Chasing Powder

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
29 (1/8/2034)
WIllow had a few tays off. she hadnt taken a holiday for a while and while it wasnt enough time for a big adventure overseas she was not going to waste this one babysitting ivy or helping her dad on the boat. no. this was her holiday. she had booked into a room at Taylor Ski resort near Queenstown and she was going to catch some powder. Willows first stop of the morning was a quick trip into town, or specifically Furgbakery because when on holiday why not have a hot Lamb Kumara & Horopito pie for breakfast, especially when its cold outside and she had a big day ahead. she then checked the snow report glad that she would not be on not coronet peak or the remarkables which were the closest to town and almost guaranteed to be filled with muggles. but the Taylor resort was on a mountain a bit further away that was hard to get to by road and thus wouldn't be full of muggle kids and large tourist groups. it was a place for those with magic. where she could board and then charm herself back up the slope to do it all again.
she arrived at the top and clamped the board to her feet before looking at the slope a moderately easy one for the first run and set off.
Kaelan Borisyuk was still learning New Zealand. He didn't have any pointers on where to go to find a good camping spot because he would rather not get kicked in the face again by his brother if he could help it. The two just continued to rub each other the wrong way. Perhaps it was because both of the brothers had polar opposite personalities. For one, Kaelan knew how to smile, and it was a charming one too. He already had a close encounter with some muggles while in the mountains, so that was fun to dodge, so he went to another one. He walked right past the signs that said 'Taylor's Resort' so he honestly was hiking in blindly. He had no idea he was walking into a skiing zone. His green eyes did spot some tracks left by skis. He knelt down and had a look at them. Where had he seen those before? It had been years since he saw the double tracks of skis and snowboards, not that one was ever big or strong enough to hold his stature and weight. It was just his misfortune to walk and his eyes catch some red hair. "Oh, sh*t!" Kaelan jumped backward, dodging the poor snowboarder. He adjusted his jacket, but made sure that he didn't just collide with anyone. He really needed a map before people plowed into him, which was equivalent to hitting a tree.
willow was gathering speed zooming her way down the slope. she had forgotten how fun it was. so freeing. she had a feeling her sister would also enjoy it when she was older. well she would enjoy it now but possibly a little too much. there was always something about doing something that was entirely physical, muscle memory and instinct that meant that it could let the mind relax and let go of all the usual things flying around in it. the cold crisp air also helped with that. She just turned a corner and there was suddenly someone in front of her. she swerved to avoid him at about the same time that he jumped to avoid her. which they dint completely colide but she did end up glancing off him and walking for a second before she managed to bring herself to a halt. th man was familiar not that is was easy to forget someone eleven or so feet tall walking in the mountains. "Killian. I didn't think I would be bumping into you in the mountains again" she said. shifting her weight slightly to wedge herself from lowly starting to slide down the hill.
Kaelan really needed to watch where he was going when he almost collided with someone. He looked around to see where he managed to walk into blindly. However, the snowboarder stopped and even addressed him - as Killian. Kaelan raised an eyebrow since this was not the girlfriend. Did Killian have other female friends? That didn't sound right at all. Kaelan processed the information quickly before letting out a chuckle, "Ah, so you have met my big brother. My apologies for that." If anyone knew what a stick in the mud his brother was, it was Kaelan. And the consequences for messing with him. Sometimes, it was fun, but other times, well, not so much. Therefore, to talk to the woman, he knelt down - unbothered by the snow. "I'm the younger brother, Kaelan. Fascinating how you meet two of us randomly in the mountains. Sorry for walking through this... Speaking of, I have no idea where I am." Kaelan's Russian accent still clung to his words thickly. But at least his tone was a lot more friendly than his brother's.
Willow chuckled as the man said apologised for his brother. "he wasn't bad. it was actually good to have someone to hike with" she said shrugging. The banter had been fun. Though it was a while ago and she couldn't remember the specifics. " We hiked to a pool and I went cliff jumping. He didn't because apparently he is scared of heights" she said shrugging. Pretty sure the excuse he had for not jumping wasn't being scared of hights. but she had just interpreted it as such and thought it funny enough not to think of what the actual reason was.
she nodded as the man knelt down to be closer to eye level with her and introduced himself "Nice to meet you, Kaelin. I am Willow" she said "Well, there are a lot of mountains around here. this one is the slopes for Taylor ski resort." she said. before quickly adding " it's a magic-only resort, based at the bottom of the mountain there".
Kaelan never thought that someone would say that his brother was not bad, and actually good company. He thought that was limited to only a select few that he could count on one hand. But, was Killian hiking in the mountains with this woman? If so, did Amethyst know? It was questions he wanted to ask, but ultimately decided against it when she said that she thought he was afraid of heights. Kaelan laughed under his breath at the thought. "He's never been afraid of heights, but he is afraid of having fun in front of people. Something about being vulnerable freaks him out. Or he didn't know how deep the pool was and didn't want to break anything." Kaelan just assumed that it was the vulnerable part. So, this woman was Willow. Kieran never mentioned her in the letters that Killian sent that some were shared with him. "Maybe I'll get a map and navigate that way. Can't imagine what would happen if I just wandered into a muggle ski resort." Kaelan would need one if he planned to actually go exploring more, which he did. He, after all, bought a house in New Zealand. "I take it if I keep going in that direction, I won't end up in the middle of a muggle place," Kaelan pointed at the base of the mountain. "Should I leave you to this or would you rather get to know another part-giant?"
Willow smiled as kaelin listed the actual reason that killian had said as to why he hadn’t wanted to go cliff jumping. yeah. He said something like that she said.
She nodded when the man said that he may have to get a map that may be an idea. The main places to avoid are the remarkables , which is that mountain over there. Coronet peak that you can just about see over there and the area close to Queenstown if you want to avoid muggles she said pointing to the mountains as she spoke.
She let out a slight chuckle as he asked if that was the way to go. you go it. she said. ”as luck would have it I was heading that way myself. And it would be nice to get to know another part giant if you want to get to know another part. Well another part willow. she said.
Kaelan was surprised that Killian would actually say something like that. Huh, actually opening up. That was strange. But he would disregard that. He nodded at the thought of getting a map. Getting lost and dealing with muggles freaking out about how tall he was - yeah that drama he did not need. "I'll keep those locations in mind. Can't imagine that I would go unnoticed in a muggle town. Then again, not exactly unnoticed anywhere I go," Kaelan chuckled softly at the idea that he would never entertain for long, with the latter being the truth. His appearance alone would turn eyes, be it the ink, the piercings, or the height - the latter being more likely. "Part-Willow?" Kaelan asked as he stood back up so that he could walk toward the base of the mountain, albeit slowly to not leave her behind. "Is the other part weeping?" Kaelan added, with his tone full of jest. At least Willow would likely get more out of him than his brother, who was essentially the Great Wall of China with his life.

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