Cheese And Potatoes Here!

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Just PM me when you want Ryder and Khione to Rp :)
Hi Khione.... Well here goes...

My character's name is Conan. Well, he's smart and protective of his sister and friends. He was born and raised in Japan and is really kind if you get to know him. I was looking for friends for him and just thinking if you would be interested. Well, there is also his sister Ai. Just tell me if you want to...
Hiiiiiiiiiii Margarette! :D

Hufflepuff's are generally kind so like yeah, I'd love to meet Conan! It would be fun to meet her sister do, maybe if they're like together and Khione could sneak in? Do the sibling get along well? :r :)
eh up i have stefan a 4th year puff who loves everyone you can rp with him if ya like
yeah... they get along well.... but generally, ai has a mean side to her.... a personality of hers that doesn't want to be close to others because of her fear of separations...
Hiiiiiii David, Sure I'd love to RP with Stefan, probably inside HNZ? :r :D
Oh Margarette! It would be really cool if the two sibling talk or something then Khione would inter-fear the conversation. What do you think? ^_^ :r
sure..... when would you like to start????/
maybe inside..... i'll start the topic.... i'll just pm the link to you 'kay????
okay.............. :D
yup that will be fine ill pm you link l8r when term actually starts
Lola Caracola can make her her little first year buddy. Lola is super popular and nice to everyone. She comes from a large family so being aroung a lot of other people wouldn't bother her. She would love that Khi is so weird and confortable with herself.

Sapphire is also avalable if she needs help with anything. She's a Hufflepuff sixth year who loves art almost to an obsession. If she ever found out about Khi's love of ghost hunting Saph may even turn that into a comic book.
Khione Hawthorne said:
First Years aren't allowed to post inside HNZ yet :r So maybe once it's allowed we can start to RP. :)
Actually, you are free to RP in HNZ, just not in any of the older topics that take place in Y14.
Starting new topics won't be an issue. Seeing as there are a few already, and none of which are closed down.
Thanks Kaitlyn! :hug: If that's the case then let's to RP! :D

I'll probably PM you guys (the one who posted earlier on page 1) on Monday to start the RP's. :r
Hey David, tell me a bit for about Stefan. :tut:
Helllllllllllo Ana! ^_^
I'd love to RP with the Lola and Sapphire, just temm me when and where? ;)
yh stefan's an adventouros lad who likes nothing more than flying or exploring the castle. at the moment he's quite depressed as he recently lost his father.
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