Characters Who Need things

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello all!

So, I would like some plots. I've got a lot going on, but there are some characters that need more. I'm only listing students and the students who need it most are listed first. But if there are folks of mine you want to RP with or have plots for, then just ask me and we can work something out.

Most important:

Emmanuel Okoye

He's a second year ravenclaw. he has some good friends, but could really use some more. He loves history, has an unofficial history club. he's friendly and nice, but can be quite reserved too. He's not into sports really (like he'll watch them but not play) He's looking for friends primarily. Could do with some short term romances. He's a second year so he's not ready for anything serious. Enemies could be fun too. Emmanuel doesn't know what he likes so either boys or girls for short term romances.
Aurora Archer

She's a third year gryffindor. Aurora has a good amount of people around her, she and and her sister are attached at the hip but they have been growing up, and doing different things. She could do with some more friends outside of her sister. She could use more, she could also use maybe a crush or something (she's crushing a bit on Isaiah thompson) but something her own age would be good. She could also use like enemy or someone she could compete with.
Aurora thinks boys are cute and girls are pretty. She'd probably more go for boys at this point.
Rosie Archer

She's also a third year gryffindor. Rosie is a very kind hearted person who will cry when she stands on a flower. Her best friend (outside of her sister) has left the school for a year so she'll be moping a bit. She could use more friends, maybe a couple of people who would make fun of her for being nice. She wouldn't be interested in dating, she's finding people cute but she's not going to date. She is very often found in the gardens and has recently picked up photography as a hobby.
Seamus Reid

Seamus is fourth year slytherin. Seamus is a bit closed off, he has a friend or two but doesn't have too much. He doesn't care too much about rules - really likes the forest. He isn't too friendly, he tries to be, but will just ignore things. he's pretty determined, will jump into things without thinking, He's currently sort of seeing Elizabella Drake, but he's not sure of himself. He could use more friends, he's very competitive so he could also use some people to go up against.
Seamus likes girls, so if any romance plots it needs to just be girls.
Gregory Friend

Gregory is a first year, soon to be sorted. he's a muggle born (though he was adopted). He was raised on an Island off the south Isaland of New Zealand. He's generally a pretty nice person, he likes making friends (he calls himself a Friend shaped person). He's not the smartest and is very clumsy. he currently has issues with another student, Cassius, and he's likely to have an on going terrible time with him. He's a little insecure and is easily led to believe things. He could use friends, if you've got a character who wants to pick on someone, there's gregory.
Savannah Walters

Savannah is also a first year, also soon to be sorted. She's from a mixed blood family. her family are kinda useless, they had very little money and she is very aware that her robes, her clothes in general and the fact all her stuff is second hand. Savannah is also firecely independent. She is very incapable of accept or asking for help. She's also pretty terrible at making decisions but will die on that hill regardless. Even if she's proven wrong. She's not very good at making friends but could use some. She could also use probably frenemies.

Second Importance:
Leonardo Orr

Leonardo is a fourth year hufflepuff. He's about to have a pretty rough couple of years. he's a very formal Hufflepuff, who has been raised by his grandfather. Leonardo is extremely serious, he follows rules to a dault and really struggles to smile. He has a good amount of people around him, but could use more. He could also use some possible future romance, Leo will take a will to warm up to someone. It'll be a slow burn.
Pearl Parra

Pearl is a second year slytherin. She is a compulsive liar, there is sarcely a truth that comes out of her mouth. She just can't help herself from lying. She is friendly enough, but in the sense that she's always doing some bit and acting in some specific manner. She likes annoying people and has zero loyalty. She could do with some friends but they would struggle, so really any fun interactions would be cool
Valeria Iglesias

Valeria is a fifth year ravenclaw. She transferred in during her third year. She is a very flirt and feminine girl. She is currently being rocked by her parents divorce and her father has left her and her mum. He offered for her to come but her life is in NZ. Valeria could use more friends. If its a boy she will flirt with them probably. She could do with more kissing. She could also use more romance plots in general, more people to flirt with and kiss.
Eugene Nestor

Eugene is a fifth year Hufflepuff. He is very busy, between the arts club, accio and his band. He is a very happy person, who enjoys it. he worries a lot nowadays about whether he's actually a really bad friend, because due to him having a lot to do, he does often forget about his friends or forget to hang out with them. Eugene doesn't need a whole lot, but I'm always up for more threads with him. I'd happily have conversations about romance, but Eugene is very busy and so isn't really in a position to bother about love etc.
Liusaidh Fergusson

Liusaidh is finally in her last year of school. She is ready to finish up her schooling. She's her usual self, but probably keen to cause a bit of drama, so any and all plots for that are welcome.
Branson Archer

Bran is a sixth year, he loves books and reading. He plays quidditch. he has a girlfriend and is pretty settled, but could use friends, anyone who wants a mentor, Branson is happy to help out.

