Childhood Friend

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Ashton Winters

Well-Known Member
Ebony and Willow 11'inch w/ family Signature Essence of Bloodline and Phoenix Tears

I am looking for someone to play Simon Fields. He is Ashton childhood friend and also attends Scotland as well. The boy who got abuse by his wise but short temper father growing up. Now he doesn't get beaten anymore so when Ashton comes around he's like what happen? If you want to play it him I will tell you more over PM. As of now he's 13 years old Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts Scotland; PB could be anyone but I'm aiming for a blonde.

Ps. I was a hogwarts students but I didn't read everything right >,< he was suppose to have been a transfer not a new students. So now he's a 'puff at Scotland. Hopefully I can transfer him next year if Nick let's me xD
I would be interested in playing Simon as long as I never have to transfer him to Hogwarts NZ. PM me the details
No you won't have to transfer to Hogwarts NZ will PM you right now. As for the PB I will try to find the name of this one too
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