Child Soldiers

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
In uganda Children are abducted and used by the LRA lords resistance army >:) . to fight a war that has been going on for over 20 years. they are invisable children. no-one knows wether their child who has been aubducted is alive or dead. :ph43r:
For those of you who don't know what I'm on about, visit here.

these children are murdered if they cry, even if they have just witnessed their own sibling killed, they are also forced to kill. ;'(

It's unthinkable, what these children live with every single day. No freedom. No family. No rights. :mad:

on 25th April there will be a global sleep in to try to persuade the government to stop thease abductions. i know i will be going.
Well, I'm not the smartest person on this topic, but I do believe that it is completely wrong and shouldn't be done.

My reasons are that the children are taken from there homes and the parents can do nothing to help them and I'm thinking the children will feel pretty abandoned. The children's childhood has been taken and they are force to grow up and mature fast. I'm 15 and I can hardly say I'm mature at all. Thinking about how these children are put against full grown adults is wrong. It just isn't right.

Again I'm not an expert on the subject, but that's what I think.
I'm no expert either but....

that's sick.

wrong. abusive. evil.

I feel that a) that causes extreme danger to the children, and that sense of vulnerability, having to grow up to fast, being made to face dangers most adults haven't, being made to see gross, mature, horrible things most adults don't witness... etc. and b) think about their poor families who do not know if they are alive.
most important are the children of course. that is a huge violation of many human rights. these children are captives! slaves, almost!
that is wicked, evil, heinous.

^^^ that's what i think
Last year at my father in law's house, we watched a television program about child soldiers. It was graphic, informative and very disturbing to see what these children are put through. It's sickening to witness such evil committed against innocent little ones who had their childhood ripped from them and are forced to commit horrific acts and have horrific things done to them in turn.

Elvera, could you please tell us more about this sleep in and how it would help to make an impact on this issue?

Also, I am just unsure of how this could ever stop.
The Rescue is on 25th April and the aim of it os to try and persuade covernments around the world especialy the most infuantial countries (britain and America) to try and stop this. this website itis hpening in over 100 cities in 10 countries which are australia, Canada, England, ireland, Mexico, New zealand, Scoland, the unaited states, and (last but not least) Wales. it is where thousands of people will Aubduct themselves the same way children in uganda have to leave their home each night and sleep in the citys so that they wont be aubducted.
on the 25th April everyone will sleep outside and wait for influential people to rescue them during this time we will be writing letters by candlelight. my whole school is involved and today we invited in our local MP to try and persuade him to help and on the spot her said yes and phoned our minister of foreign affairs and said he will get the news papers and today tonight involved (which incase you didn't know is a current affairs program" and that was just 1 small school.

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