Deal with a Death Eater

*pouts* those death eaters have really had it out for me! NO DEAL! *looks out to crowd for approval*
Thats a hard decision but I think I'll go for numbers EIGHT, EIGHTEEN, FIFTEEN and um ah, NINE *claps herself* *worries about what is in the boxes* *bites nails nervously*
"Well... Box 8 contains...+100 post count" *smiles and shuffles on to next box*

"Behind Box .. I mean in box.. in box 18 we have .. Custom Username Formatting (3 Days)"

"Box 14 contains ...(Different) Coloured username (2 days) and box 9 contains ... - 100 post count"

*cheers wildly*
Oh dear! *nervously bites nails* this is all your fault Brittany! *pouts and crosses arms* hopefully my case has something good in it, erm.
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)
NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

Oh that was a horrible round, sorry but it was. *phone rings and discusses offer then hangs up* OK I have the Death Eaters offer for you. And it is:

-200 posts

Deal or no deal?
*looks at Brittany for advice* *Brittany glares* "You know how hard I worked to get your post count up missy!" Oh...yeah...umm NO DEAL!
*Ish slightly worried about ze contestant* Ooook then. If that's the case, choose 3 more boxes for meh
Ok SEVENTEEN, FIVE and FOUR!! *claps self* *ish worried about how badly she is doing*
"Alrighty then in box number ... 17 we have ... Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours"
*incites crowd to go wild*

"great prize, great prize... right box number 5 we have ... Main Account Suspension: 12 hours. She's missing out on some brilliant prizes here"

*moves along to other box*
"And in box 4 we have ... Username Icon (1 Day)"
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)
NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

O0o0o0o0o0h great round. *does the whole DE thing* Oh bad show old man, bad show. The Death Eater has offered you:

- 20 posts

Deal or no deal?
Oh um, I feel like I've been put on the spot here but...TWO, ELEVEN, TWELVE...this is so nerve wracking!!
*Moves hurriedly along to boxes*

"Well in this box ... number 2 we have ... +10 post count"

*shuffles along to next box*
"And in box number 11 we have ... - 10 post count and in your last box ... that contains... 1 Week (Main Account) Suspension. Back to you there boss."
Well that's not bad at all *gets DE offer* Well he must see that the board is good and even so your offer for this round is:

+100 posts and bolded name

Deal or no deal?
Yay! I do good? But I'll have to say NO DEAL! I'm pretty sure my box is the lucky one...
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)
NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

Wow you're a persistent little thing you know that? OK then if that's the case, choose 2 more boxes.
Hey *pouts* I'm not that small! Ok maybe a little...moving on...SIX and FOURTEEN please!
*laughs as next two boxes are chosen*
"Alright then ... in box number 6 ... Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 Hours"

*shakes head sadly* "another good prize bites the dust"

*moves along to other box*
"And in box number 14 we have ... drum roll... 3 Days (Main Account) Suspension"
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)
NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

Cheers wildly at boxes. This. Is. AMAZING. Go Mel *does a little dance* *hears phone ring* *composes self* *answers phone* *laughs at DE mumbling* Aww poor baby's not happy. *listens to over and hangs up* OK! Wow! I mean, wow! Melodie, your offer for this round is....

4 days icon & colour, 1 day area closing extension, 5 dementor glomps.
And 1 personal gur-an-tee that no Death Eater will kill her... today.

Deal or no deal?
Well this is one of the hardest decisions I've had to make, *looks up at Brittany* "Say it Melodie" well I really would like the security of not being attacked by another deatheater...but I'm going to have to say NO DEAL! *bites nails in anticipation* that grand prize is much too aluring...
OK wow! Fair play to you Meldoie. Now finally, do you want to keep your box or swap with the other box that's out there in play?
Oh crap. Really? I have to choose one. *bites lip* I'm gonna have to stick with my own box. I really hope I'm right. Just going with my gut here...

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