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Amanda Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Aimee Carter
This is my character that I'm hoping to become a Gryffindor. Aimee lived in the U.S.A. until she was 5 years old. Then she moved to France and lived there until she was 10 years old. Now she lives in New Zealand with her mom. She only recently found out she is a witch. She had yelled at her mom for making her move and she had explained everything.
Now, on to her personality. She speaks French and English (having lived in different countries). She is confident and kind (if the person deserves it). She has a quick temper. She cracks jokes when she's happy, and isn't afraid to dance around and be crazy. She is loyal once she gets to know someone really well. Aimee can fight if someone so deserves. That's the basics.
Now, what she's looking for:

Friends - She could always use more. The requirements are just that they have to be nice and friendly.
Enemies - People that are jealous of her for having so many friends and being so happy that try to make fun of her. Or people that just like to be mean. Requirements are they have to be mean.
Crush - Someone that makes her nervous when she's around them. May become something later, it depends on if this person has something planned out for the future or not. And also it could just be a one-way crush. Requirements are they have to be kind, a boy, and preferably someone in her year (when she goes to Hogwarts). If they're a year ahead, that's fine.

Any other things like a mentor or something is fine, just let me know if you have an idea. And any plots are awesome.</SIZE>

Amanda Pike
This is my Ravenclaw firstie. She's totally awesome. :p
Anyway, she lived in Boston, Massachusetts. Then, she got
accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand and her parents didn't want to
be too far away from her, so they moved to New Zealand.
On to personality, when she is with friends she is a comedian
and can be hyper and crazy. She jokes a lot, trying to make
friends, but never uses offensive jokes. Just ones that make
people giggle. She tries to help people out and be friendly. If
someone bullies her, her friends or a stranger, she'll stand up
using words. If it turns physical, she'll get an adult. She's not
good when it comes to physical fighting.
Now what she's looking for:

Friends - She has a lot, but a few more would be nice. Or more
than a few. Requirements are that they have to be nice.
Enemies - People that make fun of her, bully her, etc.
Requirements are meanness.

And again, any plots are welcome, as well as different
relationships like mentor and such.

<SIZE size="50">Post for cookies!
I know our last thread fell to pieces, so I was thinking that we could rp, Shiloh and Amanda again. We could say that over the holidays, maybe Shiloh and Amanda asked their parents about the whole cousin thing? And found out that it was true? Then they could like, idk, be all excited?

Idk, let me know xD
Here, I have some characters to offer, they are all unsorted, they can be anything that you would want.
Sophia is a fairly odd and intelligent girl. She enjoys cooking, cleaning, and basically all things that are traditionally considered "feminine". In reality though, Sophia is no really that "girly" she never considers gender as something that domineers her. She never really cared if her friends are boys, girls or anything else. Sophia also tends to appear fearless and indifferent at times, though, her greatest fear is actually thunder.
Sophia is extremely intuitive. She can sense if there is something wrong with those who are around her. That thing often gives her trouble as she always gets out of her way to help other people. Sophia also has this ever lasting smile on her face and she has this bright personality that makes everyone around her happy as well.
Maria is an enigmatic girl. She is also Sophia's twin though the two are polar opposites. Maria is the voice of reason in most situations and tends to be rather blunt. She is also best friends with her twin, despite their completely different demeanors. Maria is described as "just as reckless as Sophia". She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to.

Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating, but she is very protective to Sophia. She faithfully protects Sophia and is always by her side, attending to her wishes and watching out for her; her protective personality extends to those whom she cares for. She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.

Maria is incredibly irritable and slow to wake-up in the morning, which is attributed to her having a low blood pressure. Secretly, Maria is very fond of sweets and her room is full of stuffed animals, though she wouldn't let anyone aside from her sister to know that. She also has a stuffed bunny that she calls chii. Maria is actually fond of cute things despite the fact that she always tries to hide it.
Finnian's only existing relative is his grandmother and grandfather, who brings him to the (I haven't really decided on that yet, still searching for a place where he will work) mansion where he becomes a servant. Quiet and withdrawn, he usually distances himself from people and doesn't seem fond of interfering with others' problems when he doesn't need to. He has a kind heart though. He is shy and has a weak personality, and his "friends" often talks him into trouble.

