Daddy, Mommy, I don't want to go...

Kailie Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 12" Rigid Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Kailie Minerva Styx hated her life right now. She was married, twenty, and boy, was she wanting to kill her husband for giving her this son that was killing her right now. He was moving, and worst of all, she was going into labor. Kailie knew that this feeling of wetness would not go away. Luckily, her father was home for the weekend, and she would be able to see him. However, her son wanted to make a good appearance right then and there. Why? Of all times and days, why now? In the middle of the freaking night. She already had her plan laid out for her. She wanted to give birth at home, and she wanted to have her husband with her. She might not have told him that she loved him, but she figured that it was implied. She was giving him a damn baby, so this was better than nothing, right? Kailie bent over the tub and started to run some water when a contraction hit her like the knight bus. Groaning, she fought the contraction to remain standing, but she knew that it would not last long. She had to get Caspian up. And she had to get him up, now.

"CASPIAN! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE, YOUR SON IS ARRIVING!" Kailie shrieked, which was very much unlike her. From the Manor, her room was fairly far off, and she knew that her parents would not awaken from her shouts, which were filled with agony. She reached over and turned off the faucet, just as another strong contraction hit her. She slipped and fell straight on her bottom with a thud, and she hissed in pain. This was getting beyond her control. Why in the world did women get pregnant to endure this?! Kailie's ice blue eyes looked up and saw her husband with her. She almost smiled in relief, but she never smiled. She was more like her dad than anyone else. She reached up for him, and said, "Remove my clothes. He is coming and he is coming fast." She would not mind him taking care of little things like this. She was in too much pain for her pride to be bothered.
In the dead of sleep, Caspian Rolvsson rested within the Styx Manor. Finally away from his rather controlling parents, he was thrown into an even more controlling family. It wasn't his fault. His parents just wanted to ensure the pure-blood line. He didn't think they would care though, with his cousins being multiple and many. Being married to probably the ice queen wasn't a bad thing. They argued, fought, even tossed a spell at each other, but managed to overcome it. They did not have an intimate relationship, but their son was formed from a huge argument, right here in the Styx Manor, over whether or not to buy a small or large house. Caspian wanted small, and Kailie wanted large. They even fought over their last names not matching. Caspian wanted her to have his, and Kailie wanted hers to stay strong. He respected her wishes after a month. A shriek managed to wake him up in the dead of the night. He thought that he heard her say that she was in labor. His blue eyes opened and looked over to the side of the bed. Kailie wasn't there. He could hear their bathroom's tub running, which meant he wasn't hearing things.

Jumping out of bed, Caspian didn't bother changing out of his pajama pants, or grabbing a shirt for that matter. He rushed to his wife's side, and noticed at once that she was sitting in the floor. He reached his hand out to her, without saying a word. Sometimes, silence was the best answer. Her orders took him a little by surprise. She was implying that she could not undress herself to do the birth. Caspian nodded, "Sure. Do you want me to get your mom? She's a healer and all." Caspian hated that they were doing a home birth. He wanted her to go to Saint Mungo's. But, the only way he agreed to it was because she would not change her mind otherwise. It was like arguing with a mule, or Kalif. Caspian removed Kailie's clothing, and placed her in a gown just for this night, in case her parents walked in. He helped her into the tub, and urged, "Please, Kailie. We should have Nicolette here. She's like a pro at birthing babies, after having a million herself."
After being lowered into the warm water, Kailie breathed a sigh of relief. She could relax in here, and allowed her muscles to take care of the work. Kailie shook her head at Caspian's urges, since she didn't want help. She was a woman, and she could do this. "Please, we need to be alone when this is happening. My water is already broke, so within the next couple of hours, the baby will be here." Another contraction hit her, and she breathed through it. Kailie let out a sigh, and she wondered if she was dilated enough yet to start pushing. Her body did not let her know yet, so she continued to take deep breaths, relaxing in the water, and waited it out. She was rather impressed that Caspian was remaining at her side the entire time. However, she knew that things were only about to get worse, when the pains were getting more intense. The baby was dying to come out, and it was really making Kailie go through agonizing pains just to deliver him.
About four hours passed, and thankfully, the water was changed out a couple of times to remain heated for her. Now, the real fun began. Kailie finally started to push, and her shouts could possibly be heard throughout the house. She made sure that delivery was not going to be silent. Her father's grandson would be born into the world soon, and would be joined by his half-breed cousin eventually. No wait, Selvanna was born about eight months ago. This one would be closer to Leviathan's son's age. Another large contraction, and even more pushing, and Kailie's cool demeanor crumbled. She uttered through the gasps of breath, "Cas, I can't do this. As soon as this is over, I'm cutting off your manhood so this doesn't ever happen again!" Kailie glared at him, and figured that the baby was almost here. She just needed a couple more minutes of rest. Then, she would get to see her baby boy. A baby she hated at first, but grew to love over time. Kailie felt another wave, and letting out a scream, she pushed even more.

Caspian never knew how many hours that passed, because all that mattered was taking good care of Kailie while she was going through this. He was only amazed by the strength she had, and the patience. All women did this, which was incredible. He had a new found respect for his mother. Knelt down in the floor next to her, Caspian had his arm around the back of the tub, with his hand upon her shoulder. He had to support her, one way or another. Her outburst only made him pale, but also laugh at the same time. Caspian shook his head after a moment, and said, "Let's see if you say that after this whole thing is through. You might want five more after this one." Personally, he was happy with one or two. Kailie might be done after one, since this really did not look like it was fun at all. Her latest shout made him flinch since it was right in his ear. Merlin, she had a pair of lungs when she wanted to use them. He once doubted that she lacked the ability to shout and yell, but boy, he was wrong about that now. Kailie was a feisty one.

