Open Cowardice or Sense?

Ezra Ito

✌️ Friendly | People Pleaser | Conflict Avoider ✌️
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 Inch Sturdy Birch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
2/2046 (16)
OOC: for any teachers/prefects, he's not actually in the forest (yet)

Ezra Ito had been feeling off lately. The whole mess with Gregory was getting to him. He hated the feeling that he had made his roommate dislike him. He was frustrated with Gregory but also with himself. Ezra didn't feel like he had handled the situation well, but he also didn’t know what he could have done differently. What was also getting to him was that he was now a sixth year. Next year, he would graduate, and what had he accomplished? Nothing. Mediocre grades, a small (but nice) friend group, no date to the Yule Ball, and not even a first kiss yet, which was honestly embarrassing at sixteen. Ezra’s mind wandered as he quietly walked around the grounds, trying to settle his thoughts. Before he knew it, he was near the edge of the forest, which made him stop. He had never been this close to the forest before, never even set foot in it. And wasn't that just the problem? He hadn’t done anything daring in all his years at Hogwarts. Ezra had just floated by, completely unremarkable. Sure, he could play guitar, but not that well. What else did he have going for him? He hadn't tried out for Quidditch because he was afraid to fail, and now he’d never play. He was getting tired of just existing, of not doing anything big. Going into the forest was something loads of students did even in their first year, but Ezra had always been too... well, he wasn’t sure what he was. Sensible? Cowardly? Smart? Boring? A combination of all of the above?

For the first time in his six years at Hogwarts, Ezra was tempted to go into the forest. He squinted at the depths of the greenery behind the first few trees, watching the leaves rustle in the wind. Maybe he could find something really cool, or see something interesting. If nothing else, he could graduate next year knowing he had dared to do something risky at least once. But even with that thought, he didn’t move. He just stared into the forest like he was waiting for it to physically pull him in.

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