Curiosity Leads to Adventure

Phoebe Holland

Unspeakable | Curious | Arrogant | 2050 Grad ⚗️📐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Charlie)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
6/2032 (30)
It was kind of strange that Phoebe hadn't entered the forbidden forest yet in the three years she had been at the school. It was uncharted territory, as far as she was concerned, and it must hold a treasure trove of interesting things. She had taken a bag with her to collect as many things that caught her attention as she could, and now as she wandered the forest she was glad of it. This adventure had started off as an expedition to get potions ingrediens, as she remembered the scavenger hunt during potions last year and knew a lot of the ingredients could be found on the Hogwarts grounds. If they could be found on the lawn, surely even more could be found in the forest? But she had gotten distracted from that goal, and now her bag was filled with plants she didn't know but wanted to look up and interesting looking stones. She even had a few beetles she had put in a glass jar, and could only hope they wouldn't kill each other.

It may be slightly unwise to go into the forest alone, especially since it was forbidden and apparently dangerous, but Phoebe had chosen to go by herself today. The last time she had dragged her friend Veronica into something that was against the rules, it had gone really badly. Her friend was also recovering from a rough semester, so she decided to leave her out of this. Rose would have joined her, but Phoebe didn't want to ask her. Rose had already gone into the forest, and Phoebe's pride wouldn't allow her to just follow her sister into adventure. She had to go by herself for the first time. Diana was completely out of the question. If Phoebe had asked her, she would have run straight to the nearest professor to snitch on her. It was kind of annoying to have Diana at school with her, and she was honestly glad that they weren't in the same house. Sneaky Slytherin sounded right for her sister, honestly. She smiled to herself as she picked up another rock,imagining showing her new collection to Veronica later. Maybe it would convince her friend to join her here in the future, that would be great.
At the sorting ceremony she had heard for the third time that the forest was forbidden. Each time the temptation grew bigger and bigger. She was done with dreaming about it and had prepared a bag with stuff she might need in the forest. Elly had packed food and her sketchpad and pens. What if she found a beautiful landscape that she needed to draw, she didn't want to go back to the castle. What if she could never find it again.

The Professors seemed like to like her, so she wouldn't be punished. Maybe a warning and she would be off. She had never done anything like this, so they would definitely be leninant. Elly wandered farther into the forest and smiled. The forest grew denser and it was harder to see were she was going. Elly already being one of the clumsiest humans alive decided to illuminate her wand so she could see at were she was going at least. Not that she knew were she going, she had no clue what the dangers of the forest were. Elly sighed and walked along her chosen path.

Until she heard sounds from the opposite direction. She wanted to know what or who was also in the forest with her. For drawing you needed concentration and silence, you can't really concentrate if you aren't alone. Elly walked to the sound and spotted someone, she wouldn't have guessed to see in the forbidden forest. ''Phoebe what are you doing here?'' Elly was curious, but she hadn't expected to see a friend of hers in the forest with her.
As Phoebe bent down to pick a strange looking flower, she noticed a movement from the corner of her eye. Something like a floating light. Immediately her mind flashed to anything she had ever read about dangerous magical creatures. Were there any with floating lights? Perhaps like an anglerfish to lure in prey? Drawing her own wand, she waited for it to get closer. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she wished she'd had some Care of Magical Creatures lessons yet. They would really be helpful right about now, especially if she really was about to face some sort of monster. It wasn't until whatever it was came closer, that she realized the light was from a wand. She relaxed slightly, but still worried it was a prefect about to get her in trouble. So when she finally recognized the person, she was quite relieved. "I'm walking here." She said cheekily. "Elly, can you try not to scare me like that next time? I nearly hexed you. So what are you doing here? And don't say walking, that was my line." She joked, lowering her wand. "I thought you were more of a rule follower than this. Unless you're here to snitch on me."
Phoebe was walking, but that wasn't all what she was doing. She had a bag with her with some kind of plants. Everyone should be able to do their own thing in the forest and Elly was letting Phoebe be. Elly extinguished her wand and look at Phoebe. ''I will try'' Elly said with a smile on her face. It hadn't been her intention to scare her, so it was an easy promise. ''I am searching for the perfect landscape to draw.'' If Phoebe wasn't that honest, that didn't mean Elly wasn't going to be. She wasn't that good in lying either, so it wouldn't help her anyway. Elly showed Phoebe her sketchpad and pens and pencils.

