Cousins are friends that will love you forever.

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi used a normal house phone for the first time last night. The blonde called her cousin Libby to come over, to talk about the wedding and other things that had happened in their life. The former Hufflepuff was excited to see her cousin that she hadn't seen in a while. Caysi threw on some clothesand cleaned the house a bit, from all the dust and boxes and of course her birthday party with her family that she had a few days back. Caysi could feel the difference of being an adult now, she had more freedom and felt better. Caysi silently cleaned the kitchen as she waited for her cousin to arrive.
Libby had recieved a message from Caysi, her cousin, and now walked up her garden path. It was still cold in the air, and libby pulled her jacket closer. Her soft brown hair flew in front of her face, and tucking it behind her ear she knocked on the front door. It had been a few years since they had last spoken, and they had alot to catch up on. The last time she was here, Caysi had announced she was getting married. She wasn't too sure what to expect as she smiled, and the door opened.
Caysi had decided that she would play some radio music while she cleaned the kitchen. She came to a halt when she heard the door open. The blonde put the mop down and turned off the radio. Caysi headed to the front foyer to see who it was, even though she knew that it was Libby. " Hey Libby." She said happily as she came and hugged her cousin. " Long time no see." Caysi said pushing her blonde hair back. " Come, let's sit down so we can have a chat." The cheery blonde said as she started to walk to the living room.
Libby grinned at her cousin, and walked into her house, greeting her back with a friendly hug. The way Caysi said they needed a chat, immediatly put Libby on edge. She had no idea why she'd been ask to come over, and now in the back of her mind, she wondered if she'd done something.
She looked around the house as she walked into the lounge. It looked too empty. Surely with more than one person living here things would be a little more...she wasn't sure. She simply sat in an avaliable chair, and continued to smile at her cousin. "So how have things been?" she asked. Small talk wasn't a huge hit with Libby, but she had no idea how to start off a convocation with someone she hadn't spoken to in ages.
Caysi didn't really know how to say what she was going to say next. " Ah, well.. I've been really good." Caysi said playing with the engagement ring on her finger. " Remember my wedding last year, and how that was all a disaster, and the twins dying was horrible." The blonde said using her hands to add to the affect. " Well, me and Jason didn't really get along after that and we called it quits." Caysi replied. " We couldn't really get back together, 't'wasn't a mutual agreement." She sighed. " Anyways, I've been seeing someone else for quite a while, and we're deciding to get married." She said happily. " And of course, would you be in the wedding party?" She asked her cousin happily, of course Caysi would ask her cousin first.
Libby hadn't heard anything since the wedding. She had no idea there had even been any twins, let alone they had died and the couple separated. Libby's face was one of worry, although on hearing of Caysi's most recent news, a smile appeared, happy for her that something was going right. When Libby was asked to be in the wedding her smile increased. She thought she'd had a tough time at school, but Caysi must have had it even worse these last few years. "Of course" she said delightledly, getting up from her seat to sit behind Caysi, wrapping an arm round her. "I'm sorry about what happened before, but i'm also really happy for you now" she said. She didn't know who this guy was, but she hoped he would be good enough for her.
Caysi smiled and returned the hug back to her cousin. " Oh thanks Libby, don't worry about it, I'm going to look into the future rather than the past." Caysi said with a grin. " Enough of me." The blonde laughed. " What about you, how've you been?" Caysi asked Libby, not knowing how she had been.
Libby grinned at her. Just like Caysi to think positively. When it came to saying what she'd been up to, she had to think, she couldn't remember what she knew and where she didn't. "Well, when i moved into 5th year, i became a prefect. Then i met Zavier" her eyes sparkled without her realizing, "He goes to Durmstrang, we met in the holidays." she explained, "Anyway, i didn't feel like i had many friends at Hogwarts, so after owl-ing Zav, i moved to Durmstrang" she hoped her cousin wouldn't think it was bad that she'd changed the schools their family had attended. "I was allowed to stay prefect, and i became the quidditch keeper. Something ive wanted since i first started Hogwarts. Then i met Zac, who's a year older, but we get on really well, and, he said he'd introduce me to his friends and sister, whose in my year." She wasn't sure if she should mention the fact her ex-best friend and enemy had almost joined Durmstrang, dispite the fact nether of them had known at the time.
Caysi smiled as she listened to her cousin talk. She herself hadn't seen Durmstrang but her brother's have. " I find that really amazing!" She said happily to Libby. " I've heard a lot about Durmstrang, that it's a good school and there are some good people there." The blonde nodded, not knowing if it was true or not. " I hope that everything is working out between you two." Caysi grinned from ear to ear. " I loved being Quidditch captain, so much fun." The blonde said as it brought up many memories of Hogwarts. " Do you like Durmstrang?" She asked her cousin. " Kevin is just finishing up his last year there, I'm guessing that you don't see him a lot do you?" Caysi asked Libby, her brother was an odd character, he was always doing something suspicious with his friends.

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