Closed Dashing Double Dates

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Nicole Fisk

💮 Gladrag's Asst. 💮 Your Average Witch 💮
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Ajax)
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2037 (26)
Nicole was pretty sure she hadn't stopped talking about the ball for about a month now. She was just excited to get to spend a proper night with Ajax. Of course, the side effect of her always talking about it was that inevitably, Emma had brought up her own boyfriend. Nicole didn't know Issac super well, and she knew it probably made her a bad friend to think as such, but she couldn't help but think she and Ajax were the better couple. And it was that line of thinking that had lead Nicole into offering to do a double-date instead of having her perfect romantic evening with Ajax alone. She was sure it was still be super fun, but she just had to see Emma and Issac together to be sure. She just hoped Ajax wouldn't be too busy with Accio! stuff tonight, she was counting on things going perfectly.

"The lights are so pretty this year, right?" She said the group after they'd all arrived, surreptitiously checking out the hall after a quick glance to compare her dress to what Emma was wearing. The hall did look nice this year, the usual snow and ever-greens replaced with fixings and dancing lights more emblematic of the Summer holidays they were actually going into. It was almost hypnotic and Nicole could already envision dancing with Ajax as the lights reflected romantically in their eyes.

@Ajaccio Skey @Emma van Houten @Issac Jacobs
Emma had loved Nicole's idea of doing a double date. They both had boyfriends now, which made this pretty easy. She wondered if they'd run into any of their friends at the dance too, as she was pretty curious if Lysander was going with anyone. Emma had put some effort into doing her hair tonight, and was pretty pleased with the result. She grinned at Issac, happy to spend the evening with him as well as her best friend.

The decorations were different than Emma was used to from the previous years, but she had to say she enjoyed it. While the idea of a summery Christmas was still a bit strange to her, Emma liked the whole look of it. The lights were great, and the way the hall was decorated got her in a partying mood. "It looks incredible!" She said excitedly. "Oh, let's grab a present!" She added as she spotted them under the tree. "Can we?" She asked the other three excitedly.
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Ajaccio had been a little surprised when Nicole had suggested they make their yuleball date a double date with Emma and her partner, but he didn't mind. He figured it was perhaps a bit of a way to cushion things if he had to go off and do something else for a bit, given his accio role, but he had carved out the time in the night for her. Ajax had put in a little effort. He'd actually got a suit, a dark blue suit, with a white shirt and a black bowtie. He hadn't done anything with his hair, but he'd tried to get it to sit a little less unruly. He'd been at the hall a while, getting the emptier shots of the decorations and the presents before it became too crowded. The prefect eventually spotted Nicole, Emma and her date and walked over to them. "Hey guys!" he greeted before leaning in to kiss Nicole in greeting, "You look beautiful Nicole," he told her.
Issac had been surprised at the idea of a double date, though he didn't mind. He guessed that getting to know more people in his year wasn't such a bad idea. But he was just happy that he was going to be spending the night with his girlfriend.

The boy had tried his best to look his best. Though his hair wasn't that neat. He didn't really care much about the hair. The boy hurriedly made his way to the Great Hall, a small bouquet of roses in hand that he was going to give to his girlfriend like he had done the past few events they went on together. He finally spotted his girlfriend and her friend. "Hello!" Issac says with a small smile and waved to the two girls. "Hello beautiful, these are for you," Issac whispers to Emma's ear with a small smile as he handed the bouquet of roses to her. He then noticed that the date of Nicole had then arrived, and waved a little in response. "They're pretty great," Issac says with a nod, as he responds to Nicole's question. Issac chuckles a little. "I don't see why not. Presents sounds like a great idea" Issac says with a small smile, as he responds to Emma. "I mean if you guys want to?" Issac questions, as he turns to the other two.
Despite her lingering need to want to compete with Emma and Issac, Nicole was glad to have Emma here to celebrate for the evening. She adored hanging out with Jenna, but she’d been feeling more and more guilty flouncing her happy relationship with Ajax in front of her friend over and over when Jenna was still so tragically single. It was nice to hang out with another couple.

Nicole beamed when Ajax joined them, savoring the kiss and hooking her arm around Ajax’s now that he was here. “Bowtie’s a good look for you,” she said softly, moving to adjust it slightly. There wasn’t much they could do about Ajax’s hair, but she appreciated that he’d made an effort to dress up. She did bristle some when Issac showed up with roses for Emma, glancing between Ajax and Issac and the roses for a moment but the conversation quickly moved to presents which Nicole was glad for. “Okay, but if I want to swap if I get a dud,” she announced, joining the group heading over to one of the trees and poking at a few of the wrapped gifts curiously. “I think I’ll take.. This one,” she said after a moment, taking a small, round-ish gift in white paper. “But someone else open theirs first,” she added, not wanting to be the first in case there were joke gifts or something embarrassing in here. She wouldn’t put it past some of the elves or professors to pull something like that.
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