Dear [Whomever]

Dear people.

If you discover you want to be my friend, can you please make sure that you actually want to, and save me the heartbreak from when you move on to the cooler people?

Dear Boy,

Why do you make me smile like so? Why must you be so different from the rest?
It is kind of scaring me. There has to be a catch. Are you secretly an ass?
Or something?

Yours Truly
Dear Accounting,

I hate you! We all hate you! Why have you come into our perfectly happy lifes and ruin it for us? I'm only going to stand you for the next 15 hours because I need you to get to the States in the summer and if you ruin it for me I'mma keel you dead. After 12:30PM tomorrow I never want to see you again, got it? :glare:

- Fed up student who didn't sign up for accounts!
Dear Stomach,

I'm sorry I haven't been taking care of you lately but you're really hurting me and if you would kindly stop I'll fill you with your favourite meal in a short while, I promise :cry:

- Sick and hungry
Dear, College

Woot! Finally, I got register my classes. And night shift is fine with me :)

Sincerely; The girl who is excited
Dear, Dad

Why won't you let me just rent a book? Seriously? Its cheaper.

Sincerely; The girl who likes cheap stuffs
Dear, 7th year presentation

Just a little bit of space and your done BUT why am I procrastinating? I don't know *sigh*

Sincerely; The first time procrastinator
Dear Officemax:

ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU. Thankyou SO MUCH for my school stationary!!!!! ♥

- love that girl who runs out squealing to collect her parcel from the courier every year before they even get onto the driveway.
Dear bacteria that is making me sick,

I hope this antibiotic kills you dead and that you suffer a long painful agonizing death.

Me :)
Dearest Head.

Really hating you right now. Why can't you just let me focus, and stop making me so freaking shaky! You just had to decide I needed this disorder, right? ARGH! I'd scream at you if you weren't so sore!!

- sincerely, that girl you've known for nearly sixteen years.
Dear Laptop

Im sorry i broke you in the same week i got you. It was my idea to put you next to the sink. I hope you feel better when you get back from the special laptop hospital and i will not have liquid near you ever again.


The guy who now knows not to put a computer near water.
Dear Dad

I think you are selfish. You say that you have no job and cant pay mum child support. Then you say you have to go to "work" to pick up a few things. You then rant to me saying that i can't get ST. Jimmy fixed untill my birthday because you only have a few hundred dollars in the bank. Then you had a huge rant to me about how you don't have any money. MUM IS ABOUT TO GO BANKRUPT BECAUSE OF YOU. The least you could do is try to compensate for the three years you haven't payed any attention to Amelia, Justin and i. You just had to spend that time in China didn't you?! And now, everytime you and i are alone you tell me that im fat and you try to make me feel so guilty. Here's a news flash. I HAVE BEEN TAKING PILLS TO HELP ME LOSE WEIGHT FOR THR PAST SIX MONTHS. I have lost weight. I lost 8kgs last year. Not like you would notice though. You just point out my flaws and tell me how bad of a daughter i am. I have made such an effort with trying to please you but you wouldn't notice a thing. Now you tell me that i have to get off the computer because im wasting the internet that you pay for every month. I thought you didn't have any money. F**K YOU.

The girl who hates you.
Dear you,

I really don't think you understand just how much my heart is breaking at this very moment. I was so good to you and did anything and everything for you, but still that didn't seem to be enough. I tried more than once to make a clean break and salvage what was left of my already fragile heart, but even then your games worked on me and and I stupidly went running back. It's been 6 months since I've seen you and almost 3 months since I've even had what one could call a 'conversation' with you and for the most part I thought I was completely over you. Now I find out that you're engaged to someone that you've only been with for 4 months and that's okay. It's okay because even though I'm hurting right now I know that this was exactly what I needed to finally try to break myself away from you forever. My heart hurts right now and probably will for a while. I'm going to cry, in fact I am at this very moment. I'm already asking myself why not me? Why wasn't I good enough for you, but I'm starting to realize that maybe it was you who isn't good enough for me. I loved you the best I knew how to and now I'm letting you go the best I know how to. So for now I'll do my grieving for what used to be and what could have been and what never will be, but once I move past this then I know I'll be better because of it.

This is me letting you go.

