Closed Closer Family, Still Few Friends

Harper Fletcher

🐍Fletcher Twin 🐍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Hazel Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
12/2037 (12)
A few days ago, Harper found himself surprised by reading a letter from his cousin back in England. The rest of his father's family would be moving to Wellington, New Zealand. It would be nice having his father's side of the family closer, especially since he wasn't around anymore. His aunt, uncle, two cousins, and grandparents were all moving in June. The best part of the news was his cousin, Lucas, would be attending Hogwarts with Harper, in another year. Lucas and Harper always got along well at the family reunions and spent time together in the backyard of their grandparents exploring. He had carefully written him a letter back and was sending it off on a school owl. One day he hoped he would get his own owl.

Harper leaned against the window of the tower, looking out on the grounds. He watched as the owls flew from the tower and returned. The grounds were dotted with the occasional student or group of students studying, playing, and chatting with one another. Harper still hadn't felt like he found his place at Hogwarts.
Every time Kas managed to cobble together a letter back home, he ended up spending most of the walk up to the Owlery trying to convince himself that it wasn't too late to just set it on fire and pretend it didn't happen. With his wand sometimes he didn't even need to try very hard to set most things on fire anyway, and it'd be easier then climbing up all these stairs. But as much as he loved the idea of just cutting his family off while he was school, the fallout from them when he did finally get home just wasn't worth it.

Sighing as he reached the owlery, Kas looked around, hoping to find one of the more unreliable looking owls to tie his letter too. Plausible deniability was everything. There were definitely a few shadier looking owls up near the rafters, but Kas' attention was caught on Harper instead, looking kinda broody staring out the window. Kas wondered if you could stare out a window and not look at least a little bit pensive. "I suppose looking moodily out the window on the ground floor just doesn't have the same energy, huh," He said, slumping against the wall next to Harper and nodding his head in greeting.
Harper turned towards a familiar voice spotting his friend, Kas. He gave a laugh. "I think it's the birds-eye view that really helps," The pun wasn't intentional, but he was still proud of it. Tucking his hands into his pocket, he leaned against the wall facing the Hufflepuff. "I was watching the owl leave." He was telling mostly the truth. Harper got lost in his thoughts watching the owls come and go. "Sup, Kas?" He asked wondering if he was planning on sending out a letter. I wonder if he has his own owl. Harper hoped he would have his own owl one day so he didn't have to rely on school owls. His mother talked about getting one soon for herself, especially since she has been working at the Ministry for nearly a year now.
Kas clicked his tongue at Harper's pun, but he was happy for the excuse to hold off sending his own letter, flicking it idly with his fingers. "Oh yeah? Got important business to attend to or something," He asked mildly. Kas had been pleasantly surprised that Hogwarts had some decent gossip going around, but he doubted somehow that Harper might be a source of any. But you never knew. He shrugged in response to Harper greeting. "Just trying to keep my family off my back." He said, gesturing vaguely with the letter.
Harper shook his head and shrugged. "Not really." He usually lied or acted mysteriously, but he considered Kas his friend and didn't think he would buy into any of it anyway. Maybe he would have important business if he felt like he belonged in something at Hogwarts. He wanted to try out for quidditch next year and compete in dueling tournaments. It was just still a ways away. Harper nodded, he understood what it was like to keep family off his back. "Good luck with that." He contemplated telling him about his cousins' move but decided it would be boring for anybody else. "Speaking of family, you haven't seen Elizabeth around lately have you?" Harper was curious as to what adventures she had gotten herself into this week. She always spoke fondly of Kas whenever she mentioned him.
Kas feigned an exaggerated frown when Harper denied any business ventures. If he was going to find any classmates managing a chocolate frog card smuggling ring out of the Owlery, it would probably be Harper. "Well that's boring then," Kas said with a vague smile, joining Harper to stare out the window at some of the passing owls. "I can't believe people actually voluntarily hang out out there," He said, gesturing vaguely to the kids down on the lawn, half considering dropping his letter out the window as he did. Losing the letter would still do more harm than good in the long run and Kas tucked is safely inside as he crossed his arms on the sill. "I swear I'm out there for two minutes and I get sunburnt or some beetle decides it needs to come chill in my hair," He said with a frown, brushing his hair out of his face subconsciously. "Never has fun as it looks,"

"Last I saw Elizabeth, she was shoving unsuspecting classmates into the lake," Kas said, scrunching up his face as he looked over towards the lake. "How did you survive growing up with her?" He asked jokingly. Elizabeth was perhaps lacking in the self-preservation department, but at least it was never boring with her around. Kas was still mad about his favourite shirt getting wet though.

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