Charms Second Years; Lesson One

Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜 temp charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
Lyra’s lesson plans were arranged neatly on the desk itself, and she sat on the edge of the desk, waiting for the students to arrive. The former Gryffindor rose from her desk as the students filed in, smiling kindly as the last of them settled in their seats. The brunette woman clapped her hands to get their attention. "Good morning!" she said brightly. "My name is Professor Lyra Potter, and I am going to be your professor this semester." she flicked her wand at the board so that it would write out everything she said. She wondered if any of them would make the connection between her last name and her family members.

Lyra stood up and began to circulate the room as she talked. “I was born in London, but I was raised here in New Zealand. My father was British, and my mother was American. I attended Hogwarts New Zealand as a Gryffindor. I played professional quidditch for the Thundelarra Thunderers for four years, but I retired to have a family.” Lyra said as an introduction to herself. "I am also very happy to be here with you this semester, so let's get started, yeah?" Feeling a little more confident after her first lesson had gone well, her stance was more relaxed as she turned back to her second-year students. “Today's lesson is fairly simple. We’ll be covering the cleaning charm. Repeat after me; Scourgify." She went over the wand movement and the spell twice, making sure everyone saw. "I have a list here, of the charms we’ll cover this semester. Today, I would like you to go over this chapter and try the charm here in class.”

Lyra waved her hand, and dirtied dishes appeared in front of each student. “I am right here, of course, if you have any questions or need any assistance. For extra credit, if you wish, you can write a short essay on the different ways you can use this charm. It doesn’t have to be much, a few paragraphs at least, but do put some thought into it..” She encouraged, smiling warmly at her students as she moved to sit at her desk, the reading list appearing on the board. “I do have paper copies of this list, if you would like to gather one on your way out today, or feel free to stop by if you have any questions or concerns.” She added, settling into her seat.

Cleaning Charm
Locking Charm
Unlocking Charm
Repairing Charm
Repelling Charm
Homenum Revelio

~Roleplay the lesson for full marks
~Write a short essay (No more than 100 words) about what a cleaning charm would be good for, to earn yourself 5 additional house points.
Sunday was determined to make up for lost time. She'd allowed herself to be distracted last year, but now- now it was her time. She knew she still had several of her sisters in school, but she wouldn't be stuck in their shadows. After spending a solid hour on her hair and makeup and her uniform, she was sure she looked absolutely perfect. Her skin was glowing, her hair falling in perfect bouncy waves around her face, her makeup just right to highlight her features. She'd been told she was too young for it before, but she soundly ignored that.

She walked down to class, leaving early so she could move in a slower, smoother gait. Gods forbid she showed up with a hair out of place or- ugh- sweaty. Her delicately floral perfume was the only thing she wanted anyone to be able to detect. She took her seat near the front, taking out everything and smiling at the temporary professor. She'd heard that Professor Grayveson was out for at least one semester to have a baby. She couldn't imagine that. She hid her wince and looked to their new Professor instead. She smiled to the woman, and kept notes of the lesson.

Trying the charm out was simple enough. Or at least, she wanted it to be. But much to her frustration, it took her almost all of the lesson before she was able to force her wand to work. But finally, she got the spell. With a triumphant smile, she fixed her hair and took a few deep breaths. Pleased with her work, she gathered her things and walked out once most of the others had left- she didn't want to get stuck too deeply into the crowd of leaving students.
Magne had done his best throughout the longer break to not just slip back into only speaking Greek. He needed to not lose the English he had picked up. It had worked marginally well, in that he certainly felt less out of his depth than he had upon first arriving. Things weren’t perfect in his understanding, but he certainly felt less of a barrier between him and the other students. He did no longer have Valerius, but he was sure he could figure this out regardless, he would manage - he would have to. The ravenclaw was getting himself together, not forgetting the helpful dictionaries which he needed less, but was sure he’d come up against new terms that he did not understand. The ravenclaw left the dorm and went to class.

Magne walked into the charms classroom and glanced to the professor, figuring from the woman there, that Professor Corrins had had her baby. He hoped that was the case and not that the woman had left. He sat down in the room and looked towards her. Nodding along as the professor gave them more information about who she was. They were getting started immediately, which he was perfectly happy with. He wanted to learn new spells. He repeated the incantation after the professor very purposefully. Then they were given dirty plates and allowed to start it. He took his wand and imagined it getting clean. Then he waved his wand as he was supposed to and said. ”Scourgify,” he had to say it a few times and get the professor to repeat it for him, but he did eventually get it. He took a copy of the list and then headed out the door.
Ambrose was keen to be at school and get back into the swing of things. Spending the break at home had been a strong reminder of how much more fun he had now that he got to spend the biggest part of his time at Hogwarts. Things were easier over here. Calmer. In some ways he was a little less free than he was at home but the little voice inside his head kept telling him that was a good thing. Structure was good for him. For his peace of mind.

Taking his seat in the charms classroom Ambrose couldn't help but notice they had a new professor, impressed when she mentioned she had been a professional quidditch player. Now that was cool. He repeated the incantation to the cleaning charm when they were told to and made sure to do it correctly so he could remember it well. When a bunch of dirty dishes appeared in front of him he scrunched his nose before getting out his wand. There was only one way to get rid of them. Well, technically there were multiple but he didn't think he'd be allowed to do anything else than to practice the cleaning charm. He spend the remainder of the lesson focussing on cleaning the plates, his spell working a little better each time he cast it and eventually left the room feeling like he had gotten the hang of it.
Cyrus was a little surprised to see a new professor in the Charms classroom. She introduced herself as Professor Potter, then went on to talk a bit about herself. He was impressed to learn she had played Quiddditch professionally, though it also reminded him of his own failure to make the Ravenclaw team which was a little annoying. Thankfully, the professor moved on to the spell they would learn today. They had to repeat after her, though Cyrus was already a bit familiar with the spell. He hadn't tried it himself, but he had seen it used. Cyrus wrinkled his nose a bit at the dirty dish in front of him, but practiced the spell on it until he managed it perfectly. They got a list with all the spells they'd cover this semseter, which was good because he could then read up on them. Then Cyrus left the classroom, pleased about his progress today.

Cyrus Thorne
Second year Ravenclaw

A cleaning charm would be good for many situations. Like if you spill ink over something and you use it to remove the ink. Though I wonder if you spilled it over something you've written if it would remove all the ink, including the written words? It would also be good for spills and messes with food or mud.

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