Continue The Story Game!

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
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Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
Hey everyone! I had randomly thought of this game, and thought that this could be fun to play!

This is how you play....

Example Poster #1: "Once upon a time, there was a girl named..."

the next poster would continue on the story with a sentence.

Example Poster #2: "... Molly Andrews. Molly is a nice girl and..."

and then the next poster would go next, and so on. If there is a poster that wants to end the story and create a new one they would have (STOP) at the start of their post, name that story (name it anything they want) and create a new story with a sentence and have (START) at the beginning the new story.

Example Poster #10: "(STOP) ...Molly left the haunted house and went home. the end. - Story Name: Molly Andrews and The Haunted House
(START) Once upon a time, there was a..."

Make sure you add three dots at the start and end of your sentence, so the next poster knows that they can continue! :) Unless you are ending a story, just put one full stop :) (If this is confusing, PM me, and I'll try my best to help out! :))

I'll start!

In a mysterious and quiet town, there was a young teenage boy named...
In a mysterious and quiet town, there was a young teenage boy named...
Robin. He was your typical teenage boy, he liked playing computer games and hanging with his mates but he had one very special skill, he was able to ...
... saw his best mate in the sock dimension and found that they could do it as well and for as long as he had been able to! The pair of them ...
... went on amazing missions, to solve whatever was lurking in the dimension. One day when they went to the sock dimension they...

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