🌹 Rose Giving Cheerful Yellow

Iris van Houten

Whimsical | Quiet | Thoughtful | Inner Eye Asst.
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Rosalind)
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Yellow rose for Nolan Burke

The next person on Iris' list was a bit trickier to find. She was in her fifth year, and didn't really have a lot of contact with the lower years anymore. So she'd had no idea who Nolan Burke was or where he could be. At least, until she started asking around. Eventually her trail led her outside. She approached a young boy someone had pointed out to her. "Are you Nolan?" She asked him, hoping he was the right first year.

@Nolan Burke
It had been the Valentine season, which meant that roses were going around. Deep down the boy had a feeling that he wasn't going to get any. And if he did, he would've felt bad because he didn't give out any roses. Nolan looked up surprised, stopping midway from playing his guitar when he heard his name being said. "Oh yeah, that's me" Nolan chuckled. The Irish lad had noticed that the older girl had some roses for her, but he was positive that they weren't for him.
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Iris grinned, glad to have found the right boy. "Oh, that's great!" She said happily. "Here, I have a rose for you." She said, holding it out for him.

Thanks for the mean as jam seshes & being an awesome bro!
Nolan is surprised when he receives a rose, as he wasn't expecting anything for himself. "Wait, really? For me?" Nolan says with surprise. The boy gently places his guitar beside him as he also gently grabs the rose from the older girl. "Sweet, thanks!" Nolan says excitedly, as he opens up the note.
Iris waited around to see the boy's reaction. She smiled at him. "Well, I hope you enjoy it. Happy Valentine's Day!" She said.

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