Charms First Years; Lesson One

Lyra was looking forward to teaching her very first lesson during her temporary tenure as the charms professor for the lower years. Today, she would be seeing the first years in Hufflepuff and Gryffindor which included her eldest children. She had spent some time organizing her new classroom to prepare it for the day. Lyra’s lesson plans were arranged neatly on the desk itself, and she sat on the edge of the desk, waiting for the students to arrive.

The former Gryffindor rose from her desk as the students filed in, smiling kindly as the last of them settled in their seats. The brunette woman clapped her hands to get their attention. "Good morning!" she said brightly. "My name is Professor Lyra Potter, and I am going to be your professor this semester." she flicked her wand at the board so that it would write out everything she said. She wondered if any of them would make the connection between her last name and her family members.

Lyra stood up and began to circulate the room as she talked. “I was born in London, but I was raised here in New Zealand. My father was British, and my mother was American. I attended Hogwarts New Zealand as a Gryffindor. I played professional quidditch for the Thundelarra Thunderers for four years, but I retired to have a family.” Lyra said as an introduction to herself. Lyra had grown up in the public eye due to her family connections. “Now, let's get to know each other. Shall we? Would you please start us off by telling us your name, house, and something about yourself, and something about your wand?” Lyra suggested to the student sitting closest to her. The brunette smiled kindly at each student as they took turns introducing themselves. “Thank you,” Lyra said with a warm smile at her class.

She moved back to the front of the room, and clapped her hands lightly. “Very good! Your wand is a part of you, an extension of your power and yourself. It’s important that you know about it, that you understand it’s properties and the power it can wield.”

Lyra continued to circulate the classroom. “A Charm is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or creature. Charms are distinguished from transfigurations in that a charm adds or changes properties of an object; it focuses on altering what the object does as opposed to what the object is.” She explained. “I would like each of you to read the assigned chapter over the week between lessons. I will of course do a brief overview of the relevant chapter at the beginning of each lesson, but it will be much easier for you to take the time to study and understand on your own rather than trying to cram it into a single lesson.”

"We will be learning spells, beginning next week with Lumos; the charm to cast a light from your wand, all the way up to your seventh year where you will progress onto casting your very own Patronus."
She continued, pulling out her wand and casting a Patronus as she finished speaking, letting the chesnut mare canter through the air for a few moments before letting it dissipate. “Of course, the more advanced magic will be taught by Professor Haden, to all of you that wish to continue your classes with him.”

Professor Potter stopped in the middle of the room, smiling fondly at all the children. “That’s all the time we have for today. Remember to do your reading, I’ve made you all a list of what chapters we’ll be covering this semester. Stop by my desk on your way out to collect your copy, and of course, ask any questions you might have. Personal or academic." She brought her hands together. “Next week we’ll be going over the spell Lumos, and be sure not to forget your wands.” She spoke with a kind voice, and with a flick of her wrist the door opened again and she moved to sit at her desk, passing out the assigned reading and homework list with a smile as the children came to collect their papers before leaving.

Roleplay lesson for full marks
Introduce yourself for extra credit
Additional credit for answering the question

Reading List:

Wingardium Leviosa
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This Professor's name was familiar to Tori and she couldn't stop thinking about it from the moment she'd seen it appear on her schedule. She took a seat towards the front of the class because she wanted to look at this woman. This was her first Charms lesson, and though she preferred to stay out of sight of authority figures, she was genuinely curious about what they would learn. The professor introduced herself soon after the lesson began and talked a bit about her background. Honestly Tori was super impressed, what a life! She had a really impressive history. She was sure Uncle Lani had gone to school with this lady and they were on the same team for Quidditch at some point too, right? Was this the Lyra her dad once told her about? Had to be right? A Professor at Hogwarts? She was going to have to write her dad as soon as she got out of this class! As soon as it was her turn to speak, Tori stood up and smiled, though it was masking a little bit of the anxiety that came when having to talk in front of people. "I'm Victoria Felicia Urie de Lacey, I'm a Gryffindor, like you!" She thought about a fact she could tell her, but in the moment immediately forgot everything about herself and defaulted to her family. "My older brother is in Ravenclaw and he's my only brother and uhm, my wand is made of hazel and is apparently sometimes temperamental." Like you, her dad had said when she'd told him.