So if you have anything for any of the above let me know. If we start something, and I don't reply in two weeks give me a nudge, I'm very forgetful.
Hello! I am a bit slow atm with college work that I should be doing so I know I've been a bit lax on threads we have but I am totally down for plots!

Obviously I've got Aine to hang out with Emmanuel in the history club, can also throw my HoM prof at you there as well. I really also need to RP Michael but my muse keeps getting totally stuck with him, oops. Can also offer Aine as a bit of a friendly rivalry for Aurora in terms of grades and stuff or she could try and console Rosie and utterly fail at doing so and probably make her feel worse unintentionally :r

For your firsties I've got Dahlia who might be a bit unintentionally snobbish towards Savannah? Maybe frenemies? She wouldn't go out of her way to be rude she could just be a bit judgy. She also had a poor runin with Cassius so would firmly be allies with Gregory solely on that basis.

And I've got Renata who totally has a crush on Eugene but shh. She could also just generally be friends with Leonardo over time because classmates and teammates and she's a bit of a desperate people pleaser.

Anyway that's just a couple of things but please feel free to PM me or hit me up on discord if you want to plot or chat too!
Hello emzies
I don’t hane many students at the moment.
but I am up for smy with anyone you think she would work with. Obviously a friend for Leo and probably hanging out with eugine a bit more as she is taking control of cac. But she can be friends with anyone else you want. we could also discuss a potential relationship between them. Either a very weird love triangle with eugine and renata (can totally see sky developing a crush on both of them. She already has on on renata) or her being a conflicted wingwoman.
i also hane elvera who can help out anyone who needs help or has a worrying divination reading.
Another suggestion for the archer twins is their “aunt” rhi. They definatly know each other and are probably somewhat close as far as aunts and uncles go. She could be the kind of person they write letters to. And would definitely enjoy talking to Rosie about photography
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Hello hello, I come bearing plots!

Ethan x Emmanuel: These two have interacted a little bit and are probably pretty neutral about each other. But Ethan tends to be a little overconfident with the things he thinks he knows and might start an argument or two insisting some historical conspiracy he half remembers is actually true.

Margo x Rosie: I don't think these two have interacted before but they are both shy gentle girls who would probably be pretty good friends. She also likes to spend time in the garden if they wanted to bump into each other there?

Felix x Leo: Would love for these two to get a bit closer and have maybe a bit more of a serious moment. Felix usually tries to make light of serious situations but if Leonardo is really going through something he might not appreciate it and could cause some tension.

Leah x Gregory: Leah is ready to make everyone her friend, especially someone named friend lol. She would gladly lend him a helping hand if he gets lost or confused. She's also not be afraid to throw hands to defend him if the moment came. But would love to throw them together and see how they get on.

Leah x Savannah: Leah comes from a very well off family and probably has more robes than she knows what to do with. She can also a be a bit overbearing and overly friendly, so I can see her maybe offering her some of her robes or something like that. I don't know if Savannah would appreciate the gesture or be offended, which could be fun.

Ethan x Pearl: So he is low key terrified of her after their disaster at the dance, which could be very fun to play with. I don't have any specific idea but is she wants to torment him again, he is around.

Also if you have any other ideas, let me know!!


Archer twins/Soren

Maybe a fling with Maisie and Seamus? Like a one thread thing.







You know where to find me ;) This is my list we can go over details
Hey Emzies!

I don't have a lot to offer but

Emmanual x Sabrina: Sab is really, really shy so for her it would be extremely hard to get to know someone but they have a common interest for history which could be the common ground for them!

Gregory x Akira: Akira is an extremely girly girl that likes to gossip and needs friends. So they could be friends? She's friendly and not the smartest as well

Valeria x Tim: if Val needs someone who literally would be ready to do anything for her, Tim is her guy. He's ready to do everything if he likes a girl, and some like a small romance sort of thing would be nice too?
Emzies! Hiiii!! Feel free to decline anything I offer your way hehe!

