Closed Dance with the Egghead!

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Hayzel West

³/³ Madden-West🌰Harpies Beater🌰 Boyish
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Having attended the ball with either her siblings or friends for the last three years, Hayzel was actually glad that her fourth year would be different. After days of hanging out, she finally had the courage to casually ask @Finn Lockley about Yule Ball. She casually whether the Hufflepuff would be going to the ball to which he replied, in a casual manner, that he would go with her. As much as it delighted the Gryffindor, she was quite surprised at how calm he responded. She did not regret asking him as they were also good friends. Despite not wanting to wear a dress without pockets, Hayzel acquiesced to this pretty red and black dress chosen by Cassiah. After all, the Ravenclaw was the fashionable one between them. Hayzel consciously made her way to the hall, keeping an eye for the Hufflepuff who might be already there ahead of her.
Finn found his old tux and found himself looking like a bloody monkey. He hated not wearing a t-shirt with some easy sitting pants. Well he barely ever wore his Hufflepuff grab so that didn't help either. Finn was excited to attend with Hayzel so he did it manly for her. Finn spotted Hayzel walking towards the hall and smiled. ''Hello egghead'' Finn said with a wide lopsided grin. ''You look amazing'' Finn didn't bring a corsage or some stupid flowers, he never cared about those. He had done his hair and made sure he looked presentable that was all she was going to get.
Hayzel was glad the hall seemed to be decorated differently. Gone were the snowy decor and frilly gowns although she was still conscious on how fit the dress was to her body. Her hands automatically went to her pocket sides but they slid right down. She looked down and remembered the dress didn't have any. She was about to groan unladylike when the Hufflepuff called her out. "Keep doing that and people would think that's your endearment for me.", she teased. She playfully rolled her eyes at him. "Thank you, kind sir. You don't look bad yourself.", she complimented him back.
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Finn poked his tongue out, no way people were going to think that. People were usually saying lovey dovey things and Egghead wasn't exactly that. ''What do you want to do first dance or get drinks?'' Finn asked the girl. His red suit did suit Hayzel her dress perfectly, which was rather funny. ''I never realised the ball was so busy'' He hadn't attended the ball since his first year.
Hayzel giggled at Finn, poking her tongue back at him. She stepped closer, taking her place beside him as she playfully link their arms. "Dance, if you're up for it, twinkle toes.", she teased, just noticing that they dressed in the same color. "Look at us, wearing the same color. You would have looked good in a Gryffindor uniform, Finn.", she said. "I guess the ball is busier now that the theme was quite different from the previous years.", she commented.
Twinkle toes wasn't the worst thing to be called, he only hoped no one was going to hear it. That would ruin his upstanding cool reputation. ''Sure, lets go'' Finn held out his hand.''I wish I had a Gryffindor uniform, Hufflepuff is filled with nature loving idiots'' Finn was pretty sure Hayzel knew his aversion against Hufflepuff. ''It is nice'' Finn muttered while he looked around. He looked around to see he spotted people he knew.
Hayzel giggled at how Finn tried to look unfazed by what she called him. She placed her hand in his, hoping he could not feel how nervous she was. "Let's go, Twinkle toes.", she said happily, casually repeating the moniker. As they made their way to the dance floor, the song came to an end, followed by a slow one. The Gryffindor glanced at the Puff to see how they would dance to this. "Well, I'm sure I can lend you one of mine although I'm pretty sure a skirt would not suit you.", she teased. As Finn looked around to see if some friends were there, she also risked a glance to see whether her brother and sister were in attendance. Rye would be a no-show but Cassiah never missed an opportunity like this.
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