Closed Conditions of Faith

Kiara Wood

Medical Student | 'Apothecary' owner | Mom of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
September 2, 2037 (26)
It still felt odd that Kiara wasn't going to return to Hogwarts anymore, she was all grown up, she had graduated and had returned to France for living. Of course, she was gonna apparate to New Zealand at least a few times a week for a job, knowing that she couldn't just forget about her life in the country she had lived in for years, more specifically since her parents had died, since she was fourteen. And it was a week since Kiara returned to the France, she had booked flights for the whole Arthur's family, so they could visit her house and see where Arthur was probably going to spend time at.

Since Kiara had returned home, she had been talking with the gardener that lived with them for years, to say the least, he was in a beautiful years and Kiara had decided that it would be the best if his son Rupert took the legacy and worked there. Of course the old gardener Louis was still gonna stay in his house even without his gardener position, after all, during all the years, he already felt like a part of family and no one could just disown their family. Tho, it wasn't the only thing she managed to do, she also cleaned up the whole house, reorganized a few things, checked that the very small part of the magic that was there and could be accidentally encountered by Kami was all fine and wouldn't break. Wood were an old pure-blood family after all and magic there pretty much lived on it's own, there were a few moving paintings of her ancestors, for example, Sylvie Wood, one of the most impressive ancestors. But Kiara tried her best to neutralize the magic at least for some time, so Kami would feel comfortable there.

And while Rupert was away, Kiara got ready all the dishes she had made, she maybe didn't cook really often, but her mom and grandmother used to teach her how to cook, so she knew how to do it. She put them perfectly out on the table, dressed up nicely, checked that all the guest rooms were in a condition to meet guests and where something wasn't perfect, Kiara made sure to clean that fastly up with magic. When everything was finally ready, Kiara went out to meet the guests and while waiting for them to arrive, she played with her dog Luca, glad that now she would be able to spend everyday with him instead of leaving him with Jackson for a whole semester.
Graduation had been... something else. And now Kiara had paid for his entire family to come out. He had tried to warn Kiara against this, but she'd been insistent. His mother and father, baby Calliope, Kyon and Avery. Ava with her roommate and her twins. Emily. His aunt Kari, her husband Mitch and their two babies. His uncle Killian, his two sons, his lady friend and their two adopted kids.

Honestly, he hadn't even looked to see who all of the invited guests had made it, trying to keep to himself. When they all arrived, he just led them to the proper cars and they drove to Kiara's house. He walked up to the front door, with what felt like an army on his back. A rose in hand, he knocked on the door, stepping aside and waiting for Kiara. He made sure he would be out of sight when she did answer the door.
Once Kiara heard a knock on the door, she immediately got up from the floor, made sure her outfit was fine and pretty much ran towards the door. Before opening it, she turned around, took a glance that everything was in place, and then finally opened the door. Kiara didn't even manage to take a step out once her dog Luca ran out to get an attention from the people, while Kia immediately looked for Arthur, she needed a word with him before. She hadn't even talked with the most of his family before, she needed to make sure she got everything right and just to be sure, even if she was pretty sure everything was absolutely fine. She took a step out and only then noticed him on the side. "Always hiding, huh?" Kiara put her hands on her waist, not trying to hide an absolutely sweet smile towards her boyfriend.
Arthur pouted as Kiara found him right away. "Of course," he replied simply, catching her up in a hug. He stole a kiss, letting her lead all of them inside. After getting everyone settled, and taking her around for introductions, he pulled her aside a bit, leaving everyone to mingle on their own. "How are you, love?" He asked, fretting a bit. He knew his family could be overwhelming.
Kiara just easily pressed herself closer to him, teasingly pressing only a small peck on his lips and then turning around to pay attention to Arthur's family. She easily lead everyone inside the house and got herself introduced, to say the least, for now, she absolutely loved Arthur's family. They were outstanding. "A bit tired, you know, but your family is awesome," she easily told Arthur and put her arms around his neck, looking up to him, excited to have at least a second for them. "We can take a second for ourselves? Wanna go to my room? Not for long tho," Kiara offered him, hoping he would agree at least for those few moments they could spend time only two of them.
Arthur couldn't help but laugh. "Lead the way, my dear," He chuckled. "You are very coy today," He teased her. "My mother is here and you want to hide me in your room," He laid his arm over her shoulder, chuckling. He didn't mind staying away for a bit, tucked out of sight. Time alone with his girlfriend was always nice, especially with them out of school and apart much more now.
Kiara lightly giggled at his allowance to lead him and she just took his hand and led him towards her room to the second floor. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm coy, more the fact that i missed you," she stopped for a second on the stairs to press a light kiss on his lips as to prove that she did miss him. "Just for a second, I'm sure they will be fine on their own for a moment, we will be back soon enough," she giggled and continued to walk. "So, how was the flight? Was everything fine? Did Rupert handle everything in the best way?" She keenly asked, wanting to be sure that they all had only the best experience.
Arthur chuckled, letting her lead him. He kissed her back easily. "Well, there are enough of them." He joked lightly, following her up the stairs. He slid in front of her to open her bedroom door for her. "It was fine, the flight was fine, he was fine," He reassured her. "Let's just sit for a moment, hm?" He offered, trying to soothe her nerves.

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