As Professor Potter explained the importance of wands and the nature of charms, Tori listened attentively, taking notes in her terribly disorganised notebook. She was particularly interested in the distinction between charms and transfiguration, though she knew she would probably forget about it the moment she stepped out of the classroom. When the class finished up, Tori lingered near her desk, waiting for the crowd of students to thin out. She collected the things she needed and headed over to the professor. "I think you knew my dad. Do you mind if I ask you some time?"

Once she left the classroom, she went to find Veronica. She'd heard about the try-outs - she thought maybe she could use someone to vent to.
Jonah was probably looking forward to Charms more than any other class he had this semester (Flying doesn't count because as far as Jonah's concerned that was a free class). After all, he was a wizard with his own wand! And he hadn't even been able to use it until now! It was a tavern! An insult to his wizarding blood! This was at least a class that his cousin did not need to force him to go to, and for the most part, they were actually dragging each other to hurry up. When they got to the classroom, Jonah quickly took a seat. It didn't take long for the class to start.

The introductions were a bit interesting but they weren't enough to hold Jonah's attention for very long that he'd resorted to figuring out how to twirl his wand between his fingers. Which is how it took him a bit to notice that it was his turn. He was quite startled when he realized.
"Oh! I'm Jonah," he said with a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of his head. "I'm a Hufflepuff right now," his nose scrunched at the reminder before his cousin hit his arm. "Right, uhm... What's next? Oh. Something about me. I can use a sword? Sort of? And my wand. Well, this is my wand," he said showing it to the professor, a confused expression on his face. He didn't know what she wanted him to say exactly. He was pretty sure that the person at the wand shop told him about what his wand was made of but he kind of forgot now. "You have to respect him I think," he said unsurely. Was that it? That was it right? Thankfully the next person had started talking before he could say anything more. He was quite disappointed though when it was revealed that they were not doing magic that day. Jonah hoped they would in the next class. He took the reading list from the professor and looked at it rather skeptically. "What if I don't understand the book? I'm not very good with reading." It was a very good concern especially since he was scared to ask Eli for help these days.
Rose noted that Eury and Jonah were sitting together in this lesson. She was a little bit jealous that he was doing so well in Hufflepuff now after the fiasco of the entrance hall and her first meeting with the Gryffindor Head of House, she wasn't upset that he seemed to be feeling better about it, she was just upset that she seemed to still not be really getting along with her dorm mates. For the most part, they seemed to ignore her. Esme was nice, and she seemed to make it a point to talk to her when there was a moment to do so, but Tori kind of tended to hold the conversation of the other girls, and though Rose didn't get the feeling she was being specifically excluded, it was hard to think anything else when they all just seemed to have conversations in her presence but didn't go out of their way to give her an in. Maybe it wasn't on purpose (it was probably not on purpose) but she couldn't really control the way it made her feel, it was just something she was going to have to live with, she expected.

She sat towards the back of the room, not wanting to disturb anyone as the lesson began. Sometimes she wondered what it might have been like if she had been in Hufflepuff with Jonah or if he had been placed in Gryffindor with her. She was excited to be in her mother's house, but still, this seemed more lonely that she wanted it to be and she couldn't go and talk to her dad. She'd headed there the other day only to see Eli walking out the door. She knew then that Eli had got to him first, forever cutting off her access. They triplets had always gone to different people. Eli to do, and she had always gone to mum. Jonah she was pretty sure spent too much time with Corey. "Hajimemashite, I'm Rose," she said softly, her voice barely carrying up from the back of the room where she stood almost rigid, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. "Gryffindor, I... like... flying and my wand is... uhm, cherry wood from Japan." She didn't hang around for too long after, running out of the classroom so fast the Professor might have been forgiven for forgetting she'd even been there in the first place.
Eurydice was excited to finally have a practical class this semester. While some would argue that Herbology was also a practical class, Eurydice would argue that it involved soil and dirt and no way. They were going to be having this class with Gryffindors which would be perfect because she wouldn't have to keep an eye on Jonah after class since she could just throw him at Rose's way so she could deal with her brother for a few hours because Eury had plans for after class that did not include babysitting a Hufflepuff flight risk.

