Curious Whiskers

Fleur van Houten

🐉Aotearoa Dragonologist | 2051 Grad 🐱
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Whippy Reed Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11/2032 (30)
Fleur was happy to see her cat Jack seemed more and more used to Hogwarts with each passing year. He had been free to explore the Gryffindor Common Room for the most part, as Fleur was reluctant to let him roam the castle on his own. But she did sometimes take him with her when she went somewhere, like she had today. The great lawn was a great place to spend some time with her pet, as long as he didn't run off into the forest. So far, that didn't seem to have occured to him. If it did, she might have to try to figure out if 'accio' worked on cats. After playing outside with him a little, she carried the orange fluffy cat in her arms as she made her way back up to the castle. It was chilly, and she figured the two of them had had enough fun outside for today. But as she approached the castle doors, Jack startled her by jumping out of her arms. Fleur watched in dismay as her cat ran up to a boy in her year and sniffed at his feet. At least he wasn't attacking the boy, that was something. With a sigh, Fleur headed over and scooped up her stubborn cat. "Sorry about that." She said with a wry smile at the boy. "I guess you smell nice to cats. You're Patrick, right?"
Patrick was not sure how his third year would turn out for him. The Hufflepuff was worried about his studies and how he would cope having a lot of subjects, especially that the new subjects were unfamiliar to him and he didn't know how he would use them once he graduated. Nonetheless, Patrick tried to stay positive, despite all of the negative thoughts following him wherever he went. He had a good break and didn't want his negative thoughts to distract him from that.

Patrick decided to make his way outside to try to clear his head and walked onto the great lawn, looking up at the sky and the shape of the clouds above him. As he felt something at his feet, he quickly jumped and looked down to find a fluffy cat that looked as though it was sniffing out its prey. Patrick almost ran away before someone came to pick the creature up, apologising to him. His heart beat against his chest and he made sure to stand a few steps away from the girl and her cat before speaking to her. "Yes, I'm Patrick. And you're Fleur?" he said, his eyes on the cat in case it were to jump out of her arms.
Fleur strokes her cat's fur soothingly as she held him, looking at the boy curiously. He seemed a little startled and nervous about being approached by Jack, which confused her. Cats weren't scary creatures at all, and Jack only attacked when he was startled or angry. But she supposed Patrick couldn't know that. Cautiously, Fleur took a step closer. "Yep, I'm Fleur." She said, then waved Jack's paw at him. "And this is Jack. He's not scary, I promise. Do you want to pet him?" Fleur really wanted to show this boy that cats were nothing to be afraid of. Jack was the best animal in the world, at least so far as Fleur was concerned.
The cat did not look like it was going to attack any time soon, but Patrick could not be sure of that as he knew animals could be unpredictable. He didn't know the cat and didn't want to risk it. After all, everyone thought the best about their pets, and so Patrick couldn't trust Fleur enough to want to pat him, even though he knew Fleur as a nice person. "I'm okay." he replied quickly to her offer. "I've never pet one before." Patrick didn't understand why animals liked to be pet. It would be annoying having someone touch you all of the time, and Patrick definitely didn't want to come across as annoying to Fleur's cat. Instead, he just wanted the cat to go away so he didn't have to be thinking about it anymore.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry this took me a while, and it's not very good :(

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