Always down for some threads between Eugene and Nolan! I don't think we've done much between these two, but that's okay, I'm sure they've hung out a couple of times behind the scenes around Eugene's busy schedule hehe

I'd like to offer Abby to Rosie! I would love for Abby to have some friends!

For your first year, Gregory, I'd like to offer Conan - Conan is quite adventurous and a bit quiet but once you start talking to you, he'll warm up to ya and will talk a little more. He's also always up for mischief and adventures and loves the big outdoors.

And I am also always up for some threads between Emmanuel and Josh! And always happy to offer Xiuying to Valeria whenever!
I have a couple of things maybe!

Jingyi x Rosie - hello I have the identical twin brother of her best friend who has left for a year and is ALSO very mopey about it. They could bond over it. Or just sit there moping about it together. Either works.

Flynn x Liusaidh - it's been a while since these two have gotten up to anything and now they're in their last year I think they could cause just a bit of havoc together. A nice goodbye note to the school or the like.

Mischa x Pearl - Honestly these two make me laugh because they just sit there lying to each other the whole time and I would love for them to interact more. I think they could maybe be 'friends', or just close enough to get along through all their obvious bull.
Hello! I am a bit slow atm with college work that I should be doing so I know I've been a bit lax on threads we have but I am totally down for plots!

Obviously I've got Aine to hang out with Emmanuel in the history club, can also throw my HoM prof at you there as well. I really also need to RP Michael but my muse keeps getting totally stuck with him, oops. Can also offer Aine as a bit of a friendly rivalry for Aurora in terms of grades and stuff or she could try and console Rosie and utterly fail at doing so and probably make her feel worse unintentionally :r
I would love for Aine and Emmanuel to hang out together again, perhaps we could do something like them meeting up to discuss the strategy to try and get more people to join?
Emmanuel could also go to your HOM prof to ask her to promote their club?

For Aine, would be happy to do either or. I think it could be quite fun to have Aurora and her compete over grades but also to have someone fail to make Rosie feel better would be pretty funny. We could do the Aine and Rosie thread now and revisit Aine and Aurora as the semester's like half way?

I'm happy to start one of them if you want to do the other?

For your firsties I've got Dahlia who might be a bit unintentionally snobbish towards Savannah? Maybe frenemies? She wouldn't go out of her way to be rude she could just be a bit judgy. She also had a poor runin with Cassius so would firmly be allies with Gregory solely on that basis.

Yesssss for Dahlia and Savannah, I think it could be super fun, because I think it'll probably go terribly if Dahlia is snobbish, since Savannah forms opinions and then is like that's my opinion for life. She's the embodiment of this:

As for Dahlia and Gregory i like that. Cassius may make Gregory's life miserable so it would be good to have an ally in it. We have a thread going for them, so probably no need to start anything new until the areas close.

As for Dahlia and Savannah would you happy to start this, or would you like me to (i'm happy to start it)

And I've got Renata who totally has a crush on Eugene but shh. She could also just generally be friends with Leonardo over time because classmates and teammates and she's a bit of a desperate people pleaser.

Anyway that's just a couple of things but please feel free to PM me or hit me up on discord if you want to plot or chat too!

Renata and Eugene are always good fun, Eugene really likes Renata, so I'm always content for them to hang out again. I dunno if you wanna do a thread in the break? Where either or goes to the other person's work?

Renata and Leo would be fun too, maybe they do some quidditch together? Leo's going to be very focused on that in the first semester.

I'm happy to start one if you wanna start the other?
Hello emzies
I don’t hane many students at the moment.
but I am up for smy with anyone you think she would work with. Obviously a friend for Leo and probably hanging out with eugine a bit more as she is taking control of cac. But she can be friends with anyone else you want. we could also discuss a potential relationship between them. Either a very weird love triangle with eugine and renata (can totally see sky developing a crush on both of them. She already has on on renata) or her being a conflicted wingwoman.
i also hane elvera who can help out anyone who needs help or has a worrying divination reading.
Another suggestion for the archer twins is their “aunt” rhi. They definatly know each other and are probably somewhat close as far as aunts and uncles go. She could be the kind of person they write letters to. And would definitely enjoy talking to Rosie about photography
I think it would be really fun for Eugene and Sky to hang out! We should definitely do something, maybe we can have them hang out in the arts room discussing what they'll do in the new semester? Would you want to start this or shall I?

