DADA Practice - First Years

Feeling that he had to make a show of it, he tried pronouncing the word properly first.
"STOO-puh-fye" "STOO-puh-fye" "STOO-puh-fye" he said over and over again. and hoping it was right
Raising his wand and swished the wand, flicking it and almost yelling "STOO-puh-fye" hoping that she would react in time.. IF anything happened
Quickly as she could, Violet waved her wand up and down and said, with just a hint of panic in her voice "protego!", before the spell could hit her. Sadly, she wasn't quite fast enough. She had been distracted by the pronounciation, and was thus hit with the spell. She fell to the ground, stunned.
Vydráel felt an elation inside him as he watched the spell travel, his jaw dropped as he watched her fall back. "Ah crap!" he wanted to use his usual swearing vocab but didn't think it would be appropriate.
He quickly ran to her side so she wouldn't think he had run away, looking at the paper he had scrawled the spells on, he hoped he could find the anti.
This is why I didn't want to be stunned... Violet thought, as she lay rigid on the lawn. Finite Incantum. Finite. Finite. she said in her mind.
Looking at the paper with panic almost reaching its peak to him, he found something that might work..Ennervate sounds right.
Pointing his wand at her and muttering "Ennervate" hoping it would work.. looking pleadingly into her eyes
((sounds about right. if not, we'll just pretend it is.))

Violet blinked a couple of times. She was back to normal again. She looked over at Vydráel, and gave him a crooked smile. "Nicely done!" she said. "Now I know I have to be quicker."
Vydráel blinked in surprise. "Just a little" he whispered.
"Want to try that again?" he asked her. "or should we go for the next spell?"
Violet shrugged. "I'm up for anything...just..." she winced as she stood up. "...might leave stunning for the moment!" she laughed.
"I hope i didn't hurt you." he said with a little regret. "I truly expected you to pull off the spell. Maybe it's just a little disconcerting to see a friend pull a stunning spell on you?" He left the question unanswered and looked around them for signs of any others. "I'm just glad i could reverse it. What spell do you want to try next?"
"It's okay," said Violet. "I wasn't quick enough, that's that." She smiled. "I'm also glad you could reverse it, though. You did really well." She thought about the spells that they should practice. "Well, we haven't tried that other one Professor King wanted us to do. Finite Incantum..." she trailed off, trying to remember how that was performed.
"I'm sure i remembered writing that one down!" He loked at his paper but curiously it wasn't. "Was it... fi-NEE-tay or something..?" He sighed a little
"Oh! Finite Incantatum i think..." He kept saying it to himself, trying to remember if it was right."
"Yeah, that's it!" Violet cried, remembering. "Oh gosh, we hardly got any time to work on that one, we were too busy with the quizzes." She gave a half-smile.
((rawr, internet spazzed on me. ignore.))
"Um..." Violet began, trying to think. "How of us does a shield charm, and the other breaks it with Finite Incantatum?" She thought some more. "I suppose, it mightn't work well, seeing as we can't see the shield..."
Vydráel thought of that for a few seconds. "If that was true then we wouldn't have seen your stupefy bouncing off my shield.." He was trying to remember something about the protego spell but it was all blank. "Maybe one of us cast the finite spell and the other casts protego and as soon as the finite castor has done that then they use expelliarmus?.. I dont know"
Violet grinned. "That's a good idea. You're a bright one, Vydráel!" She clasped her wand. "Shall we give it a try?"
"When you're ready then." He told her. "I'll try finite and you try stupefy."
He felt an odd pang in his stomach, the memory of being pushed down stairs racked through him. 'This isn't my memory' He screamed to his mind
Violet nodded. Vydráel looked a little out of it, as if something was wrong, but she figured he probably wouldn't like it if she asked. Banishing all other thoughts from her mind, she waved her wand up and down and intoned clearly, "stupefy!"
Vydráel couldn't hear anything as he felt his arm and then two legs breaking and unseeing eyes look up. Snapping out of it he saw the streak of a stupefy spell streaking towards him
"Prote.." was all he could manage as the spell hit him, sending him flying backwards
Damnit! What was that!? Why wont these memories leave me alone!?
He felt himself hitting the ground and skidding before stopping, wishing he could at least sigh with relief.
She has to know the reversal spell i hope
((I totally meant to cast protego there. Oh well.))

Violet's hands flew to her mouth. "I hate stunning!" she exclaimed, frustrated with herself. She rushed over to Vydráel. Breathing deeply, she waved her wand and clearly said "finite!" I really hope that works, she thought, slightly panicked.
(nonsense! i wanted him to get hit, and your character needed to learn it! :p)

Vydráel felt his muscle slacken and opened his mouth quickly screaming every curse he knew, forgetting at the moment where he was or who he was with. He then let his eyes slide down to his wrist which looked mangled from all the weight.
why did i not feel that!

He grimly knew it was his fault for letting his guard down and looked back at Violet. "You did it! That means we both mastered stupefy!" Not caring for his wrist.
Violet gave Vydráel a weak smile, but her eyes were full of concern. "Are you okay?" she asked, worried.
"I'm fine.." he looked at his wrist again. "But i think we may need to stop, at least until i get this fixed." he grinned at her. "I'm really sorry about that, my head just went.. blank." Fearing that if he told her that he had just lived the death of a 30 year old that she might get second opinions of him.
Violet nodded, curious, but not wishing to intrude. "Okay. Good work today, by the way. Thank you for helping me out, it was really good practice," she said, with a smile. "Would you like to go to the Hospital Wing about that?" she asked, nodding at his wrist.

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