Open Cleaning Up the Winter Mess

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
It was lightly raining, just a little drizzle, but that wasn't about to stop Rosie. Rosie had come outside to the gardens and was taking the time to tidy up. She was mostly sticking close to the areas of the garden being used by the wild patch. Rosie was tidying up, gather the leaves which had fallen, making sure the soil was tilted and that the things that needed to be replanted were in a position to be. The gardens were beautiful and she didn't mind taking care of it. Rosie was humming lightly, her hair tied back and out of the way, enjoying the cool winter air and sights and smell of the garden.
Kiara liked being outside, liked wandering the grounds and clearing her mind. Even if the weather wasn't all perfect like today. It was a little gloomy but she could appreciate that from time to time. Made her see things in a different perspective. Her stroll today took her through the gardens, glancing over at the plants that could handle the current weather before noticing someone a bit further down. Kiara smiled when she noticed one of her friends, quickening her pace to get to where Rosie was working on the garden. "Hi." She greeted softly. "Need any help..?"
Rosie was steadily working away, happily humming to herself as she went. She glanced up as she noticed someone walking towards her and gave a warm smile to the girl. "Hey," she greeted before nodding. "I'd love some," she said. She would love some help and from the other wild patch leader too, that was the best way to go about it. "Congratulations, on the prefect badge," Rosie said with very genuinely pride for the girl. She knew they didn't spend as much time with each other as they had in the past but she still was very happy for her friend and her achievements.
Kiara smiled when Rosie agreed some help would be favourable, fishing a hairtie out of her pocket so she could get hr hair out of her face before she could do anything useful. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, not entirely sure what Rosie had been working on or what still needed to happen. Even if she could definitely see she had done quite some work already. "Thanks." Kiara shot Rosie a smile when she congratulated her. "And thanks for letting me in on the club." She added. "I mean I reckon you had to at least have something to do with it in one way or another..?" She didn't straight out think Rosie had come up with the idea or anything, but as the one who had already been co-leading the club before she was sure the other girl had to at least have some say in the matter.
Rosie glanced around at what she had already done, before nodded. "I'm just tidying up the soil. Why don't you grab the rake and use it on the bigger patches to get the dead leaves off the soil, so we can have it ready for planting," she suggested. She didn't want to dictate to Kiara what to do, but that was due to be her next step in all of this. Rosie gave a little smile and nod. "Yeah, with also working on Accio, I just knew I needed help, and you were always at the events, so, I said you'd be the best shout," Rosie told her, not seeing any need for secrecy in this.
Kiara looked around when Rosie seemed to be figuring out what she could do to help. She nodded along when the other girl explained, already moving over to grab the rake while she was still talking. "Sure!" She smiled in response before starting to carefully rake the dead leaves into small piles. Whether or not she'd eventually rake them into one big pile or just get to cleaning up the little ones she wasn't sure yet, but at least it would help her work a bit more organised. "Cool." Kiara nodded when Rosie elaborated on her being picked to co-lead the club. "How's Accio going? Still fun?" She asked in reponse, slightly leaning on the rake as she curiously waited on her friend's answer.
Rosie smiled as she watched Kiara do as she had instructed. Rosie nodded, largely to herself, and then gave a little smile in response. "It's still fun, just, so much work," Rosie said and then she turned a little away, looking away from Kiara. "Eugene has said that I'll been leading it next year," she was proud of herself for being the one who would lead it. But given that they were leading this club together she didn't want her to think that she wasn't as dedicated to this club as she was to accio or anything.
Kiara kept raking the leaves into little piles before carefully raking those piles to the side so she could get rid of them later. At least the soil was now starting to be visible from underneath the layer of leaves again. "Oh, that's wonderful!" She exclaimed when Rosie mentioned she would be leading Accio next year. "I'm sure you'll be great at that as well." Kiara added with a smile, wondering if that meant Rosie would be far busier next year. Perhaps that was why she needed another co-leader after Salem left. Running both a club on her own and the yearbook sounded like a lot of work. "Are you excited for that?"
Rosie was a little shy about it, she wasn't sure it was something to overly brag about, given that she had so much that she'd need to do for it. She didn't want Kiara to think that she didn't care about this club. "Yeah, it'll be nice to..leave my mark on the school," she knew that both her sister and her brother had done so in there own ways and she hadn't yet, until this and now what accio would be too. "It's weird that we're fifth years, I still feel like a little kid and yet, I'm 15," she said with little smile.
Kiara nodded when Rosie said it would be nice to leave her mark on the school. She was definitely the right person to do so and she was confident her friend would be a great leader for the yearbook. "I'm sure you'll do just that." She smiled, already keen on seeing Rosie thrive. Not that she wasn't already thriving now, just.. even more next year. "Right?" Kiara nodded in agreement. "It's so silly how we went from listening to the older students and following their lead to somehow becoming them.." She added. She had always looked up to people leading clubs, being prefects. Anyone who seemed to have a goal at school. And now she was part of that group.
Rosie was glad that that Kiara was at least, on the surface, supportive of her idea of leaving a mark. She knew that between all those in her family it was occasionally difficult to do so, and not the most important thing to do, but it was something she wanted. She gave a warm smile as Kiara agreed. It felt like a blink of time between them being first years and looking up to now being fifth years. "God yeah, I used to think the other leaders of the wild patch were so cool," she giggled softly in agreement. "I always knew I wanted to be part of this club, but, never thought I'd ever lead it,"
Kiara giggled when Rosie mentioned thinking the previous leaders of the wild patch had been so cool. She had to agree though. But she had practically looked up to anyone doing anything outside of class. Prefects, quidditch players, club leaders. Honestly anyone who looked like they had their life together. Had a goal. "Well I think you're pretty cool too." She said genuinely. "And you're definitely the right person to lead the club. And the yearbook next year. Guaranteed to leave a mark." She added with a smile. "Who knows? Maybe there'll be younger students who look up to you now."

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