Cooling Off

Bruin leaned forward and accelerated until he was tailing just behind Sophia. They were moving, but Bruin didn't get the sense that Sophia or he were overdoing it as yet. He was surpriseed at how fast Sophia managed to pull away originally and began to wonder if upgrading his broom yet again might be necessary to remain competitive. Bruin pushed his broom a little harder and moved alongside Sophia.

"C'mon, is that all you've got?" he yelled at her, not sure what to expect next.
Sophia turned to look at Bruin and smirked evilly at him. "No," she said smugly as she went into a barrel roll. Crossing beneath Bruin she turned abruptly around and headed toward the other side of the pitch, going a bit faster now.
Bruin was seeing a new side of Sophia. He had always assumed that she was competitive, but on a broom she appeared to be much more animated in her desire to win. Bruin was a little surprised by her sudden change of direction, but was able to stop abruptly, pull a 180 and pursue the elusive Slytherin. Bruin noticed that he was having a little more difficulty closing the distance now and tucked down closer to his broom, willing it to go faster.

Bruin judged that at their current rates, Sophia would definetly beat him to the far end of the pitch before he would catch her. He wondered whether or not he should simply ease up and see what she did when she got to the far end, but something told him to continue chasing, at least for a little longer.
Sophia turned to look at Bruin over her shoulder, smirking at the sight of him chasing her. Turning back to the front she sped up, easily beating him to the end of the pitch. Sophia circled around the goals and came to hover before the center one, a look of smug triumph on her face. "Well that was fun."
Bruin slowed a little as Sophia reached the end of the pitch and began heading back towards him, eventually stopping to hover near the hoops. He pulled to a stop a short distance in front of her and smiled when he heard her comment. "You think so? Wow, you really need to get out more!" he joked back, humour the only defense left to protect his wounded pride.

"Seriously though, you can really move on that broom. I may just need to get myself one some day. I'd hate for you to be able to just leave me in the dust whenever you felt like it." Bruin was glad to see that he and Sophia appeared to be back on better terms. "So, how long are you thinking about staying out here?"
"Well, if you ever want to buy one, be sure to find me and I can give you a good deal. As for staying out here..." Sophia looked around at the darkening sky and gave a sigh as shr turned back to Bruin. "Well, I suppose I should be getting inside soon. How about yourself?"
"Well I was planning on working on a few of my trick moves without any prying eyes, but you've ruined that...", Bruin said with a serious expression, but teasing tone. ", I suppose I may as well call it a night. It was nice to be back on my own broom, even if it can't quite keep up with yours."

Bruin entered into a slow spiral descent, almost as if he were being sucked down an invisible drain along with the bath water. For some reason it seemed to fit his mood, a sensation that his problems were being slowly washed away. When he finally touched down, he quickly dismounted and tossed his broom over his shoulder. For some reason, he found himself wondering whether Sophia would stay for a little longer or end her flying session in some sort of spectacular fashion.
Sophia watched silently as Bruin made his descent toward the ground, inwardly admitting that he was a rather good flyer. Well then, how shall I end this? she thought, trying to decide on a good move to end the night with.

With a smirk Sophia began to dive toward the ground, heading straight for Bruin. Just before running into him she pulled up and veered left, hopping off of her broom with a smirk.
Bruin stood patiently watching Sophia from ground level for a moment, but became a little nervous when she appeared to take straight aim for him and begin a rather fast dive in his direction. He did not want to appear chicken, but he also did not want to become a human pin cushion either. Finally, he decided or simply resigned himself to the fact that staying put was probably his best strategy, assuming that Sophia would not actually fly into him on purpose.

He closed his eyes and braced himself for an impact that never came, although he did feel a faint breeze as Sophia veered beside him. When he opened his eyes, he noticed a little smirk on her face. "You are a bit of a troublemaker, aren't you?" he said with a wide smile, although a little hesitation in his voice, not certain he should encourage her. "So, do you think Slytherin has enough left in the tank to take a run at Gryffindor in the House Championship?"
"Well, generally no, I am not a troublemaker. I am not sure as to why, but I have been feeling a bit more dating lately than usual.

"As for the House Cup, I do not believe it impossible for Slytherin to catch up. Either way I am quite pleased with how well we did this year compared to the last. I suppose you believe Gryffindor will win?"
"Sorry if I've been a bad influence on you." Bruin said without the slightest bit of remorse in his voice.

