drug it along the shoreline, creating ripples that branched out into the deeper portions of the body of the water. Eventually, she found a secluded area underneath a few willows trees about 10 feet from the edge. She took a seat and spread out her legs, leaning back and taking in the glow of the sun. Adorah really had spent much time outside since arriving at Hogwarts. Most of it was spent in the library studying, and she forgot the value of a few minutes of fresh air and sunlight. Suddenly, she heard a rustle near her and glanced over to see what was coming towards her.
Audra was not a fan of the sun shining down on her right now. She preferred the darker times of day and the quietness that came with them. Right now plenty of people were out on the lawn exploring and laughing and it made her miss her brother Gracen more and more. She could never figure out where Hudson was always hiding out but him being much older she did not really try to connect with him. She moved along the semi-crowded grounds to the lakefront, the water always so tempting. She wished swimming was something they were allowed to do. She figured something about the fish people and other creatures that lived in the lake that made people not jump right in. Shame, she thought, swimming was always fun and some magical creatures were friendly. She was deep in her thoughts as she made her way to a set of trees near the water's edge. Shade from the sun would be nice.
Adorah looked through the trees and noticed another student making her way towards her hiding spot. She brought her legs into a criss-cross sitting position and looked out at the lake. This was the kind of social situation she tried so desperately to avoid and wished she had a book on her. She looked over at the girl how pretty her hair was. "I like your hair!" she called out. I like your hair? What kind of compliment is that? Now she'd done it. She gave a weak smile and hoped the girl didn't think she was too odd, but it was true. Her hair was really pretty.
Audra looked over the lake tempted to head right into the water and enjoy floating there for awhile. But a voice calling out towards her distracted her from her thoughts and she looked around for the owner. It was a girl, not in her year she didn't think, sitting on the ground under the trees she had been walking towards. A compliment, so randomly given Audra wasn't sure how to process the interaction. Was the girl wanting some kind of compliment in return now? Why bother yelling at another student, it seemed so odd to her. "Your hair is the same," Audra replied pointing to the girl's own darker brown long hair.
Adorah watched as the girl looked at her and responded. While there hair was similar in color, she found this girl's to be shiny, and that had attracted the initial compliment from Adorah. She stuttered as she tried to find a response. "I-I suppose you're right?" She quickly rose up from the ground and wrapped her arms around herself. "I didn't mean to bother you. Sorry!" she said, turning away from the girl. She had yet to figure out the proper way to make friends, and she had yet again ruined a chance by shouting a useless compliment.
Audra watched the girl respond oddly, she seemed nervous now. Though Audra hadn't made any move to hurt her or anything like that. She wondered why the girl suddenly stood and started to walk away. "Maybe just don't yell at people," Audra said after the girl wondering why she was even bothering to continuing the conversation. This person obviously did not know how to talk to people. On the other hand, Audra having been raised by wealthy to-do parents and now cared for by her even wealthier Aunt and Uncle was raised to have polite conversations with people of any age. It was probably part of the reason she was so reserved. She didn't care for the conversations she was first to endure at home and so she didn't think conversations ever had much quality of entertainment for herself.
Adorah stopped when the girl responded again. She really hadn't thought that she was yelling, but projecting could be interpreted as such depending on your tone. She turned toward the girl and took a few steps forward. "I'm sorry. Maybe we should start again. I'm Adorah, what's your name?" she asked, putting her hand forward as if to shake the girl's and giving a small smile. If the girl really didn't want to be friends, that was fine. However, Adorah was working to remedy her friend situation and at least make plenty of acquaintances around campus. That would surely lead to some closer relationships eventually.

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