''I would never snitch on anyone.'' Elly said ''I thought you knew me better than to think I would snitch people.'' Elly almost felt hurt when Phoebe thought she was going to snitch her. They had talked about adventures two years ago and this was something like that right. Elly wouldn't gain anything from snitching anyway, they were both in the forest so that meant they were both getting punished. ''I thought with our head of house on leave this semester, we can do whatever we want'' Elly hadn't seen the guy at the feast, nor was there a meeting. He must be away and that only helped Elly to go over the bridge of crossing rules.
Once Phoebe was over the shock of seeing Elly, she grinned at her. "A landscape to draw? I think all you'll find is foresty landscape. But sure, I can help you out if you want. It's kind of a fun place to explore." She said. "I'm actually picking up interesting things as I walk here. Look." She showed Elly her bag, filled with rocks and plants and her beetle in the jar. She hadn't meant to lie about her intention earlier, it had been more of a joke. Just like the bit about Elly snitching had been a joke. "I know! I was joking, don't worry." She told her friend with a smirk. "Though if we get caught, I say we both run in different directions. They can't catch us both." The idea of doing whatever they wanted appealed to Phoebe. "Well, at least he won't be able to lecture me again. I already got in trouble once last year. Though honestly, I don't care too much about that." Phoebe figured getting into trouble was something that had to happen for someone as experimental and free as her. She wouldn't let simple rules stop her. "So how about I help you find a cool landscape and you help me find awesome things for my collection?"
When Phoebe talked about the different landscapes she would find Elly smiled. It was true she had only found forest here. She had hoped there maybe was a clearing with a cute lake or a nice cliff edge. ''I was hoping for a clearing, but a landscape of trees isn't that bad'' Exploring this forest was already fun and since they were third years they both had learned spells to at least defend themselves somewhat. It was foolish to go in as a first year, but a third year was pretty equipped already. Elly looked into Phoebe her back and indeed spotted some potion ingredients and other bibs and bobs. ''Looks like you got a real eye for those ingredients.'' Elly smiled, Phoebe was indeed good at potion making and secretly she was glad there wasn't a skull in that bag of hers. The salamander one had freaker her out somewhat.

Elly agreed with the plan of running in different directions, although she wasn't that much of a runner she had a plan. Elly even thought of bringing her broom into the forest. But she didn't want it to be demolished by some rogue plant, she needed the thing for Quidditch. ''Professor Cliffeton is on away, so who would even bother'' Elly smiled ''And its not like we are attempting murder, we are just gathering'' Elly wondered if anyone even noticed they were gone. With Professor Cliffeton gone and Elly had never met the prefects so they wouldn't even know her. It was the best day to go out in the forest. ''Want me to help you with searching, I can find the landscape I desire and help you'' Well, she wasn't that bad in potions herself, but Herbology was something she excelled at. And she knew her plants by heart.
With the start of the new school year came with it new children who thought they could push the rules to their limits and try see what they could get away with. It was a natural, human desire for people to want what they couldn't have, to do what they weren't allowed to do, despite the particular measures being put into place to protect them. Children couldn't understand that rules were created out of safety and necessity, and every year too many of them ignored the guidelines set out, ones Katherine made abundantly clear the moment they stepped foot into the castle. Some of them needed to learn the hard way that Hogwarts wasn't the same as home, that everything was different now. So, at the start of each new year the Headmistress paid extra close attention to the new students, and frequented the restricted areas - the cliffs, the forest - in order to ensure they remained within the safe boundary of the school.

