Closed Decisions

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
The Quidditch try-outs had been a lot tougher as a captain, rather than a player. Lysander was so used to just focusing on what he had to do, and it was completely different when he had to be one of the ones trying to keep track of what everyone had going on. He wondered if it was the same for Sierra, or if she'd had an easier time because she was older, and had been on the team longer. After everyone had cleared the pitch and the spare gear had been put away, Lysander trudged over to the changing rooms with Sierra, and plopped himself down on one of the benches. "Man, that was pretty hectic, huh?" He asked her. There were a lot of people who'd tried out, and only so many spots available to fill. He hadn't realised what it was like for Jacob, having to disappoint people every year, and he knew he'd have to do the same with his co-captain right now. He'd been lucky enough to get his position on his first try and avoid any of that letdown.​
Sierra had thoroughly enjoyed herself, watching the Quidditch try outs. She had been desperate to get up and fly around with them, but she knew she had a responsibility now, and had to focus. Being a seeker had definitely taught her how to focus, but there were still a lot of people that had tried out. The blonde was sure that they were going to get a great team - they people they already had on the team were marvelous, they were surely just going to add to it!
Sierra skipped alongside Lysander, her mind brimming with decisions. "Yes!" She replied as she plonked herself opposite him, giving him a grin. "But super exciting as well! So many people tried out! How do you think it went?"
Lysander nodded along enthusiastically. "Great, I think!" He said, going over the list of names on the sheet. "There were tons of beaters trying out. There were all pretty good, but I don't think I saw this girl actually hit anyone with a bludger." He said, tapping Grace's name on the sheet. She'd hit plenty away from other players, however. "Buuut I think Emma was definitely still the best. She did awesome, and her technique was pretty amazing." He said, trying to sound as if he knew what he was talking about when it came to the beaters, and not that he just wanted his best friend to stay on the team with him. She did already have the experience, and she was a good player, so he didn't think he had to worry. "Knox did good too, we can't kick him off, right?" He asked. It seemed wrong, to get rid of one our the alternates from before. Sierra had still been one before she'd made captain, so he didn't think it meant that they weren't the best players. "What did you think of this guy?" He asked, pointing to Flynn's name on the sheet. He'd tried out for seeker, and honestly, Lysander thought his flying was a bit janky, but he didn't have the same seeker experience that his co-captain had.​
Sierra nodded, moving to sit next to Lysander to look at the sheet as well. "Nor her." She commented, pointing at Aubrey's name. The blonde nodded again when he said he thought Emma was the best. "Yesss, and she has been an alternate so has the experience, and knows the team! This guy - " She pointed at the name Ronald, "was also pretty impressive, but we both like Emma, and I think having a team that you get along with is important too! So, what do ya' reckon? She's our beater?" Sierra asked, with a grin on her face, getting excited. If they agreed, that would've been the easiest pick yet! She nodded again about Knox. "No way, he's really good and we like him! Win win!" Sierra was glad she continued to be picked for alternate seeker, she definitely had the ability and chance to prove herself in Jacob's decisions, and she definitely found it fair to keep returning alternates around. Sierra looked at the name of the only person to have tried out for seeker. "He started off shaky...but I think he managed to pull through. But, he's only second year, I'm sure he could get better? He wasn't that bad." Sierra said, wondering if she was trying to convince herself, or if he wasn't actually that bad. "What do you think? Reckon he'd fit?"
Sierra scrolled down the rest of the list, looking at Michael and Nikko's names. "What about keepers? I know Nikko tried out last year as well, he's pretty good but Michael seemed quite good too."
Lysander was glad to be on the same page as Sierra. The whole team worked really well together as it was. "Agreed! Definitely Emma and Knox." He said, doodling in large checkmarks next to their names on the sheet. Perfect. This wasn't so hard. He did feel bad for Skylar, after she'd approached him the previous year hoping to join the team, but there was only so many chasers they could fit. He listened to Sierra's thoughts on the boy who'd tried out for seeker, nodding along. "That's what I thought. His foot kept slipping off. It could just be that his shoes didn't have any grip for the broom. I know one of my pairs are too flat for flying in." He shrugged. "He did catch the snitch. I think he could be good, and he'll have you to train him." He grinned. A backup seeker was always good to have, and Paige had proven that in their last match against Slytherin, and she didn't even have much experience being one from what he knew. He checked Flynn's name, and hovered over the two boys that had tried out for Keeper. "Two keepers would give Christian a break during practices." He laughed. "This ones hard. I liked Michael." He said slowly, thinking back to how the boy had cartwheeled away. He was a new transfer, so outside of try-outs, he didn't know anything about him except that he was kind of funny. He'd also been late. "But, I think I liked Nikko better. Some of the shots he missed were still pretty close, and I think he's stronger for our team. He seemed a lot better than he did last year. I'd go with Nikko." He decided, pausing to see if Sierra was happy with that. For the most part it seemed like the team was pretty sorted.​

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