"As for the House Cup, I'm pretty confident that our first years will continue to excel under the fine second-year leadership provided by Cyndi Weasley and myself." Bruin stated in his cocky, but oh-so-charming way. "I was a little disappointed when Liz bailed on us, but I suppose to each their own."
"Yes, I do hate to admit that you are a good student," Sophia said with a smirk. "I was also sorry to see Liz go, I am going to miss her. She promised to make visits though, so hopefully it will not be too bad. And as an added bonus Gryffindor will be earning less points. Had she stayed, you guys would have no problem at the Cup."
Bruin took pride in his school work and appreciated the comment from Sophia. Many people probably couldn't figure him out, often wisecracking, goofing around, and generally, appearing to be a little on the lazy side, but when it came to school work, Bruin was quite driven and determined to compete for top student every year. He smiled sheepishly and simply said "Thanks, you're pretty awesome yourself! Uh, as a student I mean..." he added appearing somewhat embarrassed all of a sudden.
Sophia blushed a bit at Bruin's comment, not entirely sure why. "Thanks. Although not so much lately. In fact, I probably should not be out here with all the make up work I need to do." She looked sheepishly at the ground, wondering to herself why she was telling this to Bruin.
"Fair enough. I should probably get back up to the castle as well. Let me know if you need any help with the make-up work. I'm pretty much caught up myself and did alright in the courses I had first term. I mean, I know you don't need the help, but if I can make it go a little quicker for you, then, well, that might be good too."

Bruin realized he was rambling and figured he better just stop talking and start moving in the direction of the castle before he said anything ridiculous.
Sophia smiled behind Bruin's back as he began walking, wiping her expression clean as caught up to him. "Thank you, but I think I will be all right on my own.

"So, what are your plans for the summer? Anything exciting?"
Bruin slowed a little so that Sophia could catch up. "I kind of figured that you'd say that, but it's a standing offer anyways." Bruin replied, in some ways feeling like he was starting to figure Sophia out a little bit. "Summer plans, hmmm. Well, I'm not really a huge planner, but I suppose that I'll be doing some hiking, swimming, horseback riding and well, I'll be sleeping in as often as possible." Bruin thought for a moment and then felt obliged to add. "And I suppose that I'll be doing some advance reading to get ready for third year. I don't want to get caught with my pants down next year...umm, I mean, I don't want to look like I can't handle the full course load."
Sophia listened with wonder to Bruin's plans. She had never done any of those things, and had never even heard of horseback riding.

"Caught with your pants down?" she asked in confusion, not having heard this expression before. "I am sure you will be fine."
"Sorry, muggle expression I suppose, but thanks for the reassurance." Bruin replied. "So, are you heading back to Slytherin or do you have other plans?" Bruin wondered, not certain he was interested in studying yet.
"Your welcome," Sophia said with a slight smirk.

"Yes, I believe I will be turning in now. I need to get some reading done and I find my bedroom a good place to do that lately. Will you be turning in as well?"
"Ah yes, the bedroom. Truly the one place to get away from it all here." Bruin replied. "Not a bad idea really. I'll probably go back and crank up some tunes. I'm guessing that I've only got a few more weeks of having the whole boys dorm to myself over a t Gryffindor, so I may as well enjoy it."
"Will you be sharing your room with the incoming First Years?" Sophia was a bit confused by this, having a bedroom all to herself.
"I doubt it. I shared a room with another first year when I first got here, but then he left. I'll probably keep my own room, but I mean I have the whole dorm to myself right now. All of the other bedrooms...the singles, doubles and even the ones with four beds are empty. I'm guessing that the sorting hat will send at least one guy Gryffindor's way." Bruin replied, not sure what the sleeping arrangements were in Slytherin, or any of the girl's dorms for that matter.
"Oh, yes, you are the only boy in Gryffindor, I forgot. Zoe-Hope, Bellatrix, and I each have our own room. I am not sure if it like that in every house, but it turned out that way for us. I do not plan on sharing my room, ever." Sophia had turned a bit more serious now, seeming quite stern on this issue.
"Never??" Bruin said with a playful wink. "You're not much fun, are you?"

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