He got up and decided to have a peak to see the progress. It was going along well. He could see a head of brown hair. He went back over to his wife, and continued to support her. Their son was just now arriving, and she needed all the support she could get. He had the necessary materials with him, such as the cutter for the cord, and helping the baby breathe with this thing that looked more like a turkey baster to him. Caspian didn't know the actual names. However, his blue eyes narrowed as he looked at the water that rested beyond her legs. Worry started to settle in, and he uttered, "Um, Kailie?" She was bleeding. And he didn't think it was normal. Well, it might be a little bit, but he wasn't positive. He knew that there was some afterward, but now? Kailie didn't seem to be worried, so maybe he shouldn't.
Kailie continued to push, and with one relief done, a boy was forced into the world. She watched as her husband began to handle him, and she thought that this was done for. However, she felt something else. Another contraction? Wait, she started to recall on how she was a twin. And then, was it possible that she was carrying twins? It made sense because she got so big in a short amount of time. Kailie continued to struggle through labor, and before long, she managed to give Caspian another surprise child. A little girl with blonde hair. Kailie relaxed her body in the water, hoping that everything was fine. However, she was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to sleep. She was never going to have kids again. This was just too much for her. Kailie looked over toward Caspian and then to her twins that were a total shock to her. How could this have happened? She only had one crib. She'd need to get another one. Kailie attempted to move, but her body was too weak, and her blue eyes looked down. That was when she felt that something was very wrong.

"Cas... Name them Kalif Ivaylo and Amarantha Nicolette. We make pretty babies..." Kailie's eyes went down to see them both, and she reached her hand out to stroke their heads. Kailie finally smiled for what felt like the first time for years, and she looked at her husband. "I love you, Cas." Kailie's hand went limp, and her eyes closed. Her body slumped in the water, which was completely red. Kailie did not even notice she was hemorrhaging out blood. Instead, she assumed it was due to fatigue, and her breathing started to become rapid, before it ceased completely. Due to her stubborn ways, she died.
To his surprise, Caspian noticed that after the son was born, and after he was cleaned off and breathing, Kailie managed to give him yet another baby. A little girl. Caspian murmured, "You gave me twins?" Did she want to kill him with no sleep? That was horrible! He was proud though. He reached in and cut the cord, and got the baby to breathe. He washed her off and noticed that she was as blonde as ever. She started to cry to let the world know that she was born. He rested her next to her brother, luckily the two were small enough to fit in the bed. He was more than ready to help Kailie out of the tub. He watched as she smiled for the first time he had been with her, and then even more when she said that she loved him. Spur of the moment perhaps? "I love you too, Kailie." Caspian thought that his heart was going to burst. If his arm was hurting, he would have thought he was going into shock from a heart attack. However, he figured that they were going to be okay from here on out. Perhaps like a real couple.

The moment that Kailie closed her eyes, Caspian felt that something was wrong. "Kailie?" Caspian urged, gently shaking her shoulder. No response. He looked down at the water and noticed that there was far too much blood. Oh no, she was bleeding out! She must have been since he washed off the twins. That was too much time. "Kailie! Wake up!" Caspian shouted as he moved her blonde head. Her hair swooped over her face, and she looked as though she were sleeping. He reached into the water, and pulled the plug holding the water in. He finally found her wrist and felt for a pulse. Nothing. "Oh god, please don't do this to me!" Caspian panicked. Blood was still seeping away from her. Caspian got on his feet and rushed toward her parents bedroom. He started to bang on the door until it opened. Normally, he would have been intimidated to see Kalif answer, but right now, he didn't care. "Kailie delivered a few minutes ago, and she refused care. She's not breathing and there's no pulse!"
There was only one thing that Kalif Styx hated, and that was being woken up in the middle of the night. Even so, he was jerked awake by pounding on his door. 'What the hell...' thought Kalif as he got out of bed. He placed on decent robes, before he opened the door. He looked behind him to see that the pounding woke up his wife too. Great. She was irritable as hell when she was woken up. His eyes loomed down to see his son-in-law, the one that he fixed up with Kailie. The two of them got along all right, but what made him narrow his eyes was the fact that this kid had the nerve to wake him up. Merlin knew that Kalif didn't get much sleep at all throughout the night. Before he could demand to know what Caspian wanted, Caspian's frantic words caused Kalif's eyes to widen. Kailie delivered her child, or children, and didn't ask for Nicolette? That part didn't make sense, but what was even more unbelievable, was the fact that she was not breathing, and she didn't have a pulse. This kid had to be brain dead or something. Nothing like that could ever take a child away from him.

"Come on," Kalif grabbed the boy by the wrist, and he looked behind him to see that Nicolette was soon following. Kalif practically ran through the corridors to finally the bedroom of the two, where he followed the sounds of two infants. He knew that they weren't his because thankfully, Nicolette could not have children anymore. He entered the bathroom and his hand released Caspian's wrist. His stormy eyes fixed on Kailie's body in the tub. Kalif didn't utter a sound of grief, but ordered Caspian, "Get your children to the bedroom. Now." Not to his surprise Caspian did just that, and Kalif walked to the tub. He bend down and lifted her limp form into his arms. He knelt down in the floor, so that one of his arms would be free. His moved Kailie's hair from her face, and then placed two fingers on her neck, on the artery. Caspian was right. Kalif's expression was more or less of shock. His daughter was dead. This was not something he could handle. It hurt ten times worse than losing Jaken. Once again, he had not been there to fix this. To prevent this.

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