Cid's bored day.

Cid Winters

Well-Known Member
Cid laid in the gas looking up at the sky, it was rather lonely here for a school with so many people, even if he was away from a family he pretty much hated.
"For a school of magic and endless wonder, this sure it boring" said Cid.
Ana-Cole decided that a bit of fresh air could do no harm as she made her way out to the lawn for a simple walk. She noticed a first year boy or at least he looked like a first year laying back in the nice soft grass. Ana-Cole had done this too many times just laying back, relaxing, and watching the clouds go by. "It seems nice" She said out loud to herself. she walked over to the boy. "Mind if I join you" She asked
Cid looked up at the girl who walked over to him, she looked older then him.
Is anyone here MY age?! he thought to himself.
"Sure pull yourself up some grass and have a seat" Cid said with a laugh.
"Oh before I forget I am Cid, Cid Winters, who might you be?" he asked warmly with a smile as he went back to looking at the clouds.
"Thanks" Ana-Cole said sitting down. "My name is Ana-Cole" She said with a friendly smile. "It is nice to meet you Cid" She said "So what are you up to?" She asked as she fell back into the cushion of the soft grass and watched the clouds go by. That one looks like an ice cream cone Ana-Cole thought with a smile. Boy that must mean I'm starving she thought
"Nothing I'm rather bored, I really don't know anyone, they don't seem all that warm to me for some odd reason" said Cid as he saw a cloud go by.
Wow that looks like an ice cream cone thought Cid.
"What about you, what are you up to, besides talking to the young odd kid watching clouds go by."
Ana-Cole laughed a small laugh "Don't worry people will warm up soon enough" She said with a smile still staring at the sky. "Plus you aren't that young your a first year Right? Which means we are only a year apart." Ana-Cole said "And you don't seem odd to me but you do have time to prove me wrong" She said smiling. "But I'm really not doing anything finished up some school work and decided that I wanted a break and some fresh air" Ana-Cole said
Cid turned his head to the girl and smiled.
"You'll learn soon enough, that's a promise, but yeah I'm only a first year RavenClaw, so what do you like to do for fun?" he asked the girl while now spotting a cloud that looked like a Tiger.
"See the Tiger cloud?" asked Cid while pointing.
"Well I hold you to that promise" Ana-Cole said with a laugh. "Oh but a Ravenclaw so there must be brains somewhere" she said joking around "I am a Gryffindor second year obviously" She said now thinking about his question. "But for fun I usually hang out in the common room with others or come out here. I am a bit of a loner actually" Ana-Cole said "School work takes up quite a bit of time not to sound dorky or anything" Ana-Cole said knowing that she indeed did sound dorky. "Oh" She said looking up at what Cid called a tiger cloud "Maybe more of a kitten" she said with a smile.
Cid smiled
"Brains and Beauty?" asked Cid looking at her, after all she just said she's a dork, but is also cute.
"What's your Best Subject?" Cid asked with a smile no longer looking at the clouds but her.
Ana-Cole smiled "if you say so" She laughed a small amount. "But my favorite subject is Charms I would have to say my best subject is Defense Against The Dark Arts though" Ana-Cole said. "What about you? Whats your favorite and/or best subject?" She asked sitting up and looking at him
"Too soon to say my best, but my favorite would have to be Lunch, or was it Charms?" Cid replied with a chuckle.
"Well I can see how you would get those two mixed up. I mean they are just so similar" She said with a laugh. "But I do sometimes forget how early on in the year it is" Ana-Cole said thinking that it was indeed early "So where are you from" Ana-Cole asked out of curiousity
"Depends what you mean, I was born in Japan, so I'm kinda Japanese, even tho it's only one forth in my blood, how about you?" asked Cid.
"I meant where you live" Ana-Cole said with a smile. "But Japan thats really wicked" She said with another smile. She loved to meet people from all around the world. "But I am from the United States born and raised" She said thinking that it did not compare very well with his background. She seemed quite boring compared to someone from Japan.
"fine I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone" replied Cid with a smile.
"I live in Florida, it's really boring and nothing like the fun I missed out on in Japan, we were only there a week, but since my mom was busy giving birth to me, we missed our flight and had to stay a month with my grandpa, and then were able to afford a new ticket home" said Cid with a blush.
Ana-Cole listened as Cid told about his life in a short little version. Ana-Cole noticed that he blushed towards the end. Ana-Cole couldn't help but smile her caring smile "Well at least Flordia I live up north. It is freezing you are at least warm" She said "So how do you like it here so far?" Ana-Cole asked wondering how he liked the school and just New Zealand in general.
"It's really nice, Florida sucks unless you're only visiting it, then it's great, however my god is the heat awful, I'm sure this place must be the same tho" replied Cid with a smile.
"So how are you liking it?" asked Cid.
"Well maybe I will have to visit Flordia sometime and you would have to show me around" she said with a smile. "But I love it here. This is like my second home" Ana-Cole said "I kind of wish I could stay here 24/7" she said smiling
"I know very little outside my own back yard, but I'd gladly welcome you and show you around" Cid said with a smile, she sure was nice and friendly.
"you know little of your own back yard" Ana-Cole said "Well then I take it your not much for exploring" she said in a joking smile. "How ever do you make it about this huge castle without getting lost then" She said smiling
"I never said I didn't try, I'm so young and my mom thought I crazy for thinking I was special, so she refused to let me go far, and my older perfect brother would watch me like a hawk, not like there's something that'll make me invisible" replied Cid with a frown.
"ok Ok" Ana-Cole said seeing Cid frown for the first time. "I was just messing with you" She said smiling her oh so common smile. "See I am the oldest in the family so my parents babied the younger siblings and left me alone. Which is good and bad" Ana-Cole explained.
"I guess the feeling of loneliness would be the only down side, cause freedom looks to be the best reward this place has given me" said Cid with a smile as he looked back at the sky.
"Deep" Ana-Cole said with a little laugh "But freedom is a wonderful thing and you don't seem to be too lonely" She smiled. "You will make plenty of friends I can tell there is just somhething about you" Ana-Cole said looking over at Cid, smiled, and then looked up at the sky above. The clouds are just so beautiful. Ana-Cole thought. She could not remember the last time she just relaxed and looked up at the sky without having to contemplate an issue that was bothering her. It was nice.
"So are you Single?" asked Cid with a laugh, but still looking up at the sky.
"You don't have to answer that I was only joking"

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