Dear J.K. Rowling, Thank you for writing the best book series EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
I kind of hope that you write a next generation one (Part of me really doesn't, Part of me really does!!) about Rose, James, Albus etc
From girl who is currently re-reading Tales of Beedle the Bard :D
Dear, Sims Character who doesn't have a husband

I don't know what's wrong with you but PLEASE have a husband already. I've been trying to hook you up which ever guy who walks in front of you but there is no use <_<

Dear, Page 40

Why do you always do this ?!?!?
Dear Feeling,

Will you kindly f*ck off! Please?! I seriously hate you. It's over the tinest f*cking thing and you know what, it doesn't suit me and I hate feeling like this. And why is it you always seem to come around at this time, you know I have enough f*cking crap going on I don't want to have to deal with you as well. You just better leave soon because I don't need you ruining the rest of my day.

- P!ssed off and depressed.
Dear Husband

I love you so much and a remember the first time we met like it was yesterday, you were sitting there across the table from me, looking up at me with a weird face because i had just drank a whole buch of cordial and my teeth were bright yellow. I still feel embarrasses everytime i think about it. It was just so freaking embarasssing! I looked rediculous too. I was wearing a t-shirt that said "I love rockstars" and you are a rockstar and i thought it would be funny because i love you and you're a rockstar and stoofs. You looked so pretty at the meet and greet and you always look pretty. I hope you felt electric sparks run up your arm when you shook my hand too. I sure felt it. It is one of the signs that i know we're ment to be together. We are made for eachother and when you realise it and ditch that ugly c**t you're dating now i know you will make the right decision and be with me. She's just using you to get famous anyway. Everything she tweets is about how she's with you. She would have no life without you. She is seriously using you. Enough said. Anyway, i still swoon everytime i think about you or anything you do. You are just so perfect and i can't imagine myself with anybody else.

With love
Your soulmate
Dear person who i miss

I miss you. I wish you could come up here to Wellz and visit. We need to have a catch up. Plus, mum is all "Blah" because i don't talk to you much anymore.

Me :unsure:
Dear, Mom
Its just a hale storm don't be too excited
Sincerely, Your Daughter
Dear, Sims Character
Thanks to my older brother, you are married and preggy
Sincerely, The girl who staye up late
Dear, Week
Hurry up, please make this week go on fast.
Sincerely, The excited student
Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?
Dear Old Friend,

Go away. No one wants you back particularly me. It's like a routine with you these days. It seems like you only come back just to leave again, it's annoying and I'm tired of trying to count on you. I can honestly say I'd rather my life just go without you in it, you'll probably leave again anyways so it's not like I should worry on you coming back.

An Old Friend

Dear Body,

I know your tired. I know I've been pushing it, but please just last until finals. Then you can take a long break without interruption.

The Stress Bringer

Dear Self;

Grow the f*ck up and ignore her f*cking page, this really isn't helping your crappy headspace one little bit.

Dear twitter stalker.
It is actually really odd to have a stalker. I mean. It feels wierd.
Am I flattered?
Creeped out?
I don't know. But I'm not making my tweets private just because of you. It would be stupid to ruin what I have because of one person. Suppose for now I'll act flattered. But who knows?
Dear, Books
Hah! I got you now
Sincerely, the girl who thinks your expensive
Dear, Presentation
Finally, you are done and I can post you
Sincerely, the maker who procrastinate very much
I swear, if you take my audio out of the my presentation because of a copyright, I'm going to take you out of business <_<
Sincerely, the girl who is pissed at you
Dear calf muscles.

I'm sorry I didn't stretch you before or after I went for a run on the stairs.
Please forgive me and stop punishing me.

Signed, can't walk!

So I have to stand there and listen to every single complaint that you can think of about everything.... while I have to sit in silence and not complain or cry that I had to cut off one of the bestest friends I ever had? How dare you. I was depressed outwardly and you freaked out. Screw you.

I'm tired of this. Yeah, I may sound like your dad, and I hate to say it... but I know why he doesn't talk to you. You whine.

He was my escape route. I could dive into the friendship and talk all night about Harry Potter, movies, video games, my RPs, and he would listen. You won't. Your jealousy gets the better of you, and now I no longer have that best friend.

I almost hate you.

The Bad Guy.
Dear, New Dog

Should I name you or should I let my siblings name you? I wish to call you Ginny but reminds me of my old dead dog. I'm debating whether Lavender or Mione xD

Sincerely, Your caring owner

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