Open Cunning Plans in Action


Hogwarts New Zealand Poltergeist
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A flower covered kettle.
"No, no, no!" The non being protested, looking at the older old old ghosty trying to give him a lesson on... something he had no idea what was being said. He hadn't been listening. "You're too old to remember! It's W IN GA DI U M LEVI OAS" he told him, holing up a pencil to show the old man what he was talking about because clearly he had no idea what was going on. The poltergeist waved the pencil in all the wrong ways, and yet it seemed as though things were indeed floating around him. And then everything in the corridor, portraits, podiums, dropped to the ground causing a mess up and down the corridor. He laughed hysterically. "AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA Vexie is always right!"
The ghost floated there, hands clasp in front of him as the being threw another tantrum after Evan had just shown him the levitation spell. "I beg your pardon," he asked in mild offense. He was not that old. He was only a respectable... He couldn't remember the year, it was difficult to keep track of time as a ghost, but he must not have been older than a hundred. "Like I have said, it is winGARdium leviOsa. The spell is not working because you are unable to pronounce the incantation well," he lectured as he floated moving from one side of the corridor to the other, barely taking notice of the commotion around him. When he finally did, it was because everything fell with a bang. "See? The spell fails, I must summon someone to bring up the poor dears," he says as he floats over to some of the portraits, the residents looking like they were dizzy after suffering such an affair. Perhaps falling does that.
"Oh, please, you’re going to bore them to death with all that pontificating - oh, wait, too late!" Vex cackled, spinning in mid-air like a wayward top. He zipped over to one of the fallen portraits, peering at its dazed occupant with exaggerated pity. "Look alive, my painted pals! Oh wait, never mind, that’s a tall order for you lot."

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