Deal with a Death Eater

*claps loudly as Hilde passes on prizes*

"Ooooh but she's a determin'd lass"

*Turning to other boxes and knocks one over*
"Sorry, sorry my fault ... my fault there harm done" *smiles at audience and sheepishly at host, bends and retrieves the box.

"Right then box number ... ehm... 10 was it?" *looks for the 10 box then lifts lid*

"Box ten contains ... 3 Days (Main Account) Suspension"
*audience boo's*

"Box 8 has ... +100 post count"
*audience cheers dramatically lots of ooohing and aaahing*

"Box 15 well ... that contains in it ... (Different) Coloured username (2 days)"
*smiles at Hilde while scratching beard*
Yeah well just make sure you don't do it again, ok sweet-thang ;) :r
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)

NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]
So Hilde, here's what you have left.... *phone rings* *has a pleasant chat with the Death Eater* *hangs up*

And for you Hilde, you have the offer of:

1 dementor hug, +5 post count, and a running start. :r

Deal or no deal?
A hug from my darling Dementor would be so worth it.....but

Quite the gambler, aren't you? xD

OK then, no deal it is. Lets move on shall we?

Now, Hilde, I would like you to choose three more boxes for me.
How's about 5, 9 and 16.
*impressed that Hilde wants to play on, moves to boxes*

"In box number 5 we have ... Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours"
*whistles highly impressed with prize, eyes Hilde nodding enthusiastically*

"In box number 9 ... nothing ... there's nothing in this box!" *looks about thinking it must be a mistake*

"could be something invisible, might be the grand invisible prize" *smiles expansively before walking to next box*

"Box 16 contains ... drum roll please ... Eternal Nicktator Servitude!"
*Audience eruption ... claps loudly* "now tha' der is a gran' prize indeed"
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)

NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

*joins in with crowds ohhh's and ahhhh's* Well that wasn't a bad round if I do say so myself. Only lost one good thing. *phone ring* *answers*

Hello Mr Death Eater. She's doing well isn't she? Oh he says that you gotten very lucky so far and that this is likely the best deal of the game for you. *listens to offer* OK! Thank you Mr Death Eater. *hands up*

OK Hilde, so based of your remaining boxes he has offered you:

1 day area closing extention
3 dementor glomps
a lifetime of Nicktator servitude
(the running start is off the table entirely)

Deal or no deal?
*bites lower lip nervously*

Now that is a good offer. Oh wow. Two things I would love to have, plus the Area Extension too. *giggles*

Um, ah, hmm. Oh what to do?

Know what, I think that since there are three good things left on the board, I have to say...


*jumps around clapping*
Holy smokes she's going right to the end folks. *claps*

Fair enough Hilde. Now be a dear and choose 2 more boxes for me, pleaseeeeeeeee *cheesy grin*
Ok. *nibbles on fist nervously*

How about numbers 3 and 14 please.
*walks to boxes bangs against table again*

"I'm okay folks, no damage done"
*opens box number ...3*

"This box contains ... +10 post count"
*grumbles loudly* "silly prize tha' really where's the fun in havin' a biggur post coun'?"

*shuffles along to next box*
"Box 14 has ... Main Account Suspension: 12 hours .... now that's what I'm talkin' about"
*claps wildly enticing audience to do the same*

"And the next box ... oh, tha's righ' dere's only two boxes this time ain't der?"
WOoooooooo. Hilde that's some board you have left there. Either way you are going to leave with a good prizes *claps and cheers with audience*
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)

NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

*phone rings and lights dim* Ohhh here goes nothing. *answers phone*

Well how do you like them candy apples Mr Death Eater. Uh-huh I see. Ohh is that right? Mhmm. Ohh. Interesting. OK, thank you! *hangs up*

Well Hilde, just had a wee chat there with the Death Eater. Silly old goof thinks that the Aurors have obviously meddled in this game. *rolls eyes and laughs* And he is positive that you only have the 1 day icon in the box. But he want to get this over with now and not giving you the chance to switch, so here's the deal:

3 days custom name formatting (bold or italics or underline or strikethrough)
3 days custom name font (her choice)
3 days custom name icon (his choice ;) )
3 days custom name colour (mostly her choice)
2 Dementor hugs
+50 posts
the running start is back in this offer.