Always happy for more Leo and Sky too. I'll also hit you up on discord about Elvera, cause I do have an idea there.

As for the twins and Aunt Rhi, i would love that. aurora adores fiona so I imagine she's around a lot. Aurora also wants to be a healer just like Ty and Rhi, but could be nice to have both twins get along with their 'aunt'
Hello hello, I come bearing plots!

Ethan x Emmanuel: These two have interacted a little bit and are probably pretty neutral about each other. But Ethan tends to be a little overconfident with the things he thinks he knows and might start an argument or two insisting some historical conspiracy he half remembers is actually true.

Margo x Rosie: I don't think these two have interacted before but they are both shy gentle girls who would probably be pretty good friends. She also likes to spend time in the garden if they wanted to bump into each other there?

Felix x Leo: Would love for these two to get a bit closer and have maybe a bit more of a serious moment. Felix usually tries to make light of serious situations but if Leonardo is really going through something he might not appreciate it and could cause some tension.

Leah x Gregory: Leah is ready to make everyone her friend, especially someone named friend lol. She would gladly lend him a helping hand if he gets lost or confused. She's also not be afraid to throw hands to defend him if the moment came. But would love to throw them together and see how they get on.

Leah x Savannah: Leah comes from a very well off family and probably has more robes than she knows what to do with. She can also a be a bit overbearing and overly friendly, so I can see her maybe offering her some of her robes or something like that. I don't know if Savannah would appreciate the gesture or be offended, which could be fun.

Ethan x Pearl: So he is low key terrified of her after their disaster at the dance, which could be very fun to play with. I don't have any specific idea but is she wants to torment him again, he is around.

Also if you have any other ideas, let me know!!

Okay, so all of these sound really good. I think it would be really fun for Ethan and emmanuel to argue over stuff. Just because that sort of interaction wouldn't happen too often, and I think it would be fun to RP.

margo and rosie - agreed. Would definitely bump into each other there.

Felix and Leo - i think it would be good, both having a serious moment but also Felix making light of things. But agree it would be nice for them to be closer.

leah and gregory - absolutely! Gregory is gonna be real bad at using a quill so we could do something with that?

leah and Savannah - Savannah would be so offended omg, yes, if you're willing for it to go horribly, then yes let's do it.

Ethan and pearl - It's really hit or miss on how she'll be but I'm happy to through them together and see what happens.

So that's like 6 threads, we could split them, you start three, I start three, but also happy if you wanna do like three threads now and then three threads in a bit?


Archer twins/Soren

Maybe a fling with Maisie and Seamus? Like a one thread thing.







You know where to find me ;) This is my list we can go over details
We're discussing on discord so just acknowledging it here too.
Hey Emzies!

I don't have a lot to offer but

Emmanual x Sabrina: Sab is really, really shy so for her it would be extremely hard to get to know someone but they have a common interest for history which could be the common ground for them!

Gregory x Akira: Akira is an extremely girly girl that likes to gossip and needs friends. So they could be friends? She's friendly and not the smartest as well

Valeria x Tim: if Val needs someone who literally would be ready to do anything for her, Tim is her guy. He's ready to do everything if he likes a girl, and some like a small romance sort of thing would be nice too?
Val and Tim - definitely. She's not gonna be much of a long romance, so any short romance would be ideal.

Emmanuel and Sabrina - would also love. if he finds out she loves history he will try and recruit her to his club so absolutely

Gregory and Akira - Gregory isn't much a gossip but is happy to find friends, so would be keen on this.

I can start the Valeria&Tim one, if you wanna start Emmanuel and Sabrina? And we can just do whoever gets to it first for Gregory and Akira?
Emzies! Hiiii!! Feel free to decline anything I offer your way hehe!

Always down for some threads between Eugene and Nolan! I don't think we've done much between these two, but that's okay, I'm sure they've hung out a couple of times behind the scenes around Eugene's busy schedule hehe

I'd like to offer Abby to Rosie! I would love for Abby to have some friends!

For your first year, Gregory, I'd like to offer Conan - Conan is quite adventurous and a bit quiet but once you start talking to you, he'll warm up to ya and will talk a little more. He's also always up for mischief and adventures and loves the big outdoors.

