Darmorel needs plots!

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Darmorel Milner

Well-Known Member
Darmorel is from Wales, England and is into music and stuff like that.
She is ignored by her family a lot, because she doesn't talk much to them. (Or when she tries they ignore her, so she just stopped talking.)
So anyways, she needs some plots, and also friends and enemies. xD
I know asking for enemies sounds bad, but I want her to meet all kinds of people. (and roleplay with them of course)
so it anyone wants to help, I'd gladly oblige. :frantics:
Like I said, I could help.
This be Damian. He is super sweet, and just moved to New Zealand from Germany. He lives with his brother who is a professional quidditch player. Damian needs a few friends. (Best friend has already been established. ^_^ ) Plus, he tends to ramble about colors and a bit feminine.
He is also terrified of the color yellow and spiders. Loves to debate, but always thinks that he is right. :oy:
So, yeah. ^-^
I think that would be cool for Darmorel.
She can be really crazy and weird sometimes though.
She laughs A LOT. xD
Evelyn Bao said:
Well I'd say friend

Feng is a really sweet, nice girl but has a harsh, mean, sly, underhanded side. She is pretty naive and is a pushover

Umm.. that's pretty well it but yeah :)
Cool. Darmorel has hear mean, won't take any bull crap attitude, but is really nice.
I think they would be good friends
Do you want to start an RP with Darmorel?
So they can meet and all. ^^
Kaede Okinawa said:
I think that would be cool for Darmorel.
She can be really crazy and weird sometimes though.
She laughs A LOT. xD
As does Damian.
Sorry I haven't set up anything, RL has been a pain. :oy:
Aleyha Devearux said:
Kaede Okinawa said:
I think that would be cool for Darmorel.
She can be really crazy and weird sometimes though.
She laughs A LOT. xD
As does Damian.
Sorry I haven't set up anything, RL has been a pain. :oy:
That's awesome.
No that's cool, I have time, my real life is non-existent.
All my friends are in my computer. xD
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