Closed Dancing With You

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Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had been nervous about this dance, ever since Xinyi had invited her along to the dance. She hadn't been worried about it until he'd invited her, and he'd kissed her. She had enjoyed that, but she wanted this to be good. Rosie had been working away before she was due to meet with him, and had her camera with her. She was doing her best to focus on taking pictures, using that to distract her as she waited from Xinyi, wondering if she might be able to kiss him again, hoping that she might.
Xinyi had spent a little extra time getting ready- he wanted to look his best, and he knew it gave her time to work on pictures for Accio. He even went down to the gardens, picking her a fresh flower before he came to the dance. It was decorated beautifully, and it wasn't hard to find who he was looking for. "Hey, you," He greeted easily, walking up and moving to slip the flower he'd brought into her hair. "You look amazing," He offered easily.
Rosie smiled fondly and widely as Xinyi approached her, she ducked her head to let him put the rose behind her ear. Rosie blushed lightly and looked back at him, thinking about how nice it would be to kiss him again. She wanted to do that. "Thank you," she said. "You look great too," she returned with an easy smile. She offered out her hand to him, wanting to dance with him but not wanting to say it.
Xinyi chuckled, taking her hand and lacing their fingers. "Do you want to dance?" He asked with an easy smile, taking a small step to lead her to the dance floor.
Rosie nodded, "I'd love to," she said. She leaned in, standing on her tip toes and went to kiss his cheek lightly before letting him lead her to the dance floor.
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