And I am also always up for some threads between Emmanuel and Josh! And always happy to offer Xiuying to Valeria whenever!
Always happy to do more of Eugene and Nolan, we could have them hang out in the dorm and maybe Eugene notices that Nolan hasn't been playing as often?

Abby and Rosie would be sweet friends.

Conan and Gregory - I think they could be good friends. Gregory would be the type to get pulled into mischief rather than be the one starting it.

Always up for the others too. We've got a thread for Emmanuel and Josh, and could start one for Val and Xiuying a little into the semester?

Which ones would you want to start? I'm happy to split them up however you want
I have a couple of things maybe!

Jingyi x Rosie - hello I have the identical twin brother of her best friend who has left for a year and is ALSO very mopey about it. They could bond over it. Or just sit there moping about it together. Either works.

Flynn x Liusaidh - it's been a while since these two have gotten up to anything and now they're in their last year I think they could cause just a bit of havoc together. A nice goodbye note to the school or the like.

Mischa x Pearl - Honestly these two make me laugh because they just sit there lying to each other the whole time and I would love for them to interact more. I think they could maybe be 'friends', or just close enough to get along through all their obvious bull.
Jingyi and Rosie moping about together would be really fun. I'd be very interested in them having a mope.

Flynn and Liusaidh - Yes. I'd be really keen to plot something out, so I'll PM you.

Mischa and Pearl - hard agree. would be very happy to do something there.

If you start one, I can start the other?
Okay, so all of these sound really good. I think it would be really fun for Ethan and emmanuel to argue over stuff. Just because that sort of interaction wouldn't happen too often, and I think it would be fun to RP.

margo and rosie - agreed. Would definitely bump into each other there.

Felix and Leo - i think it would be good, both having a serious moment but also Felix making light of things. But agree it would be nice for them to be closer.

leah and gregory - absolutely! Gregory is gonna be real bad at using a quill so we could do something with that?

leah and Savannah - Savannah would be so offended omg, yes, if you're willing for it to go horribly, then yes let's do it.

Ethan and pearl - It's really hit or miss on how she'll be but I'm happy to through them together and see what happens.

So that's like 6 threads, we could split them, you start three, I start three, but also happy if you wanna do like three threads now and then three threads in a bit?
Yay! I am perfectly keen to have Savannah and Leah get off on the wrong foot haha. She can't be friends with everyone no matter how hard she tries.

And yeah I'm happy to split them up! I can start Felix and Leo, Margo and Rosie, and Leah and Savannah, maybe?? I don't mind starting any of them if you had a preference??
Yay! I am perfectly keen to have Savannah and Leah get off on the wrong foot haha. She can't be friends with everyone no matter how hard she tries.

And yeah I'm happy to split them up! I can start Felix and Leo, Margo and Rosie, and Leah and Savannah, maybe?? I don't mind starting any of them if you had a preference??
Yeah, I'm happy to take the others!
I would love for Aine and Emmanuel to hang out together again, perhaps we could do something like them meeting up to discuss the strategy to try and get more people to join?
Emmanuel could also go to your HOM prof to ask her to promote their club?

For Aine, would be happy to do either or. I think it could be quite fun to have Aurora and her compete over grades but also to have someone fail to make Rosie feel better would be pretty funny. We could do the Aine and Rosie thread now and revisit Aine and Aurora as the semester's like half way?

I'm happy to start one of them if you want to do the other?

Yesssss for Dahlia and Savannah, I think it could be super fun, because I think it'll probably go terribly if Dahlia is snobbish, since Savannah forms opinions and then is like that's my opinion for life. She's the embodiment of this:

As for Dahlia and Gregory i like that. Cassius may make Gregory's life miserable so it would be good to have an ally in it. We have a thread going for them, so probably no need to start anything new until the areas close.

As for Dahlia and Savannah would you happy to start this, or would you like me to (i'm happy to start it)

Renata and Eugene are always good fun, Eugene really likes Renata, so I'm always content for them to hang out again. I dunno if you wanna do a thread in the break? Where either or goes to the other person's work?

Renata and Leo would be fun too, maybe they do some quidditch together? Leo's going to be very focused on that in the first semester.

I'm happy to start one if you wanna start the other?
Yess okay so I should not be responding when I am going to be busy all weekend (assignment and going to the city for a gig) buuuut I am totally down to do a History Club thread and an appalling attempt at being a friend thread (and save rivalry until later). I can start the one for Aine and Emmanuel if you wanna start the one for Aine and Rosie? It probably won't be until next week but that's fine they're both school threads so no hurry on either!

