Come and be friends with the ravenclaw

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Pheabea is a very kind, intelligent girl but she has a hidden attitude. If anyone even tries to annoy her, she will flip. She wants to get good grades but school never comes before friends and family. She feels people are more important than her future.
She lives with her brother-Ryker-and her grandparents. Her parents died not so long ago so she is still mourning their death. If anyone hurts Pheabz in anyway, Ryker will hurt them. He is her very protective big brother and will do anything to keep Pheabea safe. She loves having him there and loves the fact that she feels like nothing can hurt her when he's around.

Pheabea needs friends, enemies, crushes, maybe a best friend...or two.
I have both Gabby here and Nadia if you want them. Both Ravenclaws Gabby is second yr. Nadis first.
Dougie is quite similar to Pheabea, he's smart but he doesn't make school his main priority and he cares a lot for his family. How about they become friends?
Gabby-Can I have some more info on the two girls??

Douglas-He sounds like he could be a friend. Would you be able to start a RP for them??
Ooops I forgot :r

But sure thing here ;)
Gabby is a somewhat shy and talented girl. She is very gifted with Charms and Transfiguration. (In that she is good at them) She has very high expectations of herself and studies all the time. She doesn't have any fruends, but the friends she does have are very close to her. She is kind and would never say a bad word about any-body.

Nadia is a True Ravenclaw through and through. She has a ready mind, she’s of wit and learning, and can always find her kind. She is extremely intelligent and sometimes sticks out from the crowd. She has a thirst for knowledge and wants to be a Healer when she graduates. She is a sort of person that reacts differently to different situations. Also depending on her mood, she could either smile at you, or chuck at you a bunch of random information that means absolutely nothing to any-one but herself. Nadia is Intelligent, witty, and very capable.

So what you think?
Meyke: Thanks, I'll reply ASAP

Gabrielle: Sounds like Pheabea could be friends with both of them. How shall we have them meet??
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