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Katie Kain

Well-Known Member
cherie jin

Cherie was a very popular girl in the USA. Now, not so much. She is an artistic girl who is annoyed easily by her twin brother. Deep down she loves him but she would never admit it. Cherie is silly but can be serious at times. She is nice except if someone is mean to her. Then she can be nasty. Most of the time, she thinks for herself but is trying to change that. She loves being the center of attention, as long as it is good attention. Cherie doesn't like to share the spotlight, although she can if she wants to. She likes to sketch, paint, anything to do with art. Her favorite kind of art is fashion. She is a little smart, but doesn't show it for fear of losing her popularity over it. Besides, she doesn't want to turn in to her brother! Even though she is only 11, she likes to flirt with boys.

I'm looking for friends, enemies, and people to flirt with here.

<FONT font="Georgia">katie kain
Katie is a big troublemaker. She likes to annoy her siblings, except for her twin, Sophie, who is like her best friend. At her muggle school, she was always the class clown. She plays pranks on people. She likes to be in control of situations. She can be a little bossy at times, but isn't extremely so. She's energetic and likes adventures. She usually points the finger at someone else when she did something. She hates getting caught, so has found ways to not be.

I'm looking for prank victims, friends, and enemies here.
Other things are welcome for both, just post here with your suggestion.​
Maybe Ashlynn will meet with Cherie again? Except now they're in "enemy" houses (although Ashlynn doesn't really know much about it and she doesn't care either).
As for Katie, I think Ashlynn could be friends with her too, as long as she can get past the house thing. Ashlynn's not so much a troublemaker herself; or at least she doesn't deliberately try to be, but she loves to have fun with life, and if that means going along with the pranking, she'll do that.
Cherie & Ashlynn: They should definitely meet. Cherie won't care, she just likes meeting up with her old friend.

Katie & Ashlynn: Katie wouldn't care either. Although she most likely will try to pull a prank on Ashlynn. And I mean try because if you don't want Ashlynn to have a trick played on her, then you can have her catch it. "Why is this here?" or something.

Would you like to do both?
I have a Gryffindor first year. Her name is Faxen Lowart and she is already friends with Collin Jin since she met him at the Mall. She is very impulsive and has absolutely no filter in what she says. She speaks the first thing that comes to her mind. Here is her bio if you want to know more.
Katie & Oliver

Hey there! Katie sounds like she has quite a lot in common with Ollie. He's a class-clown, a bit bossy and loves being the leader, but is really protective of his friends. He was quite popular back home, but I'm yet to see if he'll be popular at HNZ. Anyway, I think that since the two both seem to have strong personalities, they might butt heads a bit. However, I think that Oliver would think that Katie was really funny and cool and stuff. So maybe a love/hate friendship? Like, they argue a lot, but still consider each other friends? (Unspoken, of course. Ollie would be too proud to admit being friends with her.) xD
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