I am down for Dahlia and Savannah and to just continue responding to the thread with Gregory for now. If you're happy to start that one you can!

And I was thinking of having Renata buy some tea anyway so that's a good excuse to go to the Inner Eye and I'm happy to start that. Down for Quidditch whenever but I'll start the Inner Eye thread probably this evening as that's got a little more of a time constraint.
I think it would be really fun for Eugene and Sky to hang out! We should definitely do something, maybe we can have them hang out in the arts room discussing what they'll do in the new semester? Would you want to start this or shall I?

Always happy for more Leo and Sky too. I'll also hit you up on discord about Elvera, cause I do have an idea there.

As for the twins and Aunt Rhi, i would love that. aurora adores fiona so I imagine she's around a lot. Aurora also wants to be a healer just like Ty and Rhi, but could be nice to have both twins get along with their 'aunt'
Eugene x sky. Yes we should have them hang out. And I also do have some cac ideas I will discord you about them

Leo x harmony (because he is the only one she lets call her that) I love those two together they are good friends. I am happy to start something though maybe it so best for Leo to wait until after the holiday.
Leo x elvera : sounds good. Happy to help.

twins x rhi
Yes I think rhi loves her nephew and nieces too. I can totally see them babysitting fit in a couple of years. Did you want to do something over the holiday with them?
Always happy to do more of Eugene and Nolan, we could have them hang out in the dorm and maybe Eugene notices that Nolan hasn't been playing as often?

Abby and Rosie would be sweet friends.

Conan and Gregory - I think they could be good friends. Gregory would be the type to get pulled into mischief rather than be the one starting it.

Always up for the others too. We've got a thread for Emmanuel and Josh, and could start one for Val and Xiuying a little into the semester?

Which ones would you want to start? I'm happy to split them up however you want
Yesss I think this sounds all good - I can start Eugene + Nolan and Xiuying + Val (The girls thread a little later into the semester) if you want to start the rest? (No rush to start them either hehe) Unless there was one you preferred to start at all?
Yess okay so I should not be responding when I am going to be busy all weekend (assignment and going to the city for a gig) buuuut I am totally down to do a History Club thread and an appalling attempt at being a friend thread (and save rivalry until later). I can start the one for Aine and Emmanuel if you wanna start the one for Aine and Rosie? It probably won't be until next week but that's fine they're both school threads so no hurry on either!

I am down for Dahlia and Savannah and to just continue responding to the thread with Gregory for now. If you're happy to start that one you can!

And I was thinking of having Renata buy some tea anyway so that's a good excuse to go to the Inner Eye and I'm happy to start that. Down for Quidditch whenever but I'll start the Inner Eye thread probably this evening as that's got a little more of a time constraint.
Happy to start the Aine and Rosie one and the Savannah and Dahlia one!
Eugene x sky. Yes we should have them hang out. And I also do have some cac ideas I will discord you about them

Leo x harmony (because he is the only one she lets call her that) I love those two together they are good friends. I am happy to start something though maybe it so best for Leo to wait until after the holiday.
Leo x elvera : sounds good. Happy to help.

twins x rhi
Yes I think rhi loves her nephew and nieces too. I can totally see them babysitting fit in a couple of years. Did you want to do something over the holiday with them?
EugenexSky - I can start the thread in the cac area for us and hit you up on discord to chat arts club ideas

Leo and Harmony - sounds good, once the semester has officially start I'll start something.

Twins x Rhi - Doing something over the holiday would be good, but we could hold off until next holiday? Just to give ourselves a bit more time?
Yesss I think this sounds all good - I can start Eugene + Nolan and Xiuying + Val (The girls thread a little later into the semester) if you want to start the rest? (No rush to start them either hehe) Unless there was one you preferred to start at all?
Happy to start the abby & Rosie one and the Conan and Gregory one!
Jingyi and Rosie moping about together would be really fun. I'd be very interested in them having a mope.

Flynn and Liusaidh - Yes. I'd be really keen to plot something out, so I'll PM you.

Mischa and Pearl - hard agree. would be very happy to do something there.

If you start one, I can start the other?
Absolutely! I could take the Mischa + Pearl thread unless you had any preferences. I really don't mind!

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