So Hilde, for the last time, deal or no deal?
*jaw hits the floor*

There is no question in my mind.

*claps hands together* AND SHE'S DONE IT PEOPLE

*lifts her jaw of floor* That's not very appealing ;)

OK now that she has dealt, could my lovely assistant please reveal what was in Hilde's box?
*sniffles and wipes a tear away*

"Ruddy game is nearly over now... nice prizes though"
*walks to last box and box number 6 that Hilde chose at the start*

"Hmmm which to open first well guess I'll do this one..."

*Opens box number 7 ...*

"Wow .. I don't believe it... this is amazing. I've wanted this myself"
*beams sadly at Hilde for her loss*

"Tis the ... Username Icon (1 Day) which means ... that the box you had chosen, box number 6 contains ..."
*rolls eyes*
"Ah that only contains the grand prize".
:o Hard luck Hilde. You could have gotten the Grand Prize. *shakes head* Well it was a brilliant game and congratulations. Your prizes will be awarded at the end of birthday celebrations :)

*claps as Hilde walks off*

Now no time to dilly dally, we have another contestant waiting to get their turn at dealing with the Death Eater. So starting off with a fresh board Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling, come on down! *claps*
Good, good, great :D

OK Arty. To start the game off I need you to choose your box. So could you choose a number between 1 and 18 for me please? :)
Number three it is then *round of applause*

Now the fun can begin *evil laugh* *clears throat* Sorry about that. OK now where was I? Oh yes, the fun can begin. Now Arty, the next thing I need you to do is pick four more boxes for me, excluding number 3 :)
*waves goodbye to Hilde then turns to look as new boxes are brought out*

"Welcome welcome ... she's kinda small ain't she, well she be no more than an ant to me" laughs before walking to the boxes.

"Right then Tiny ... I mean Artemis .. that's an awfully big name for a small girl.. anyways ... in box 13 we have ...Username Icon (1 Day) "

"Hmmm coul' ave been better tha'... next box is 12 and we have ...Main Account Post Disable: 6 hours. now tha's a prize!"
*laughs and walks to box 6*

"In box 6 we have ... Eternal Nicktator Servitude. Another great prize gone there."
*opens next box*

"Box 4 contains ... +10 post count"
*mumbles about the shoddy prizes on offer*
Bad PrizesGood Prizes
1 Week (Main Account) SuspensionEternal Nicktator Servitude
3 Days (Main Account) Suspension+10 post count
Main Account Banned Usergroup: 24 Hours+100 post count
Disable (Main Account) Posting: 24 HoursUsername Icon (1 Day)
Main Account Suspension: 12 hours(Different) Coloured username (2 days)
Main Account Post Disable: 6 hoursCustom Username Formatting (3 Days)
- 100 post countDementor Glomps - once daily for a week
- 10 post countArea Closing Extension**
**(Want an area of the board that is set to close to be open a little longer? You can call in this favour and the forum won't be closed for two more days.)
NothingGrand Prize!
[th colspan="2"]Deal With a Death Eater Cases/Prizes[/th] [th]

*cringes at boxes* Umm not sure what to make of it, lost some good and some bad but we'll see what the Death Eater has to say about it. *phone rings* Always on time that man *answers phone* *talks away* *hangs up*
OK Arty so he has said that so far it's looking like a good game for him and to get you out now he is going to offer you:

Minus 50 posts

So Arty, tell me this: Deal or no deal?
Well, seein' as I'm already a Nick-slave, things ain't so bad.

-listens to the deal-
Havetae do betterin' that, Mr. Death Eater!


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