With her footsteps magically muffled, the crunching of leaves underfoot muted by a vaguely shimmering barrier, Katherine walked slowly through the forest, and to no surprise located voices coming from nearby. She was, however, both surprised and a little disappointed that the owners of the voices were older students, and not the first years she'd been expecting. They should have known better by now than to wander through such a dangerous area, with its thick canopy, hazardous roots and an encampment of centaurs who hunted frequently further inside. The woman listened as soundlessly she approached, to the two girls gloating over how, without a head of house present for the semester, they could essentially do whatever they wanted. Really? Was that honestly what people believed? The absence of one professor didn't leave the school in a state of chaos, surely they were aware of how daft the very idea was. "Who would even bother, indeed." The Headmistress said aloud, announcing her presence as she entered their view, a stern expression on her features. Their conversation had been so utterly incredulous, she'd almost been at a loss for words. From Ravenclaws, no less. "The only landscapes you'll be drawing are ones from the window of a classroom, when you serve detention. You didn't really think you were free to disregard any and all rules, did you?"
Phoebe shrugged. "I guess there's a possiblity we'll find some sort of clearing. Sometimes I wonder if there's stuff hidden in here, which is why it's forbidden." Truthfully, she had a few theories about the reasons for having a dangerous forest near a school. Because on its own, it didn't really make sense. She had no feeling of fear as they walked through the forest, as she was confident she would be able to outsmart whatever came her way. Especially with Elly here now. She didn't completely share Elly's belief no one would bother to find them, as she figured professor's and other heads of houses occasionally checked the forest, but she did feel a bit at ease knowing she wouldn't have to face him. "That sounds good." She said to Elly's idea of helping each other. But before she could take another step, a sudden voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. So maybe she hadn't felt as at ease as she had tried to tell herself. But she soon realized who it was, and relaxed somewhat. Her earlier idea of running in two directions was immediately dismissed. She had seen their faces, and they would only trip and fall if they attempted it. Once she recovered from her shock a bit, she looked at the professor. She wasn't sure if she wanted a real answer to her question, but she gave one. "Well, we didn't know until we tried. Did we professor?" She asked her boldly. She wasn't afraid of getting in trouble so much. What mostly bothered her was that she now wouldn't be able to brag to Rose about not being caught on her first trip into the forest. "I wouldn't just want to disregard any rules." She added with a shrug.
They had no clue what was hidden in this forest. It could be from pots of gold to a pit to hell. No one actually knew what was in the forest, so it only sparked people their imaginations. Elly nodded at the possibility of finding a clearing. She was hopeful and the dense forest didn't look that bad either. With Professor Cliffeton on leave Elly had more confidence. She wanted to proof to him that she was a good student, but without him, the pressure was gone and she could do whatever she wanted. It seemed a bit foolish, but she somehow needed the leash. When Phoebe agreed with her idea they were both greeted with a voice. Elly recognized the voice immediately, she had heard it at every start of the year and at the feasts. It was not some plain old Professor, it was the full blown headmistress of this school. The idea of running was forfeited they were both caught in the act. There was no running anymore and Elly couldn't outrun the Professor anyway. The headmistress probably had a map of the place and knew spells so the trees listened to her.

When the Professor talked about being free of all rules her recently found confidence sunk into her shoes. She didn't realise that it wasn't just house points they could take away from her. Of course she didn't like getting point deducted from her clean record, but not playing Quidditch was a horrible idea. Not wanting to think about the possibility Elly looked at Phoebe. She didn't really know what to do anymore, the plan was to make a drawing and then get out of the forest. It seemed easy enough and now the Professor spotted them both. The headmistress looked stern and wasn't happy with spotting two third years in the forest. Elly shrugged she had even repeated her own words against her and now she was asking if they were above the rules of the school. Phoebe her comment made Elly smile, she was always so bold and out there. Elly wasn't even sure why the forest was forbidden in the first place. They hadn't seen anything dangerous or out of the ordinary, it was just a plain old forest with dense packed trees.