Finnian is very calm when dealing with his problems despite some of them being almost grave. He handles situations calmly and with a smile on his face. Because he is a servant, he tends to be very punctual and doesn't like being late to his appointments. Finnian is a dutiful and dedicated servant. He follows every order even the most ridiculous one. He always tries that the (undecided) house runs smoothly.

Finnian is diligent and is a hard worker. His words are very polite. He loves studying and reading. He often likes being alone too as he can think freely when he is by himself. Sometimes, Finnian has this air about him that distances himself from others.

However, when Finnian's loved ones were in danger, his personality changes completely, he will lose the shyness and slightly takes things a little more seriously than what he would have been. He cares for those that he loves very deeply.
Fayt comes across as being a mostly emotionless, cold child, focused solely on his interests and his vow to protect his sister. For him, the most important thing in his life is his twin which is the only blood kin that he knows. He is prone to being over protective with her to the point that he always scolds her whenever she hurts herself. He loves his twin more than his self.

Though he is capable of portraying himself as a charming, cheerful, lenient individual, typically when on the presence of his adoptive parents, he is quick to revert to being unsympathetic when he no longer has to hide his true self. Fayt is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat, and it's with this stubborn behavior that he'll push through obstacles with a single-minded resolve to win, to advance, and to do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.

Despite everything, however, under the surface there's still a 10 year old boy. Prone to acting egoistically with a self-centered point of view, he can be quick to irritation when his demands aren't met, and sink into a moody frustration when his plans are compromised.
The past reminders and the numerous things he's suffered through however, are just as difficult to let go of. Fayt has a obvious aversion to unnecessary touch- especially from that of strangers and even his adoptive parents- and his vulnerabilities lurk just underneath the strong-willed and reasonable person he often presents.

In his heart though, he still longs for his real parents and for some friends, but his own bitter words and the harshness of reality keep him from dwelling on it for very long. He is not someone who easily trusts anyone, he is afraid of betrayal but still, deep inside, he wants to meet someone whom he can trust other than his sister.

By the way, for Amanda, do you happen to remember Vayne? We haven't been able to RP for a while.. :)
Hi Cookie muncher xD

Jenny here is looking for a few best friends, and I think she'd find Amanda particularily nutty and annoying at first, but then I think Jenny could perhaps fend off a bully (She loves it when things get physical) and then they'd end up being friends. If you like that idea, perhaps we could use Leila or Ebony to be the bully? :)
Let me know,
Claire :D
Jennifer is a tomboy, hates girly girls and anything pink. She's brave, feisty and pretty clever too. She's extremely loyal to her friends, and once she's made one, she keeps them forever. She rarely cries, and loves standing up for herself because she's pretty scary when she wants to be. However, she rarely lets herself get angry enough for it to get to that stage. She hates goodygoodies, but could probably make friends with one if they wer loyal enough to her. She doesn't like being the center of attention and hates awkward silences. She had a gold chain which she always wears around her neck, but she usually hides it under her clothes.
First of all, thanks to you all for posting here.
Second of all, click the spoiler with your name to see the info you need.
Shiloh & Amanda
That sounds great! Would you like to start it or should I?[
*gives cookie*

Sophia & Aimee
I think they could be friends. Would you like to start a topic or should I?

Maria & Aimee
Maria already replied to the open topic, right? Maybe when that topic ends or falls apart we can start a topic with just them. But for now let's just have them RP in that.

Finnian & Aimee
I think that Aimee could become friends with Finnian. Maybe help him come out of his shell a bit more. Not incredibly so, just a bit. Would you like to start a topic or should I?

Fayt & Aimee
Aimee would probably try to become friends with him, even if it didn't seem like he wanted to. Would you like to start a topic or should I?

Vayne & Amanda
Right! We have to have a topic with just them. Would you like to start it or should I?

