Open Cooling Off After a Long Week

Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Older Twin | American
OOC First Name
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Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11 (05/2051)
Beatrice had only been at school for a week, but she missed skating. While it was technically the off season, she would still be at the rink conditioning and praticing her loops, something her coach had gotten on her about last season. But here she was, in a different country where the weather was backwards and she was supposed to just start a new life. They didn't even have her clubs. Was there nothing to debate each other over when it came to magic?

Bea stood near the lake, wondering if there was some kind of spell that could freeze it over so she could just skate. Her skates were upstairs in her trunk, but she really wanted to use them. Having snuck out as Maggie had found some new friends in the common room, Beatrice took a deep breath of the fresh air and closed her eyes, imagining that she was in the rink's ballet studio, and started doing some plies.

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