''Well it is your own fault really.''
Elly wasn't really thinking straight anymore, but what she said was true in her eyes. ''You can't say something is forbidden and then not tell why it is forbidden'' It was like telling a kid she couldn't have a cookie, but then laying a cookie in front of them. ''It is tempting people to search for what is out there or what the fuss is about'' If her landscape turned out to be murdering plant, she was also fine with it. She could always cast a spell to get rid of it right.
Katherine was far from amused, her arms folding slowly across her chest as they gave her disrespect. Her - the Headmistress, the absolute authority above all within the school. They'd already tempted fate once with their vocal boasting of there being no head of house present, and that itself had earned them enough trouble. They were really pushing their already terrible luck. The woman looked from one girl to the other, her lips a thin line. "It seems to me that the both of you grew a little too comfortable while being at home for the holidays. Your parents may not care enough about your well being to allow you to disrespect them and break rules as you please, but I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour here. You should consider your words very carefully before you speak in future. Particularly you, Miss Chatwin. Unless you wish me to speak to Mr Fontaine about your removal from the Quidditch team, hm?" These childish antics were ridiculous, especially coming from the Ravenclaw students, and ones she hadn't particularly had any trouble with prior. "I thought it would be common sense as to why the forest is off-limits, a department you both appear to be lacking in. Regular forests are dangerous enough on their own. You could very well become lost, or injured, with who knows how long until you were found by someone, if ever. This forest on the other hand houses an assortment of magical creatures and centaurs, which should be common knowledge to the both of you by now. The school has suffered a death in the forest before at the hands of a hunting centaur, whom mistook someone for a wild animal, and it's not something I'm too keen on allowing to happen again. I'm sure neither of you want to find out how being pierced by an arrow feels, do you? If you want to endanger yourselves, you can do so during the holiday period, when you're the responsibility of your families. As of now, you can walk straight back to the castle and wait outside my office." She raised her arm, pointing them down the direction she had just come from, and waited for them to start getting a move on so she could follow behind. The thought of contacting their parents crossed her mind, but judging by their atrocious behaviour, she had a few doubts that they were concerned enough to care for their children appropriately.
Phoebe knew better than to say more, as Professor's Alicasttell's face spoke volumes. She had been thinking the same thing Elly had said, but she had managed not to say that part out loud. Her own question had been rude enough, but now she felt like they definitely wouldn't get off easily. She listened to the professor's speech, grimacing slightly when she threatened to take Elly off the Quidditch team. She herself had no interest in the sport, but she would find it really awful for her friend if she was taken off the team like that. Everything inside her wanted to argue about forests being dangerous, at least until she mentioned someone had died here in the forest. As usual, her first impulse was to ask questions, but she swallowed it down. That would hardly be appropriate if someone had actually died, and she figured the professor would just get angrier for that, Elly's Quidditch position was still in her mind. She sighed, and nodded. "Yes professor." She grudgingly muttered before starting to move in the direction of the castle. She hoped the professor wouldn't write her parents, as she knew they wouldn't be happy with her behavior after she had gotten in trouble last semester too. If she didn't, she had to stop her younger sister from finding out because she definitely would tell her parents.
The headmistress threatening to call her muggle dad wouldn't be nice. He wasn't at home a lot either, but it wouldn't definitely dampen the mood at home. Her mother wouldn't care and would call it a job well done. She had been a Slytherin after all and always talked about how she should be more outgoing. Well mom, if you are reading this somehow, I definitely did something. The parents thing was manageable, but the next line the Professor spoke made her scared. She would contact her captain to tell she couldn't play anymore. They finally had a good team this year and their alt keeper was just a second year that had no Quidditch hours. It scared her and Elly decided to be quiet. So Elly opted for just a nod, you couldn't go wrong with that right.

She had one lesson of care of the magical creatures so far, but she knew about centaurs. They were smart and good divinators, but weren't very fond of humans. Elly secretly wanted to know who had died here and when it happened. She was curious, but she was sure not to pry now. Elly nodded once more at the Professor and walked with her back to the castle. She didn't dare to say anymore words, she only looked guilty at Phoebe. Maybe if they hadn't been together the Professor wouldn't have heard them, it was her fault. Phoebe had been silenced as well and only said yes Professor. Elly never had detention and didn't even know how it went on a magical school. Hopefully it would be peaceful detention and not getting hit with magical bats or stinging spells. Elly shrugged at the idea, she just hoped it was going to be some lines.

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