Open Conglomerated Arts Club Meeting S2/Y48

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy wasn't sure about this idea, but it was a unique one. Some of her previous plans hadn't hit off quite how she'd wanted it to so she'd decided to try something different to see if that would change things. A sort of show and tell. She'd sent out letters to every student in the club with instructions to bring along their most recent piece of art, or something they were working on - regardless of what medium they used. Lucy then set up chairs in the club room, all in a circle. Some music stands were setup at the edges for those who played instruments. She waited patiently for everyone to come in, then when the seats began to fill up, started the meeting.

"Alright! Welcome, everyone! Today I thought we'd do a show and tell of whatever you're currently working on, or recently finished. You can share as much or as little as you want to if it's something long - like a story or a piece of music - but I'd ask everyone be respectful and wait their turn. If someone says something and you feel inspired to comment on it, or talk more on it, go ahead! Share techniques, share ideas, how you overcome artist's block and where you get your inspiration from - go for it! After we're finished, there'll be time to play around together in the room and talk more if you want. Now, who wants to go first?"

OOCOut of Character:
How this works: Everyone gets a turn to talk about a piece of art your character has recently started or recently finished. Once you've done your post, the next poster then shares theirs.
In your post you can then comment on someone else's art, but only if you want to.
At some point (depending on how many people post in what period of time) Lucy will finish the circle and everyone can talk amongst themselves for the rest of the meeting and do whatever they like in the CAC room (discuss more about art, make art together, ectera.)
I'm hoping this will get some characters who don't usually interact with each other to start interacting!
Oz was still a little bruised from his duels, but more his pride than anything else. He was pleased when he heard about what Lucy had decided to do for the arts club, knowing that what he'd worked on was something he felt satisfied with and actually a bit proud of. He knew he had a long way to go to make something he'd really say he loved, but at least he had something he wasn't embarrassed to show. Considering the slight pause when Lucy asked, Oz put his hand up and figured he'd get the speaking over with.

"Er, hey," he mumbled, carefully withdrawing a cotton wrapping from his pocket and unravelling it. "I've, er, been working on my carving and I've finally got something that's okay looking..." he explained, revealing the little wooden unicorn and holding his left hand out with it in his palm. It was meticulously detailed with horn, mane and tail, although it didn't have detailed facial carving as sort of a style choice (though he was still working out the best way to do it. "And it can do this, now," he added, giving it a tap with his wand and bringing it to life. The wooden unicorn galloped around in a little circle on his palm, running up his arm and leaping on to his head, where it seemed to start grazing on his hair. Oz sighed - he was glad it didn't have a working mouth yet, he didn't fancy getting his hair pulled by a toy. "Uh, yeah, it's a work in progress, but, uh...yeah."

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