She listened intently to Professor Potter discussing how they should introduce themselves while idly wondering if she was related to the Potter in history books. Or if that were that many Potters in the world. Her musings were cut off when introductions around the classroom had begun to happen, but her cousin had failed to notice. He was so distracted that she'd had to hit him a couple of times just to keep him on track.
"I'm Eurydice Riko Nightray from Hufflepuff. Something about myself? Hmm," she didn't actually think that far on what she wanted to share with the class. "Oh I know. I'm related to both of them," she said pointing out both Rose and Jonah. "And my wand has an Augurey feather so pretty much related to death and divination," she said with a shrug. Eurydice was sorely disappointed that they did not get to do any wandwork for this class and that they'd have to wait for next week. Deciding that it probably didn't matter, she approached the professor's table to grab the reading list. She already knew her question, so she decided to sort of whisper it. "Are you related to the Potters or are there a lot of Potters?"

Before class ended, Eurydice grabbed Jonah and called for her other cousin. "Hey Ro! Here! You can have him back! Make sure he stays out of trouble!" she said, pushing Jonah towards his sister before running off. She had another Gryffindor to catch.
Daiki felt like all was right in the world again. He had his best friend back, he was at school and he was going to learn magic. He was eager for it, eager to have her at his side, eager to just learn easily. It would fine, magic wouldn’t be too difficult for him and he would have a good time. Daiki was ready for the day, he hadn’t checked his bag, just assumed he had what he needed and then headed out of the dorm room and to find Kairi to see if they would have the same classes so they could sit together.

Daiki walked into the charms classroom and took a spot in the room. He kept the spot next to him open so that Kairi could sit with him. He glanced at the professor as the woman got started, introducing herself to them, and then after she had, then allowing them to do the same, one by one. With a few extra details. ”Hi, my name is Daiki Saito, hufflepuff. I’m always happy to help, so if you need anything. And my wand is hippogriff feather core and The Hippogriff Feather makes it stable and versatile,” he said and then he sat back down. The professor then continued the lesson, once all had gone. He nodded as the professor spoke over what charms was, asking a question and then the professor was wrapping things up. Daiki packed up his things and then headed out of the room.
Arthur walked into the charms classroom. He had no idea what charms was, even less so than the other classes. He took a seat in the room, and glanced towards the professor. Professor Potter. that was some alteration. Arthur listened as the professor spoke but then they were needing to introduce themselves. At his turn there was a moment of silence, and then another before all in one breath, Arthur said. "ArthurGryffindorJokeandLarchDurable," he stopped speaking the moment he could, his hands shook nervously, he was sweating badly but he'd managed it. The professor told them more about what they would do and he looked over the spell list with a lot of confusion. God, this school. It had to all be a joke.
Kairi was feeling a lot more confident with her prospects at the school now. Somehow, she just felt like everything would be alright if Daiki was around. She was feeling a lot more comfortable now that she wasn't going to be alone here, with something of a little bit of a support system. She hummed, getting her things together before walking down to the common room. It seemed like Daiki had already left, so instead she walked down to class.

She spotted him quickly, and with a bright smile she walked up and sat with her best friend. She turned to the Professor, smiling at them and pulling out her things to take notes. She swallowed a little nervously as they were supposed to introduce themselves. She took a small breath. "My name is Kairi Kennedy," She offered with a shy smile. "I'm a Hufflepuff, and my wand is, um," She had to think a brief moment. "It was... Pine wood, with a vampire core?" She offered, thinking she'd messed it up somehow. But the class went on, and she leant a little into Daiki, his warmth keeping her on track. Before she knew it they'd been dismissed. Blinking, she gathered up her things and hurried after Daiki, humming softly and thinking over what they'd learnt.
William knew what was waiting for him when he arrived at his first charms lesson. His mother, who stood at the front of the classroom waiting he and the other first years entered. William didn’t make eye contact with her as he found his seat but she was unavoidable once he was sat down and facing the front. He smiled and waved awkwardly but thankfully for him, once she began the lesson she couldn’t focus all that much on him or Kiera.

His mother introduced herself quickly for the benefit of the class and then asked for each of them to do the same before she went any further. It was felt strange to do so, she knew everything about him, she raised him after all. William stood up when it was his turn and focused solely on his mother. “Seems a little silly but I guess for everyone elses sake, my name is William Potter-Cade, I’m in Gryffindor, my wand is made of Yew and does you being my mother count as a fact about myself?”

William listened as his mother went on to talk about the importance of their wands and the meaning of charms and how it differed from Transfiguration. He made a note of which chapters he would need to read and the list of spells on the board that they would be learning over the next few weeks. When the lesson was over William packed up the notes he had made and left the classroom.

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