Oh and because there are so many of these, if you want to hold off on some of the ones with Aimee so there aren't too many to reply to at a time, that's fine.
*gives five cookies*

Jennifer & Amanda
That sounds great! Would you like to start or should I? And would you like to use Leila or Ebony. Ebony teased Amanda when they were both unsorted... Whatever works.
*gives cookie*
You had me at cookies :cyndi: Chocolate chip or Oreos should do xD

Anyway...I have Jeremy Thorne who I think would get along with Amanda just great.
Since she was from the New England area, they have that in common, and they're both Ravenclaws and very friendly and nice. Jeremy's just getting over his shyness now but I think being that Amanda is a firstie, he would be a bit more confident.
And...he's always wanted a little sister so maybe he can help her out of a couple of snags or help her with a class or something and then they can gain a brotherly/sisterly sort of relationship down the line?
I knew this title would get people's attention! That's why I chose it.
Jeremy & Amanda
That sounds great! I don't actually post in the classes, but we could pretend her brain was a bit full, holding on to stuff she learned in muggle school when she needed to remember stuff she learned at Hogwarts more. Would you like to start something or should I?
*gives Oreos*
I don't mind starting, especially since you gave me Oreos ^_^
Jeremy Thorne said:
I don't mind starting, especially since you gave me Oreos ^_^
Alright! :)
Sooo Ilana. :r

I have Allysha Vladimir, for a friend for the first girl. :p

She's a kindhearted girl, and loves to make new friends. She is overly happy .. a lot of the time. =))
Allysha & Aimee
It sounds like they could be good friends. Would you like to start a topic or should I?
Oh, and *gives smallest cookie* :r
Amanda Pike said:
Allysha & Aimee
It sounds like they could be good friends. Would you like to start a topic or should I?
Oh, and *gives smallest cookie* :r
Since it was a small cookie .. you can. :tut:
Amanda Pike said:
First of all, thanks to you all for posting here.
Second of all, click the spoiler with your name to see the info you need.
Shiloh & Amanda
That sounds great! Would you like to start it or should I?[
*gives cookie*
I will start when I can ^_^
*eats cookie*
Amanda Pike said:
Sophia & Aimee
I think they could be friends. Would you like to start a topic or should I?

Maria & Aimee
Maria already replied to the open topic, right? Maybe when that topic ends or falls apart we can start a topic with just them. But for now let's just have them RP in that.

Finnian & Aimee
I think that Aimee could become friends with Finnian. Maybe help him come out of his shell a bit more. Not incredibly so, just a bit. Would you like to start a topic or should I?

Fayt & Aimee
Aimee would probably try to become friends with him, even if it didn't seem like he wanted to. Would you like to start a topic or should I?

Vayne & Amanda
Right! We have to have a topic with just them. Would you like to start it or should I?

Oh and because there are so many of these, if you want to hold off on some of the ones with Aimee so there aren't too many to reply to at a time, that's fine.
*gives five cookies*
I can start the topic for Fayt and Finnian, can you start for Vayne? And well, it's up to you whether you want to hold off some of their topics.. :)
*eats cookie*

Hehe. Alrighty, using Ebony is fine with me, i'll start it if you like, seeing as you've got lots to start already xD But i can't be bothered to do it right now.. I'll PM you the topic when I've done it xD
Thank you!
Shiloh & Amanda
Okey-dokey! ^_^

Okay, let's hold off on the others for now. I'll go and start the Amanda & Vayne one! ^_^

(ymuffins :p )
Jennifer & Amanda (& Ebony)
Okey-dokey, this should be fun. By the way, I'm sad Ebony got Gryffindor. :(
You guyses! I'm still looking for a crush for Aimee...

Crush - Someone that makes her nervous when she's around them. May become something later, it depends on if this person has something planned out for the future or not. And also it could just be a one-way crush. Requirements are they have to be kind, a boy, and preferably someone in her year (when she goes to Hogwarts). If they're a year ahead though, that's fine.

^They would probably start out as friends.

And if any of you people that already offered their character as a friend want to do this, that's fine.
If anyone wants to make a family account, they can create Amanda's parents or Aimee's mom. Aimee didn't grow up with a dad. So if we also wanted to include a half-sibling or something, we could sort that out by PM.
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