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Damien Casey

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
<B>Hey there people!

IT seems something is terribly wrong with the women of New Zealand at the moment. You see, Damien here, he's rich, he's kind, he's gorgeous, oh yeah, he actually wants to settle down and have a family. The thing that's puzzling me is, no-body seems to be talking to him. That needs to be changed.

Damien is a nice lad. He's already fulfilled all of his life dreams, being rich and all, apart from one. He wants to settle down and have the family he never got. His mother died during his birth and his father passed when he was just a baby, aged three. He was never adopted, always causing trouble for attention as a child, so grew up in the boys orphanage. The minute he got out he travelled the world and did everything he could dream of. Then he decided to settle in New Zealand, his favourite country that he didn't have to learn the language of. He currently lives in a flat and is in the process of adopting three children, he heard their story and felt it would be horrible if they were split up on top of what they had already been through.

My plans for Damien are simple. He is going to fail at love. He already has his final love picked out, it is actually his current best friend, but before that happens he needs a whole load of failures and we have two years of failures before he finally realises he loves her, before that however we need him to suck at love so badly he gives up on it. So, we need women, around his age area, give or take three years either side I'd say, maybe more. We also need reasons it would fail. I figure some can be scared of the children, some not ready for commitment, that sort of thing, even a couple of cheaters maybe. I would like one long term relationship, near the end maybe, to give him a little bit of hope before he completely gives up on love.

I'm going to say first post first date unless you ask otherwise. Hopefully all you ladies out there will love him enough to post here : ) Before any dating starts we'll have to sort out a time line, when they will start dating and when they will stop, that sort of thing. Most shouldn't last longer than two months apart from the long term one.


Ellen is willing to break his heart. xD
I would like for her to develop more and if you would consider her then that would be excellent. She's trying to shake the past opinions of her when she was immature and spoiled. She's grown up, and ready for love. I know you've picked your final, so it wouldn't last. If you think that Ellen is a good pick, then I shall think of ways of why exactly it wouldn't work out.
I've got Irene here who could use a short relationship. I can think of a bunch of reasons why she'd like Damien...namely his money and his looks and a huge reason why it wouldn't work out even despite those things...she doesn't really like children. She does a good job of pretending to and one day she's going to want some, but for now...she thinks they are all brats, cute but brats. And I've got a couple of ideas of how they could break up if you think Damien and Irene would date at all. Let me know :)
Ellen: She sounds pretty cool, Any particular time you want her to be involved with him or how long it would last exactly?

Irene: I think that sounds pretty awesome for him! How long would you say they would last? In your opinion?

I'm not sure. He's definitely interested by her. It really depends on how well they would work together. He doesn't really know her yet. It's really up to you what their relationship ends up as.
Yay! :D I saw a pic of the pbs for Irene and Damien together today and then I saw this and was like :o I must respond xD . In answer to your question, I'll pm you my ideas and then let you decide how long you think they'd last.
Damien Casey said:

I'm not sure. He's definitely interested by her. It really depends on how well they would work together. He doesn't really know her yet. It's really up to you what their relationship ends up as.
So they could end up 'dating' but she would not be his final?
But the rate he will be going through women, himself and Venus might
not end up 'dating' for quite some time xD

How about we just stick with friends for them?
Venus doesn't like sharing her toys xD
And if she starts genuinely liking him, she might go postal
when she finds out that he's seeing someone.
Friends sounds good. They could date at one point if you want? I was wondering if she could be the long relationship at the end that makes him give up on love completely?
Friends it is, that she can cope with but sure
She'd be up for being the long relationship later.
What's the time zone on this?
When would they be starting - I mean they can
rp as 'friends' until then can't they?
Yeah, it won't be for another year I don't think. So they can be friends for quite a while first :)
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